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PAWS Primary Aquatics Water Safety. PAWS It was brought into the IWS Syllabus in 2004 Aquatics is now part of the Primary School P.E. Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "PAWS Primary Aquatics Water Safety. PAWS It was brought into the IWS Syllabus in 2004 Aquatics is now part of the Primary School P.E. Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAWS Primary Aquatics Water Safety

2 PAWS It was brought into the IWS Syllabus in 2004 Aquatics is now part of the Primary School P.E. Curriculum

3 Aquatics is different to other modules as it involves liaison with other qualified personnel. The teacher can be involved by working alongside a qualified swimming teacher / IWS Instructor

4 Aquatics P.E. Curriculum is divided into different strands: Hygiene Water Safety Water Entry and Exits Buoyancy and Propulsion Stroke Development Water-based ball games Understanding and appreciation of aquatics.

5 Aquatics and PAWS PAWS deals with each strand of Aquatics This means that PAWS covers all areas of Aquatics in the Curriculum – making it the one stop shop!

6 Hygiene Hygiene: this aspect is first dealt with in Land PAWS 1. It appears in many different PAWS levels and is examined orally in: –Land PAWS 1 –Land PAWS 2 –PAWS 1 –PAWS 2 –PAWS 3

7 Water Safety Water is a common theme within the PAWS awards. It begins in Land PAWS 1 and follows through until Land PAWS 8. Throughout the PAWS Awards Water Safety is examined; this is done both orally and practically

8 Water Entry and Exits Water Entry is first dealt with in Land PAWS where it features as a part of Water Safety From PAWS 1 pupils must demonstrate water entry and exits using a range of methods; e.g. PAWS 1 – using steps/ladder; PAWS 4 – sitting; PAWS 5 - jumping

9 Buoyancy and Propulsion Throughout the PAWS courses pupils learn to float (buoyancy) They also become familiar with buoyant objects and their purpose Propulsion itself is dealt with from PAWS 3, pupils using a kickboard and propelling themselves forward The pupils propulsion skills are developed throughout PAWS

10 Stroke Development From PAWS 4 pupils are encouraged to swim short distances. Their technique is developed and distance is increased as the courses progress Pupils also learn new strokes as they progress

11 Water-based Ball Games Water-based games feature from PAWS 1, these are important for the class to build up team skills and also for levels of fun; to ensure all pupils are enjoying PAWS Ball Games feature from PAWS 4

12 Understanding and Appreciation of Aquatics From the PAWS Awards pupils learn so much about aquatics and water safety They learn to enjoy and appreciate but respect the water This is a key message in reducing the number of drownings each year and why PAWS is essential to our Primary Schools

13 PAWS The aim of PAWS is to develop IWS ideals; “Every person a swimmer, every swimmer a lifesaver” into reality This will be done by incorporating PAWS into as many Primary Schools as possible.

14 PAWS PAWS introduces aquatics – water safety and swimming to children It is a progressive curriculum – it must be taken in order It is only available to Primary Schools

15 Structure of Paws There are two different types of PAWS: 1.Land PAWS 2.PAWS

16 LAND PAWS Land PAWS, based on Land, and focuses on water safety and land based skills Its aim is to familiarise pupils with Water Safety and develop their rescue skills on land. 3 Awards: Land PAWS 1, 2 and 3 Primary Teachers, IWS Instructors and Examiners can all examine Land PAWS

17 PAWS PAWS aims to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills learned in Land PAWS It is primarily based in the water 7 Awards: PAWS 1 – 8 IWS Instructors and Examiners can examine PAWS

18 Why PAWS? PAWS is an excellent opportunity for pupils. It is a great way to incorporate Aquatics into P.E. classes EVERY pupil receives a certificate when appropriate levels are reached

19 Who can teach PAWS? Swim Ireland and IWS Swim Teachers can teach PAWS (preferably they will have completed the assimilation course) IWS Instructors can teach PAWS Swimming Pools can run PAWS the same way as swimming lessons

20 Who can examine PAWS IWS Instructors and IWS Examiners can both examine PAWS

21 Why we need teachers? PAWS can only be covered when a Primary Teacher (or trainee) is present Only Primary Teachers (or trainees) can become Aquatics Organisers/Assistants PAWS certificates are only available to Primary Teachers

22 How are certificates obtained? Teacher fills out exam returns sheet and forwards to head office Certs sent out to school Teacher fills out certs (details) HQ collects data - statistics

23 Aquatics Organisers/Assistants Only Primary Teachers can qualify as aquatics organisers/assistants Programmes are taught during the Primary Teachers’ In-Service courses during July and August They are also taught in many Teacher Training Colleges

24 Swimming Pools Swimming Pools are another important element of PAWS – they are essential Each facility needs a fully qualified IWS Instuctor or Swim Ireland Swim Teacher A short meeting/course with the staff would be of benefit – to answer any questions they have and to upskill them to be able to instruct the PAWS Awards

25 What happens after PAWS? There is a follow on course from PAWS, it is based in Secondary Schools This secondary programme is called JAWS – Junior Aquatic Water Safety There are 2 awards: JAWS 1 and 2

26 What we want to develop… To get more Schools involved in PAWS To get more Swimming Pools involved in PAWS To qualify more teachers as Aquatics Organisers and Assistants Ultimately to get children involved in IWS from a young age

27 How we hope to develop this To create a teacher pack with resources to ease teachers’ workload To provide teachers with the knowledge enabling them to take a more active part in PAWS Develop online resources for both teachers, pupils and parents to encourage and develop an interest in Water Safety To create a pack for pools with details about PAWS and info to give schools To ensure Pools and their staff are eager to participate and qualified to do so.

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