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Beach Chalets advice and guidance About the chalets: The Councils owns over 140 Chalets which are situated along the promenades at both Sheringham and.

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Presentation on theme: "Beach Chalets advice and guidance About the chalets: The Councils owns over 140 Chalets which are situated along the promenades at both Sheringham and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beach Chalets advice and guidance About the chalets: The Councils owns over 140 Chalets which are situated along the promenades at both Sheringham and Cromer. The chalets are brick built and offer basic shelter. The vary in design depending on when they were built, some have windows, some do not. None of the chalets at Cromer have electricity or water supplied although water is provided at intervals along the promenade. Some of the chalets at Sheringham do have electricity and water supplied for which there is an additional charge. Before accepting the offer of a chalet we strongly recommend you visit the chalet – this can be organised by telephoning Penny Sands on 01263 516067 In conjunction with Keeping safe: Crime in our coastal resorts is reducing but from April onwards there is a pattern of incidents involving damage and anti social behaviour on the beach and promenades involving huts and chalets. Norfolk Police and North Norfolk District council together are trying to reduce the likelihood of such events and both police and council officials make regular patrols of the area and people have been challenged and in some cases prosecuted. However it is a fact that isolated areas remain vulnerable to mindless vandalism and anti social behaviour usually caused by a very small minority. Your licence agreement: Please read your licence agreement and ensure you abide by it. If you need clarification on any points – please ask!

2 General Dos and Donts: Do ensure the inside of your chalet is kept in good decorative order Do not sub-let the chalet Do not use your chalet between the hours of 11.00 pm and 6.00 am Do not leave valuables in your chalet Do not replace the Council locks with your own – access may be required for routine maintenance and emergency repairs. Do help prevent vandalism! Do not leave combustible materials (ie drift wood, refuse) around the chalets Do not leave materials around the chalet that could be used to damage the hut (ie large stones or drift wood) Do report any concerns or incidents of vandalism or storm damage to the Property Services Section as soon as it is discovered. Do be considerate of other promenade and beach users – the promenade is a public right of way and chalet users must not obstruct the walk way at any time. Do have a lovely summer! Reporting damage or on going repairs : If you find that your chalet has been subject to vandalism or has been damaged by the weather please report the incident to Property Services or the Foreshore Officer (during the summer season) as soon as possible. Please ensure your contact details (particularly telephone number) held by the Property Services Team are up to date. If damage/vandalism is noticed and reported by the Foreshore Officers, Police or Public we will inform you of the situation as soon as possible after we are informed. We will make good any damage but you will need to insure any contents and make checks as soon as feasible to identify missing items. Please report any maintenance or repair problems to Property Services. There is an ongoing annual maintenance programme regarding the external painting and decorating. Emergency repairs are normally dealt with within 48 hours, other repairs are scheduled and dealt with as soon as possible. Both the Police and the Foreshore Officers will continue to patrol these areas of course, however this cannot eliminate antisocial behaviour altogether and therefore we ask you to help us reduce the chance for crime by remaining vigilant and letting the Police know as early as possible if you see something suspicious or situations that may need Police attention so that steps can be taken to combat it and also reduce the chances of such incidents in the first place. Water and Alcohol or Drugs do not mix - if you have serious concern for someone’s safety on the beach then ring the emergency services IMMEDIATELY so the right help can be sought before its too late !

3 Contact details: North Norfolk District Council - Property Services Tel: 01263 516067 ( during office hours ) E mail: Further information is available on the NNDC website Foreshore Officers are available to answer on-site queries at both Sheringham and Cromer. Look out for the Foreshore Officer huts on the promenade. (NB: These Officers are part-time/ seasonal) Police In an emergency DIAL 999 and tell us exactly what you have seen and heard! In a non emergency situation dial 0845 4564567 and speak to a call taker for your area E mail us FAQ: Vehicular access – and parking. When using your chalet you must park in designated parking areas and car parks only. Your licence does not give permission to park cars along side or in front of the Chalet. Cromer promenade has pay and display parking available for blue badge holders only. Use of gas powered heating equipment – Many people use gas appliance for heating the chalets or boiling a kettle. This is permissible if used with care and consideration but gas bottles MUST NOT be left in the chalets overnight. BBQs – barbeques are not permitted on the prom but are permitted on some areas of the beaches. Further details are available on the Council’s website. BBQs/Parties involving more than 12 people must be reported to the Council at least 10 days prior to the event. Dogs: Between 1 May and 30 September certain areas of foreshores are covered by byelaws prohibiting dogs or requiring dogs to be kept on leads. Many chalets sites are out of the zoned areas but please check (please request NNDC’s ‘Dogs on Beaches’ leaflet) to ensure compliance. If you wish to take your dog with you when using your chalet, please keep them under control, clear up after them and ensure they cause no nuisance to other beach or chalet users.

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