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Published byLindsay Hall Modified over 9 years ago
B ASIC BIBLE COURSE Facilitated by S.B. Mdlalose Part 2: Lesson 2 & 3 (February 2011) © Buhle Park Church of Christ 2011
L ESSON 2: H OW ALL THINGS BEGAN (G EN 1 & 2) Day1: Created Light, (Gen 1:3-5) Day & Night In the beginning God Created (Gen 1:1): HEAVENS & EARTH In the beginning God Created (Gen 1:1): HEAVENS & EARTH Day 2: Created Sky (Gen 1: 6-8) Day 3: (Gen 1: 9-13) -God separated Water & Land -Created vegetation on Land Day 4: -Created the Sun & Stars - Seasons- Winter, Summer etc (Gen 1: 14-19) Day 5: Created Birds & moving Creatures of the seas, Gen 1:21 Day 6: (Gen 1: 24-31) -Created moving Creatures on Land -Created Men to rule earth On Gen 2, God shows how He created men! Day 7: (Gen 2: 1-3) God rested, Blessed & Sanctified the day NB: At this stage, no instructn from God said that this day should be observed by men !!! Space Sky
L ESSON 2: G OD ’ S P OWER IN CREATION God merely SPOKE and it was so… He created all that we see, on Earth and in the heavens (Space, Sky) i.e. the moon, stars, planets etc (Rom 1: 19-20, Psalms 8:3, Jeremiah 10:11) Things that exist today, did not just happen/exist by themselves as others teach in the world of science, but were created by God in his Wisdom
L ESSON 3: T HREE D ISPENSATION OF G OD ’ S WILL TO MEN C E GOD Ex. 19:16 GOD Ex. 19:16 Patriarch Age Approx 2500 years Patriarch Age Approx 2500 years Mosaic/Jewish Age Approx 1500 years Mosaic/Jewish Age Approx 1500 years Christian Age +2000 years until Christ comes back Christian Age +2000 years until Christ comes back R Pentecost 33 AD Mount Sinai Adam & Eve (Gen 2-5) Noah-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Joseph (Gen 6-50) Moses (Ex. 20) Jesus Christ, Crucified, Matt 27:35 Burial, Matt 27:60 Church Starts Acts 2 Eden Matt 28 A WILL becomes effective after Death (Heb 9: 17) Prophets
P ATRIARCHAL DISPENSATION GOD’s Command varied from one person to another! God Dealt with human beings as Individual/Families Will of God Patriarch ADAM & EVE Do not eat of the tree of Knowledge (Gen 2:17, 3:1-24) Q: who else was commanded? NOAH Build an Ark, because Gen 6:5-6,8,17 Q: who else was commanded to build an ark? ABRAHAM Offer your son Isaac as burnt offering (Gen 22: 1-2) Q: who else was commanded to offer His/Her Son as offering? NOT Just any person !! Why?
J EWISH /M OSAIC D ISPENSATION Abraham’s Faith resulted in God blessing him Blessing “I will make of Thee a Great Nation” Gen 12:1-3 “I will make of Thee a Great Nation” Gen 12:1-3
J EWISH /M OSAIC D ISPENSATION Israel is freed from Egypt by God Through MOSES, and Israel is given the Law /“Covenant” Exodus 20 MOSES, and Israel is given the Law /“Covenant” Exodus 20
J EWISH /M OSAIC D ISPENSATION GOD’s Covenant with Israel or Law of Moses (Exodus 20:2-Acts 2) GOD’s Covenant with Israel or Law of Moses (Exodus 20:2-Acts 2) Was unknown to Patriarchs (Deut 5:3) This Law was binding ONLY Israel & God (Deut 5:4) This Law was binding ONLY Israel & God (Deut 5:4) This Law was NOT binding to Gentiles/ other nations (Rom 2:14) This Law was NOT binding to Gentiles/ other nations (Rom 2:14) God dealt with a NATION, rather than individuals The LAW applied to all people of Israel God dealt with a NATION, rather than individuals The LAW applied to all people of Israel
C HRISTIAN D ISPENSATION Due to Israel’s failure to keep the covenant and the exclusion of Gentiles (Jer 31:31-34, Eph 2:11-12) Due to Israel’s failure to keep the covenant and the exclusion of Gentiles (Jer 31:31-34, Eph 2:11-12) God promised a new covenant of “Reconciliation” Through PROPHETS! After several centuries, JESUS CHRIST established it as prophesied How? After several centuries, JESUS CHRIST established it as prophesied How?
C HRISTIAN D ISPENSATION Jesus Christ was born under the law of Moses (Gal 4:4) To FULFIL the law of Moses! (Mat 5:17, Gal 4:5) Which said…Jer 31:31-34 & all other prophesies About Christ To FULFIL the law of Moses! (Mat 5:17, Gal 4:5) Which said…Jer 31:31-34 & all other prophesies About Christ His Purpose The law of Moses could NOT pass UNTIL ALL IS FULFILLED (Mat 5: 18) The law of Moses could NOT pass UNTIL ALL IS FULFILLED (Mat 5: 18) WHY? Hebrew 9: 15-17 Jesus FINISHED the work he came to do (John 17:4) Jesus FINISHED the work he came to do (John 17:4) Finally by Dying on the Cross (Mat 27:35) Dying on the Cross (Mat 27:35) Thus Nailing the law of Moses passing it (Col 2: 14) Nailing the law of Moses passing it (Col 2: 14) New Law/Covenant could not exist before old law passing! (Heb 10: 9) New Law/Covenant could not exist before old law passing! (Heb 10: 9) WHY?
C HRISTIAN D ISPENSATION The New Covenant of Christ became effective after his Death Beginning on Pentecost in Jerusalem, 33AD (Acts 1 & 2) ISRAEL was reconciled with GOD, Acts 2: 36-47 GENTILES/ Other NATIONS, were reunited with GOD (Eph 2: 11-13) Thus GOD dealt with the WHOLE WORLD, (Mark 16:15-16)…until end of time (Mat 28:20)
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