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Researching the Environmental Geology of Your Home Geology 1007 Environmental Geology.

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Presentation on theme: "Researching the Environmental Geology of Your Home Geology 1007 Environmental Geology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Researching the Environmental Geology of Your Home Geology 1007 Environmental Geology

2 Your Report Overall Spelling, Grammar & Structure –follow IVCC’s guidelines –have someone qualified review the final draft Be sure to include all of the information listed in the course outline Grade yourself with the page included in the course outline Cite your references Use maps & photos to illustrate your key points Show me you were out looking around

3 Topics Introduction & Background Natural Resources Natural Hazards Human-Induced Hazards Planning Conclusions

4 Introduction & Background What to include –location & description of study area include a copy of the topographic map longitude & latitude OR tier, range, section geology (surficial materials & bedrock) past & present land use (farming, residential, commercial, industrial) topography: flat, hilly, etc. (include your profile) –overview of findings summary of KEY findings pick out the most interesting and important –resources –hazards –planning information

5 Introduction & Background Sources of information –topographic map (include a copy!) –geologic maps (you should have turned in this information already) –local residents –library local history room –YOU (look around!)

6 Natural Resources What to include –What was, is, and could be mined, such as: sand & gravel coal silica sand (industrial/glass sand) limestone for –cement & quick lime –aggregate (crushed stone) –lime (fertilizer) –Water (where does your water comes from?) –Soil (how is this used in your area?) note: Everyone should discuss soil & water resources, the rest depends on where you live

7 Natural Resources Sources of information –internet sources –local residents –local mine owners/operators (call them) –library local history room –YOU again!

8 Natural Resources How to include it –You should have a paragraph describing each resource in your area location use (past, present, future) –Include a map or maps showing where these resources are located –Be sure to cite your references

9 Natural Hazards What to include –natural earth hazards that impact your area radon gas, earthquakes, steep slopes, flooding, soil erosion, shoreline erosion (rivers & lakes) –how the hazards are (or are not) being dealt with by you & your family by the community note: everyone should include radon gas, earthquakes, slopes, and flooding

10 Natural Hazards Sources of information –internet sources –local government officials city hall/courthouse fire chief –US Department of Agriculture, Soil & Water Conservation District Office the county office will have the flood maps for your county –local residents (again) –YOU (yet again)

11 Natural Hazards How to include it –You should have a paragraph describing each hazard in your area location use (past, present, future) –Include a map or maps showing where these hazards are located –Be sure to cite your references

12 Human-Induced Hazards What to include –human-induced hazards that impact your area (past and present) any place that handles (or handled in the past) hazardous substances: industrial sites, gas stations, leaking underground storage tank (LUST) sites, dry cleaners, sewage treatment plants, mines, etc. how the hazards are (or are not) being dealt with by the business and the community & government –a description of where the waste water and trash from your house go –undermined areas (where applicable) note: everyone should include the nearest LUST or gas station, USEPA listed site, and waste water and trash info

13 Human-Induced Hazards Sources of information –internet: USEPA Enviromapper, IEPA LUST list, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps –fire chief –local residents –YOU

14 Human-Induced Hazards How to include it –You should have a paragraph describing each hazard in your area location use (past, present, future) –Include a map or maps showing where these hazards are located hint: use the web resources to generate maps! –Be sure to cite your references

15 Planning What to include –a discussion of the plans (if any) for your area businesses resource use residentail use farming –who is responsible for making the plans –what YOU think the plans should be based on what you learned in class including your personal ideas

16 Planning Sources of information –county or city government –local residents & businesses How to include it –at least one paragraph describing future plans (official & unofficial) –cite you references –at least one paragraph describing what you think should be done –be sure to address the resources and hazards you discussed earlier

17 Conclusions Summarize the key points Highlight the hazards, resources and plans that you think are the most important Refer back to the information you already included (there should be no new information here)

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