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Presentation on theme: " EMEA Audit & Accounting Technical Committee Audit and Accounting Forum London October 30, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMEA Audit & Accounting Technical Committee Audit and Accounting Forum London October 30, 2013

2 The committee (8 members) Nicky Warburton (UK, chair) Christel de Blander (Belgium) Christophe Bruant (France) Kleopatra Kalogerop (Greece) Oksana Kovtun (Ukraine) Susanne Lücking (Germany) Eddy Vaassen (Netherlands) Patrick Zahno (Switzerland)

3 Meetings 2013 9-1face-to-faceLondon (6 attended) 21-3conference call(4 attended) 24-6face-to-faceAthens (cancelled) 12-9face-to-faceUtrecht (5 attended)

4 Discussed Purposes and objectives of the committee in conjunction with the business development team Identify locally prepared technical guidance to be shared within the committee BT audit methodology best practices, including the use of IT and/or the IT auditor in the audit

5 Future Knowledge sharing in the broadest sense Discuss technical issues Identify best practices Prepare comments on exposure drafts Contribute to the BTI training needs by feeding into the BTI training coordinator Meet face-to-face 4 times a year

6 Topics for the next 12 months Independence and ethics IT in the audit Methodology consistencies and differences

7 Next meeting Paris 9-1-2014 To be discussed: Ethics and Independence issues arising from local regulatory inspection visits Differences in independence and ethical requirements locally to IFAC How ethics and independence is dealt with in the audit approach in each member firm How each member firm ensures that they comply with BTI procedures On 10-1-2014 Nicky Warburton will give a presentation to the committee members (open to other partners and staffs who wish to attend) on the key differences that are likely to exist between local audit methodologies and the BT methodology along with a demonstration of aud-IT

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