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5/17/2015 12:47 AM1 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective GIS- Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective D.B.Suresh Babu Secretary,

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Presentation on theme: "5/17/2015 12:47 AM1 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective GIS- Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective D.B.Suresh Babu Secretary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 5/17/2015 12:47 AM1 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective GIS- Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective D.B.Suresh Babu Secretary, DBS Institute of Technology, Kavali, A.P. Dr.V. Madhava Rao,Prof I.V.Muralikrishna, T.Phanindra Kumar, A.Ramgopal Raju

2 5/17/2015 12:47 AM2 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Introduction The Earth where we live is mysterious substance Human activities like deforestation, rapid urbanisation etc. increasing the imbalances in the eco-system The result is frequent occurrence of Disasters History left enormous witnesses of such unfatefull incidents affected the humanity in terms of lives and property

3 5/17/2015 12:47 AM3 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Disasters- An over view Disaster are unpredictable extreme spatial events in the natural or man-made environment Of course disasters might not be foreseen but can be dealt such a way that, the impact can be reduced to great extent by :  Implementing the strategic planning with the aid of large volume data resources  Made easy analysis tools developed by the advancement in the software technology

4 5/17/2015 12:47 AM4 GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Disaster management

5 5/17/2015 12:47 AM5 Disaster management Any typical disaster management activity will have broadly six phases in its cycle:  prediction  mitigation  emergency management & Rescue  prevention  disaster recovery and rehabilitation  preparedness GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

6 5/17/2015 12:47 AM6 Challenges in Rural Areas Accessibility will be poor Unawareness due to low Literacy Large scope for miscommunication due to Local Language Higher Resistance for Mobilization GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Information Sources are very less

7 5/17/2015 12:47 AM7 Why GIS?? Spatial and non-spatial database handling capabilities Provides real time visualisation of the area of interest. Network and neighborhood analysis capabilities Terrain analysis capabilities if required. GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Real Time modeling using Dynamic Data sources – Like GPS

8 5/17/2015 12:47 AM 8 An Integrated GIS &GPS Approach Spatial Technology can play a vital role in all Phases of Disaster Management GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective Tool for better Prediction using lot of Real time Models Mentoring mechanism for implementation of Disaster Management Strategies Better tool for Decision Making suitable for Changing Scenarios Cross check tool for implementation of rehabilitation activities Effective tool to quickly asses the damages

9 5/17/2015 12:47 AM 9 An Integrated GIS &GPS Approach Provides Data (both Spatial & Non-Spatial) on one platform leading for better and quicker decision Making GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

10 5/17/2015 12:47 AM10 Connectivity Information between the source & Destination of the Resources on Dynamic mode. An Integrated GIS &GPS Approach contd.… All the resources can be Tracked/monitored and reallocated from a centralized system using GPS & Mobile mapping Latest Technologies like LiDAR will help in quick collection of Data GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

11 5/17/2015 12:47 AM11 Requirements of Rescue Management System: Locating the site accurately with in the least permissible time Reduce the critical time element involved in the activities Accurate data about the resources available at place of interest Accessibility information between the source and destination Correct means of alarming the resources Real time visualisation of the area of interest GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

12 5/17/2015 12:47 AM12 The core of the proposed system architecture built up with two different database: 1. Spatial Data contains road net work with inter connectivity details state capitals and District head quarters major and minor towns revenue and administrative boundaries water bodies Terrain data Location of Critical Resources GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

13 5/17/2015 12:47 AM13 2. Non-Spatial Data contains Details of each spatial element Finer details of the Resources available at each major location includes Nature of the resource Quantity available Contact information to alarming the resource Response time GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

14 5/17/2015 12:47 AM14 The major resources required for rescue includes Medical facilities Fire facilities Police authorities Revenue and Administrative authorities Trained rescue teams like Special Police, BSF, CISF etc. Voluntary organisations GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

15 5/17/2015 12:47 AM15 Non-Spatial database is updated with user friendly GUI based interface to ensure frequent updating. GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

16 5/17/2015 12:47 AM16 The advantages of proposed GIS approach Locating the site of accident becomes very simpler and accurate The accessibility can be analysed more realistically GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

17 5/17/2015 12:47 AM17 The advantages of proposed GIS approach contd.… Finding out the required resources becomes simple, speedy and accurate Finding out optimum routes between different resource locations to accident site Helpful in topographic and demographic analysis to improve the effectiveness in planning and implementation activities Provides buffer analysis to facilitate effective dynamic planning Very easy means to add and update the records of the database Improved operational efficiency as spatial and Non-spatial data on individual database. GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

18 5/17/2015 12:47 AM18 Conclusions: The integrated GIS & GPS technology can be used for effective management of Disaster preparedness Large scope of improvement in efficiency of the rescue planning and implementation activities by effective utilisation of the advantages provided by the GIS spatial database. GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

19 5/17/2015 12:47 AM19 Question and Answers GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

20 5/17/2015 12:47 AM20 Thank you One and ALL GIS – Tool for Disaster management – A rural perspective

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