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Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Oct Nov Dec 2008 Adult Bible Study Guide.

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1 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Oct Nov Dec 2008 Adult Bible Study Guide Oct Nov Dec 2008

2 Dear User … This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, adjust font size, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. PLEASE USE AS IS.

3 Angel Manuel Rodriguez Principal Contributor Angel Manuel Rodriguez Principal Contributor

4 Atonement and the Cross of Christ Contents 1. God’s Nature: The Basis of Atonement 2. Cosmic Crisis: The Disruption of God’s Established Order 3. The Fall Into Sin 4. Atonement and the Divine Initiative 5. Atonement Announced 6. Atonement in Symbols: Part 1 7. Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 8. Born of a Woman—Atonement and Incarnation 9. Metaphors of Salvation 10. Atonement at the Cross 11. Benefits of Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice 12. United to Christ 13. Atonement and Universal Harmony 1. God’s Nature: The Basis of Atonement 2. Cosmic Crisis: The Disruption of God’s Established Order 3. The Fall Into Sin 4. Atonement and the Divine Initiative 5. Atonement Announced 6. Atonement in Symbols: Part 1 7. Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 8. Born of a Woman—Atonement and Incarnation 9. Metaphors of Salvation 10. Atonement at the Cross 11. Benefits of Christ’s Atoning Sacrifice 12. United to Christ 13. Atonement and Universal Harmony

5 Atonement and the Cross of Christ Our Goal {181} As you study the meaning of Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice, be moved toward a greater commitment to the One who suffered so much for you, so that whether you live or die, you can do so in peace.

6 Atonement and the Cross of Christ Lesson 7, November 15 Atonement and the Cross of Christ Lesson 7, November 15

7 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 Key Text Psalm 132:7 NIV “ ‘Let us go to his [God’s] dwelling place: let us worship at his footstool.’ ”

8 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 Initial Words {261} The Israelite sanctuary was cleansed once a year from the sin and impurities of Israel, which were transferred there through the daily sacrifices. The yearly ritual symbolically represented the time when God, from His heavenly dwelling place, would bring an end to the problem of sin and restore the whole universe to its original harmony.

9 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 Quick Look 1. Sanctuary and Atonement (Exodus 29:42, 43) 2. Priestly Work and Atonement (Numbers 18:1-8) 3. Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-34)

10 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 1. Sanctuary and Atonement Exodus 29:42, 43 NKJV “ ‘This shall be a continual burnt offering … at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the LORD…. And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by My glory.’ ”

11 1. Sanctuary and Atonement Sanctuary Role {262} The Israelite sacrificial system was operated within the sanctuary, the earthly dwelling of God. Within the unique space God dealt with the problem of sin. He commanded the Israelites to build an altar in the courtyard, and it was upon this altar that the sacrificial blood was placed in order to make atonement for the people.

12 1. Sanctuary and Atonement Sanctuary Role {262} Blood, as a tangible expression of life, belonged to God, and it was to be returned to Him there, on the altar. The altar was a symbol of God’s presence and by accepting the sacrifice, God was assuming responsibility for the sin of the person.

13 1. Sanctuary and Atonement Symbol of Christ’s Work {262} The heavenly sanctuary is the dwelling place of God within the cosmos and the place from which He rules as King of the universe; it’s also the place in which the sin problem is being resolved. The cross was the altar on which the sacrifice was offered for us.

14 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 2. Priestly Work and Atonement Numbers 18:1-8 NKJV “Then the Lord said to Aaron: ‘You and your sons and your father’s house … with your brethren of the tribe of Levi …. shall attend to … all the needs of the tabernacle…. I Myself have also given you charge of My heave offerings, all the holy gifts of the children of Israel … as a portion to you….’ ”

15 2. Priestly Work and Atonement Daily Services’ Mediatorial Work {264} 1. In charge of the altar of burnt offering. a. Kept the sacred fire burning. b. Removed the ashes. c. Brought new wood. d. Placed a burnt offering morning and evening.

16 2. Priestly Work and Atonement Daily Services’ Mediatorial Work {264} 2. The High Priest went into the Holy Place. a. Dressed the lampstand. b. Burned incense before the Lord. 3. Whenever an Israelite brought a sacrifice, the priest sacrificed it on his/her behalf.

17 2. Priestly Work and Atonement The Role’s Main Purposes {264} 1. Suggested that despite the distance between God and humans, there is a way to close the gap. 2. Revealed God’s desire to be with His people. 3. Gave the Israelites access to the Holy One of Israel and the opportunity to be cleansed from sin and impurity.

18 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 3. Day of Atonement Leviticus 16:29-34 NKJV “ ‘In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month … he shall make an atonement for the Holy Sanctuary, … to make atonement for the children of Israel, for all their sins, once a year.’ ”

19 3. Day of Atonement Its Meaning {266} The Day of Atonement ritual illustrated the final resolution of the sin problem, the consummation of the salvation as experienced through the daily services. During this day the tabernacle was restored to its original pristine cleanliness and holiness.

20 3. Day of Atonement Its Meaning {266} On that day, there was a fragment of space that, like the Garden of Eden, was free from the presence of sin and impurity. This “return” to Eden, celebrated at the end of the year, provided a fresh beginning for the people of Israel. It pointed to a new beginning of cosmic proportions.

21 3. Day of Atonement Its Meaning {266} It was a corporate act, dealing with Israel as a whole. This was God’s final disposition of the sin problem in Israel for that year and it prefigured the final disposition of sin at the end of time. Each individual had a role to play in giving self over to the Lord completely. Those who did not were to be “cut off from his people.”

22 3. Day of Atonement The Scapegoat {268} The “scapegoat” (Heb, azazel) is not a means of atonement but a vehicle through which sin and impurity are carried to the wilderness. 1. The transfer of sin and impurity to this animal takes place after the high priest finished the work of atonement in the sanctuary.

23 The Scapegoat Not a Means of Atonement {268} 2. The goat is not offered as a sacrifice; it is not slaughtered, and therefore no blood is available for atonement. 3. It did not “carry/bear” the sins of the people vicariously, as in the sense of a substitute, like Jesus.

24 The Scapegoat Not a Means of Atonement {268} The context shows that the verb means “to carry” to another place. The scapegoat ritual is an elimination rite. Through this ritual God was instilling hope in His people by pointing to a future on which, through the power of Christ, a new creation will come to existence, one free from death and pain, free from the power of sin.

25 Atonement in Symbols: Part 2 Final Words {270} Atonement was the totality of the cleansing action of God for Israel all year, including the sacrificial act, the mediation of the priest, and the final disposal of sin and impurity during the Day of Atonement. Thus was typified as the all-inclusive nature of the work of atonement that Christ is doing for us.

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