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MASH Where are we now?.

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Presentation on theme: "MASH Where are we now?."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASH Where are we now?

2 SALFORD’S MASH IS: A multi-agency safeguarding hub and is the single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children and young people in Salford. It brings together expert professionals from services that have contact with children, young people and families, making the best possible use of their combined knowledge and information to keep children safe from harm A confidential and unique environment providing professionals with far more information than has been revealed previously. This is to ensure no vital information is missed and speedy decisions can be made when safeguarding a child or young person

3 THE SOCIAL WORK TEAM Service Manager – Debbie MacQueen
Practice Manager – Elaine Healey Advanced Practitioner – Stacey Brewer Four level three Social Workers – Yasmin Davidson James Charlton Laura Jones Sonia Bagguley Admin Support Team

4 The Vehicle Police – PPIU, DV, GULF Children’s Social Care
Early Intervention and Prevention Team Environment and Community Safety Housing Probation (weekly) Health (weekly) YOS (weekly) Housing Benefits

5 WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW Enquiries come into the MASH and are received from professionals, voluntary agencies or from the public (telephone/fax/worried about a child) A contact is created if deemed appropriate onto care first and then `screened’ by one of Social Workers. At this stage the contact could be a No Further Action and a referral sent to EIPT for support services to become involved. Or a CAF recommended if not already in place. If the contact is to progress to referral record then Information gathered during screening will be from Children’s Services records (history), police, probation, drugs and alcohol team, school, health services etc

6 Social workers have 24 hours to screen a contact and make the appropriate decision/recommendation of action. This needs authorising by AP or Manager. If a contact is to be progressed to a referral record then a further 24 hours is allowed before progressing to initial assessment/strategy meeting by the RIAT Team to establish risk/need/further intervention/support. Immediate risk/injury/allegation of sexual abuse will be flagged as urgent and dealt with immediately

7 What’s working well Multi-agency approach (including MARAC, Missing from Home and Partnership (GULF) meetings Insight into roles and responsibilities ie. broader context Understanding thresholds i.e face to face discussion and exploration Approachability i.e. more about good will Speedy decisions, risks can be assessed in good time

8 Challenges Shared aim and vision
Increased workload – suggestion for different streams of activity. Risk is unmanageability. Thresholds and quality of referrals

9 What’s Next Adult and Child Mental Health
Probation and Health full time Drug and Alcohol Services Education Welfare Services SIDASS and PROTECT Single IT system 3 x weekly MARAC meetings Junior MARAC New Screening Role x 2

10 Participation When to refer
What information to gather – presenting issue, positives, not a repeat of previous referrals/issues/ When/how to inform parents – a detailed description of their response when informed Professional opinion / use the threshold model What to say to the child How to complete the referral form Earlier the better When to contact MASH Details of all people living in the household Up to date information for parents –address/phone number etc

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