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Published byBarnard Reeves Modified over 9 years ago
NummSquared a new well-founded, functional foundation for formal methods Samuel Howse October 10, 2006 Copyright © 2006 Samuel Howse. All rights reserved.
Formal methods Logic and mathematics applied to computer science Prove that implementation is “correct” –Compliant with specification Incorrect specification – a separate issue –Well-behaved Terminates, i.e. does not run forever Memory safety – easier to solve with automatic memory management
Some programming paradigms Typical operating system – programmer view: –File system –Interprocess communication –Global state – indeterminate, insecure Imperative paradigm –Side-effects – memory can change unexpectedly Functional paradigm –No side-effects No global state + functional paradigm –More secure –Easier starting point for formal methods
Some problems in formal methods Assuming no global state + functional paradigm, ≥ 2 remaining problems: 1.Specification Express specification precisely (math) Express implementation behavior (math) Prove imp. satisfies spec. (logic) 2.Termination – does a program run forever? Turing: general answer cannot be computed Prove special cases (math + logic)
1. Specification Integrated approach is 1 language for: –Specification –Implementation –Proof 1 language must be: –A mathematical foundation –A programming language –A logic A typical programming language is too complex to be a mathematical foundation or a logic.
2. Termination Does it matter? Just hit Ctrl-C (or Ctrl- Alt-Del and End Process). Non-termination is closely related to (but does not always imply) inconsistency, i.e. exists a proposition P such that P and not(P) both provable. Inconsistency is a critical bug in a logic.
Untyped lambda calculus Everything is a function. Everything can be used as an argument. Non-termination: –Let f(x) = x(x). –f(f) → f(f) → f(f) → …
Russell’s paradox Russell’s paradox: [Seldin] –In naïve set theory: Let R be the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. Is R in R? –In untyped lambda calculus plus negation –Let R(x) = not(x(x)). –R(R) = not(R(R)). –R(R) is neither true nor false – inconsistency. Can avert paradox by a somehow non- classical logic (e.g. Andrews, Gilmore’s NaDSyL, Grue’s map theory).
Type theory Types can ensure termination and avoid paradoxes. But more complex – 2 fundamental concepts: –Type –Function Compile-time type checking is computable. –Benefit – catch some bugs early and automatically –Cost – additional constraints on programmer my research addresses by using runtime coercion instead of compile-time type checking Coq proof assistant –nice mix of computation and proof checking –practical tools, including extraction to OCaml –highly developed
Set theory Everything is a set. Well-founded set theory –Membership (ε) is well-founded, i.e. no infinite descending ε chains. –A set is formed “after” its elements. Some well-founded set theories: –Zermelo Fraenkel (ZF) –von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel (NBG) Usually no reduction (computation)
Well-founded functions Everything is a function. Well-founded –A function is formed “after” elements of its domain and range. [Jones] –Membership in field of function a well-founded relation Few foundations of this kind, and not popular von Neumann in 1925 –Others changed functions to sets – became NBG Jones’s Pure Functions in 1998 von Neumann and Jones – do not define reduction (computation) or proof
NummSquared Everything a function, no types, no side-effects, no global state, well-founded Reduction (computation) and proof Sound: the proposition of a valid proof is true Termination ensured without proofs by programmer Proofs as desired, but not required Classical logic Follows set theory as much as possible Simple variable-free syntax Reflection –NummSquared is its own macro language. –NummSquared is used to manipulate NummSquared proofs.
NummSquared coercion for domain membership When calling a function, how to ensure that the argument belongs to the function’s domain? NummSquared coercion: if it isn’t so, then make it so! Type conversion generalized to higher-order (function with function argument) Coerce a function to domain/codomain by applying pre-coercion/post-coercion. NummSquared coercion somewhat related to Howe’s restriction of untyped lambda terms. –Howe does not ensure termination.
Semantics: small function extensions p = left(p) p = right(p) zero one pair p p = null null zero = null null one = null one = zero zero leaf null null (base case) null = null rule f f x dom(f) small (no larger than a ZFC set) … null simple
Semantics: domain extensions For a rule f, dom(f) is not, in general, amenable to coercion. So dom(f) represented by domain extension (tag): –Same information as a type in type theory –Different purpose – not compile-time type checking, but runtime coercion –Domain extensions never appear directly in NummSquared programs, but are available as small function extensions. Domain extension: –Constant: Null, Nuro (Null or Zero), Leaf, Tree –Combination: dependent sum A – dom(A) contains null and certain pairs dependent product A – dom(A) contains null and certain rules
Semantics: coercion For a valid domain extension A and a tagged small function extension f, coercion to A of f, denoted by coer(A, f), is in dom(A). If A is a dependent sum, and f is a pair, coerce left(f) first, then right(f). If A is a dependent product, and f is a rule, add pre-coercion and post-coercion to f: –A contains domain extension family F. –coer(A, f) is the rule r where dom(r) = dom(F) and r = coer(F, f )
Semantics: result See NummSquared Formally for: –The precise recursive definition of coercion –Justification of that recursive definition by a well-founded relation Use coercion to define tagged small function extensions over all tagged small function extensions For tagged small function extensions f and x, f(x) = f Coercion and result are computable.
Semantics: large function extensions Abstract over all tagged small function extensions f such that, for each tagged small function extension x, f(x) is a tagged small function extension A large function extension is also a proposition extension: –f is true iff, for each tagged small function extension x, f(x) = one
NsGo NummSquared interpreter Work in progress Mostly automatically extracted from a Coq program –Enhanced reliability F# and C#.NET assembly –Automatic memory management for free Complete: integrated Coq with MSBuild (Visual Studio build system)
NsGo components NummSquared program (string) Parser (ANTLR) NummSquared abstract program (Coq) NummSquared normalized abstract program (Coq) Normalization (Coq) NummSquared normalized program (string) Printer Parser (ANTLR)
The Future Continue work on the NsGo, the NummSquared interpreter Equality for rules: –Currently extensional: Functions equal when domains and results equal Equates different algorithms Not computable –Future: Gilmore’s intensional equality and HiLog equality distinguish functions by name. Gilmore’s “use” vs. “mention” distinction. Lambda syntactic sugar Reduction under lambdas Efficient reduction algorithms for coercion
References NummSquared 2006a0 Done Formally – –Click on NummSquared 2006a0. My thesis, NummSquared 2006a0 Explained – Other references are in the bibliography of NummSquared Formally. These slides –
Supplementary material
Domain membership When calling a function, how to ensure that the argument belongs to the function’s domain? Unrestricted domain – untyped lambda calculus Type constraints on programmer Set theory: higher-order domain membership not computable – need proofs by programmer NummSquared: coercion
NummSquared coercion summary Coercion to a valid domain extension of a tagged small function extension: –Ensures termination –Avoids paradoxes –Untyped –Supports computation
Semantics: small function extensions Well-founded to ensure termination and avoid paradoxes Defined inductively Rule f with: –dom(f) a small subset of small function extensions Small means no larger than a ZF set. –for x in dom(f), f is a small function extension Leaf: null, zero, one –null means absence of relevant information – does not mean 0, false, undefined or non-termination Pair p such that left(p) and right(p) are small function extensions A tree is a small function extension recursively containing only leaves and pairs.
NummSquared syntax Variable-free Large functions –Constants –Combinations Proofs –Axioms –Inferences Reflection –Quoting and unquoting large functions –Quoting and unquoting proofs –The quoted representation is a tree. –Quoting is easy because NummSquared is variable-free. See NummSquared Formally for details.
Small function extensions in Coq Leaves and pairs are easy. Rules are somewhat similar to Benjamin Werner’s “Sets in Types”. Inductive Func_Sm_Ext : Type := | Func_Sm_Ext_null : Func_Sm_Ext | Func_Sm_Ext_zero : Func_Sm_Ext | Func_Sm_Ext_one : Func_Sm_Ext | Func_Sm_Ext_pair : Func_Sm_Ext -> Func_Sm_Ext -> Func_Sm_Ext | Func_Sm_Ext_rule : forall(A : Type), (A -> Func_Sm_Ext) ->domain: must be 1-1 (A -> Func_Sm_Ext) ->result Func_Sm_Ext. Define appropriate equality on small function extensions
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