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Human Rights/Ethics and Security Research Tom Sorell University of Birmingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Rights/Ethics and Security Research Tom Sorell University of Birmingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Rights/Ethics and Security Research Tom Sorell University of Birmingham

2 Human Rights Limit the powers of states in relation to individuals – Coercion; detention; intrusion Limit the discretion of states in identifying threats (threat to life vs way of life) Limit the discretion of states in adopting means to prevent/counter threats – Threshold for declaring and maintaining emergency – Use of security technology

3 Detection Technology Any technology that helps to identify terrorists, on-going or imminent terrorist activity, or their weapons CCTV Metal and explosive scanners Tapping and Bugging devices Internet monitoring equipment Data-mining using profiling algorithms

4 Human Rights risks of detection technologies Tapping and bugging devices, internet monitoring: – Rights to privacy – Free association – Freedom of religion – Freedom of expression Data-mining and profiling – discrimination

5 Ethics vs HRs Wider than H-Rs (lying) Deeper: explains why violations of rights and other things are wrong Questions HR doctrines of indissolubility and interdependence of rights Questions content of rights formulations Combination of HRs and ethics desirable

6 Ethics and Detection Technologies What kind of violation of privacy? Detection in public places Zones of privacy: body vs home Ethics answers the question why privacy matters Ethics addresses the question whether privacy matters as much as the prevention of injury

7 Ethics plus HRs Sample questions: what is an emergency? Is privacy a fundamental right? When is it permissible to let numbers count How much inconvenience is justified by a low risk of a serious attack How far is the right to life in tension or not with the right to privacy

8 Incorporating Ethics and HRs Specialized ethics and H-R research Expert consultants on technology projects Interactions between tech and ethics/HR projects Empirical security ethics The need for ethics and HR advice over the life- time of projects The possible conflict between public opinion and ethics

9 Incorporating Ethics and HRs The need for clarity Public opinion and actual uses, powers of detection technologies The possible conflict between public opinion and ethics/HRs Citizen jury methodologies

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