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Welcome to Organizational Change. 2 Four factors that involved in Organizational Change and development : 1. Force for and Resistance to Organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Organizational Change. 2 Four factors that involved in Organizational Change and development : 1. Force for and Resistance to Organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Organizational Change

2 2 Four factors that involved in Organizational Change and development : 1. Force for and Resistance to Organizational Change 2. Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change in Organization 3. Managing Change : Action research 4. Organizational Development

3 3 2-Force for and Resistance to Organizational Change Organizational change is the movement of an organization away from the present and towards future desire in order to increase its effectiveness. The environment constantly changing and the organization must be adapt to this forces in order to survive Force for change Four environment force are influent on the organizational Competitive force Economic and Political force Demographic and Social force Ethical force

4 4 Competitive force: Organization are constantly striving to achieve a competitive advantage a-Organization must adopt the latest technology as its become available. b- Innovation and obtain technological advantage c- Responsive to Customers

5 5 Economic and Political force : a- Economic and Political unions between countries are becoming an increasingly importance force for change b-No Organization can afford to ignore the face of global economic and political force on its activates c- Manager who work abroad adjust to variety of national culture and understand the economic, political and cultural value f the countries in which they are located.

6 6 Demographic and Social force a- workforce is the biggest challenges confronting organization in 2000 b –Increasing diversity of employees have presented organizations with many challenge and opportunity c-Increasingly demographic led manager to alert managing style ( supervise, motivate minority and woman )

7 7 Ethical force a- increasing government, political and social security b- Managers and employee at all level report unethical behavior so that they can move quick c- Pay attention to human Rights or well-being of employee

8 8 Organizational Level Resistance to Change 1-Power and Conflict 2-Differences in Functional Orientation 3-Machanistic Structure 4- Organizational Culture

9 9 Level of Resistance to change Group Norm Group Cohesiveness Group thinking and escalation of commitment

10 10 Individual Resistance to change Uncertainty and Insecurity Selective Perception and Retention Habit

11 11 Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change in Organization Evolutionary Change is gradual, incremental and narrowly focused Revolutionary Change that is rapid, dramatic, and broadly focused

12 12 Evolutionary Change Socio Technical Systems Theory Total quality Management

13 13 Evolutionary Change I Socio Technical Systems Theory : Is the first theory that proposed the important of changing role and task or technical relationships to increase organizational effectiveness The ideas about how organizations should choose specific kinds of control system that match the technical nature of the work process.

14 14 Evolutionary Change II Total quality Management Quality circle groups of employment how meet regularly to discuss the way work is performed in order to find new ways to increase performance An ongoing and constraint effort by all of an organization’s functions to find new ways to improve the quality of the organization’s goods and service

15 15 Revolutionary Change There are three main point of revolution change : Reengineering Restructuring Innovation

16 16 Reengineering Fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business process to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, temporary measures of performance such as cost,quality, service and speed Restructuring Rapid deterioration in performance may try to turn thing around by restructuring,eliminating divisions, departments,or levels in the company to performance manufacturing, customers service an others functional activities.

17 17 Innovation Innovation does bring about change, is also associated with high level of risk because the outcome of research and development activities are often uncertain Is the one of the most difficult instruments of change to mange, in fact

18 18 Managing Change Action Research: Is a strategy for generating and acquiring knowledge that managers can used to define an organization’s desire future state and to plan a change program that allows the organization to reach the state. In Levin's view,implementing change is a three step process 1- unfreezing the organization from its present state 2-Make the desired type of change 3- Refreeze the organization in a new desire state

19 19 Managing Change The step in Action Research 1- Diagnosing the organization 2-Determining the desired future state 3-Implementing the action 4-Evaluate the action 5-Institutionalizing action research

20 20 Implementing the action First managers need o identify possible impediments to change that they will encounter as they go about making changes Second is deciding who will be responsible for actually making the change and controlling the change process 1-external change agents 2-internal change agents Third is deciding which specific change strategy will most effectively unfreeze, change and refreeze the organization 1-Top-down change 2-Bottom-up change

21 21 external change agents: an outside consultant who is an expert in managing change internal change agents: a manager from within an organization who is knowledgeable about the situation to be changed Top-down change: change that is implemented by managers at a high level in the organization Bottom-up change : that is implemented by employees at low levels in the organization and gradually rises until it is felt throughout the organization

22 22 Organizational Development Is a series of techniques and methods that managers can use in their action research program to increase the adaptability of their organization : OD Technique to deal with resistance to change OD Techniques to promote change

23 23 OD Technique to deal with resistance to change Resistance to change occurs at all the levels of an organization : Education and Communication Participation and Empowerment Facilitation Bargaining and Negotiation Manipulation Coercion

24 24 OD Techniques to promote change Are designed to make change and to refreeze the organization in it new state : Counseling, Sensitivity training, and process of counseling Team building and Inter group training Total organizational Interventions

25 25 Counseling, Sensitivity training, and process of counseling Sensitivity training: an OD technique that consists of intense counseling in which group members, aided by a facilitators, learn how others perceive them and may learn how to deal more sensitively with others process of counseling : OD technique in which a facilitator work closely with a managers on the job to help the manger improve his or her interaction with other group members

26 26 Team building and Inter group training There are three difference kinds of OD T Team building : OD technique in which a facilitator first observes the interactions of group members and then helps them become aware of ways to improve their work interaction Inter Group Training : an OD technique that used teambuilding to improve the work interaction of difference functions or division. Organizational mirroring: an OD technique in which a facilitators help to independent groups explore their perceptions and relation in order to improve their work interaction.

27 27 Total organizational Interventions A variety of OD techniques can be used at the organization level to promote organization –wide change is the organizational confrontation meeting Organizational confrontation meeting: OD technique that brings together all of managers of an organization to confront the issue of whether the organization is effectively meeting its goals.


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