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Reconstruction by Convex Optimization under Low Rank and Cardinality

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction by Convex Optimization under Low Rank and Cardinality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction by Convex Optimization under Low Rank and Cardinality
Jon Dattorro

2 prototypical cardinality problem
Perspectives: Combinatorial Geometric

3 Euclidean bodies Permutation Polyhedron
n! permutation matrices are vertices in (n-1)2 dimensions. permutaton matrices are minimum cardinality doubly stochastic matrices. Hyperplane

4 Geometrical perspective
Compressed Sensing 1-norm ball: 2n vertices, 2n facets Candes/Donoho (2004)

5 Candes demo
%Emmanuel Candes, California Institute of Technology, June , IMA Summerschool. clear all, close all n = 512; % Size of signal m = 64; % Number of samples (undersample by a factor 8) k = 0:n-1; t = 0:n-1; F = exp(-i*2*pi*k'*t/n)/sqrt(n); % Fourier matrix freq = randsample(n,m); A = [real(F(freq,:)); imag(F(freq,:))]; % Incomplete Fourier matrix S = 28; support = randsample(n,S); x0 = zeros(n,1); x0(support) = randn(S,1); b = A*x0; % Solve l1 using CVX cvx_quiet(true); cvx_begin variable x(n); minimize(norm(x,1)); A*x == b; cvx_end norm(x - x0)/norm(x0) figure, plot(1:n,x0,'b*',1:n,x,'ro'), legend('original','decoded')

6 Candes demo

7 k-sparse sampling theorem
Donoho/Tanner (2005)

8 two geometrical interpretations

9 motivation to study cones
convex cones generalize orthogonal subspaces Projection on K determinable from projection on -K* and vice versa. (Moreau) Dual cone:

10 application - LP presolver
Delete rows and columns of matrix A columns: smallest face F of cone K containing b A holds generators for K If feasible, throw A(: , i) away

11 application - Cartography

12 list reconstruction from distance D
a.k.a metric multidimensional scaling principal component analysis Karhunen-Loeve transform cartography: projection on semidefinite cone

13 projection on semidefinite cone because
subspace of symmetric matrices is isomorphic with subspace of symmetric hollow matrices

14 is convex problem (Eckart & Young) (§7.1.4 CO&EDG)
(EY) is convex problem (Eckart & Young) (§7.1.4 CO&EDG) optimal list X from (§5.12 CO&EDG)

15 ordinal reconstruction
nonconvex strategy: break into two problems: (EY) and convex problem fast projection on monotone nonnegative cone KM+ (Nemeth, 2009)

16 Cardinality heuristics

17 Rank heuristics trace is convex envelope of rank on PSD matrices
rank function is quasiconcave

18 Idea behind convex iteration
(vector inner product)

19 Convex Iteration

20 application - (Recht, Fazel, Parrilo, 2007) (Rice University 2005)

21 one-pixel camera - MIT

22 one-pixel camera - MIT

23 application - MRI phantom
Led directly to sparse sampling theorem MATLAB>> phantom(256) Candes, Romberg, Tao 2004

24 application - MRI phantom
MRI raw data called k-space Raw data in Fourier domain aliasing at 4% subsampling

25 application - MRI phantom
(projection matrix) hard to compute y is direction vector from convex iteration

26 application - MRI phantom

27 application - MRI phantom
reconstruction error: -103dB

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