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Efficient Inference for Fully-Connected CRFs with Stationarity

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1 Efficient Inference for Fully-Connected CRFs with Stationarity
Yimeng Zhang, Tsuhan Chen CVPR 2012

2 Summary Explore object-class segmentation with fully-connected CRF models Only restriction on pairwise terms is `spatial stationarity’ (i.e. depend on relative locations) Show how efficient inference can be achieved by Using a QP formulation Using FFT to calculate gradients in complexity (linear in) O(NlogN)

3 Fully-connected CRF model
General pairwise CRF model: Image I Class labeling, X: Label set, L: V = set of pixels, N_i = neighbourhood of pixel i, Z(I) = partition function, psi = potential functions

4 Fully-connected CRF model
General pairwise CRF model: In fully-connected CRF, for all i, N_i = V

5 Unary Potential Unary potential generates a score for each object class per pixel (TextonBoost)

6 Pairwise Potential Pairwise potential measures compatibility of the labels at each pair of pixels Combines spatial and colour contrast factors

7 Pairwise Potential Colour contrast: Spatial term:

8 Pairwise Potential Learning the spatial term

9 MAP inference using QP relaxation
Introduce a binary indicator variable for each pixel and label MAP inference expressed as a quadratic integer program, and relaxed to give the QP

10 MAP inference using QP relaxation
QP relaxation has been proved to be tight in all cases (Ravikumar ICML 2006 [24]) Moreover, it is convex whenever matrix of edge-weights is negative-definite Additive bound for non-convex case QP requires O(KN) variables, LP requires (K^2E)

11 MAP inference using QP relaxation
Gradient Derive fixed-point update by forming Lagrangian and setting its derivative to 0

12 Illustration of QP updates

13 Efficiently evaluating the gradient
Required summation Would be a convolution without the color term With color term is requires 5D-filtering Can be approximated by clustering into C color clusters, => C convolutions across

14 Efficiently evaluating the gradient
Hence, for the case x_i = x_j, we need to evaluate Instead, evaluate for C clusters (C = 10 to 15) where Finally, interpolate

15 Update complexity FFTs of each spatial filters can be calculated in advance (K^2 filters) At each update, we require C FFTs calculating, O(CNlogN) K^2 convolutions are needed, each requiring a multiplication, O(K^2CN) Terms can be added in Fourier domain, => only KC inverse FFTs needed, O(KCNlogN) Run-time per iteration < 0.1s for 213x320 pixels (+ downsampling by factor of 5)

16 MSRC synthetic experiment
Unary terms randomized Spatial distributions set to ground-truth

17 MSRC synthetic experiment
Running times

18 Sowerby synthetic experiment

19 MSRC full experiment Use TextonBoost unary potentials
Compare with several other CRFs with same unaries Grid only Grid + P^N (Kohli, CVPR 2008) Grid + P^N + Cooccurrence (Ladickỳ, ECCV 2010) Fully-connected + Gaussian spatial (Krähenbühl, NIPS 2011)

20 MSRC full experiment Qualitative comparison

21 MSRC full experiment Quantitative comparison Overall Per-class
Timing: 2-8s per image

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