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Artinsoft Fast Facts Avanade & ArtinSoft have forged a worldwide partnership to provide comprehensive and cost-effective software migration solutions ArtinSoft.

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Presentation on theme: "Artinsoft Fast Facts Avanade & ArtinSoft have forged a worldwide partnership to provide comprehensive and cost-effective software migration solutions ArtinSoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artinsoft Fast Facts Avanade & ArtinSoft have forged a worldwide partnership to provide comprehensive and cost-effective software migration solutions ArtinSoft ► More than 15 years dedicated to software transformation ► Microsoft’s worldwide preferred partner for Software Migrations ► Developed the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard (VBUW) for Microsoft’s Visual Studio ► Developed the Visual Basic Upgrade Companion (VBUC) to increase the productivity of the automatic migration and reduce the gap in functionality of the VBUW

2 Risks in maintaining VB6 applications Dependency on an unsupported platform:  Stagnant platform inhibits business growth and business process change  Business continuity can be negatively impacted  No development support from Microsoft  Little integration with new technologies: parallel processing, SOA, AJAX, unit tests and others Face compliance issues:  Industry, legal and internal policies, and regulations, like Sarbanes-Oxley, force companies to abandon unsupported platforms

3 Reasons to migrate to.NET Take advantage of new technologies and products available for.NET Framework Growing gap between legacy system functionality and business needs Eliminate scalability & evolutionary constraints: Large number of reusable components in.NET Framework Diminishing base of professionals with legacy skills; legacy skills are no longer being taught in universities and colleges Reduce development, maintenance and deployment costs:

4 VB6 Application Renewal Solutions

5 Benefits of Automatic Migration Ensures time to market and competitive advantage with a faster migration lifecycle Preserves and leverages capital investment in applications customized to meet specific business needs Migration with VBUC

6 Case Studies: Microsoft Total effort by application renewal solution SolutionManual rewriteIn-house migrationVBUC estimate actual Resources 44214.25 Time (months)18 6 Total Effort79237825.5 Business rules were undocumented and difficult to reverse engineer from VB6 code Lack of experience converting VB6 to.NET was a considerable risk for an in-house migration Business unit shift to C# development in all current projects CompanyLines of CodeComplexityProjects Microsoft106,000High12

7 Case Studies: Banamex-Citigroup CompanyLines of CodeComplexityProjects Banamex-Citigroup4,600,000High124 Total effort by application renewal solution SolutionManual rewrite estimateVBUC actual Resources 175-18540 Time (months)7212 Total Effort12,960480 VBUC provided a shorter migration lifecycle that other solutions Protected market position by accelerating conversion to new technological platform Most cost-effective solution Reduced operating costs, per-incident cost and risk

8 Case Studies: Vertex Financial Services CompanyLines of CodeComplexityProjects Vertex Financial Services616,000High75 Total effort by application renewal solution SolutionManual rewrite estimateVBUC actual Resources 435 – 12 Time (months)229 Total Effort946102 New applications and web sites in C#.NET environment Accelerate time to market of next release “.NET platform was chosen for the migration because it offers very good backwards compatibility with the COM+ platform, and interfaces seamlessly with the existing GUI (ASP) and database layers", said Sue Craig, Senior Project Manager for Vertex

9 Migration Strategies Coexistence: Migrated code and third- party components are deployed with interoperability Partial Migration: Parts of the application are migrated; hard-to-migrate components are rewritten Staged Migration: progressive migration of components with interoperability techniques Full Migration: All source code is migrated with an automatic tool Higher Migration BenefitsLower Migration Benefits

10 VB6 Application Renewal Value In ArtinSoft’s experience a Full or Staged migration represent an attractive ROI while giving the most benefits for application renewal

11 Strategies: Staged Migration Benefits Faster deployment of migrated components Lower initial cost and fits short-term budget constraints Application fully migrated at the end of process Challenges Installation and configuration difficulties Integration costs might make total project effort higher than in a full migration Possible performance issues

12 Strategies: Full Migration Benefits Full transition and integration with.NET Easier maintenance and evolution Easier installation, deployment and maintenance Challenges Not all third party components and libraries have native equivalents More time and effort is required than in strategies that leave legacy code in the migrated application

13 VBUC: Automatic Migration Product The industry-leading product for the migration of VB6 to.NET a proven track record of millions of lines migrated to C# and VB.NET Generates high-quality, native.NET code, free of ties to third-party runtimes 3 rd party libraries upgraded to.NET native libraries Extensible and customizable tool that fits a project’s specific needs Lowers project timeframes by up to 4x less than other solutions Up to 95% does not require manual changes As little as 5% requires manual changes 100% of VB6 code migrated to.NET The solution to migration challenges!

14 VBUC Demo

15 VBUC 3.0: Features Generates C# and VB.NET code Multi-project conversion 3 rd party libraries are upgraded to.NET VB6 data access (ADO, DAO, RDO and ADOR) to ADO.NET Structured error handling (converting unstructured to structured code) Uses.NET native libraries, instead of VB compatibility libraries Additional optional Helper classes to greatly reduce manual work after the migration without sacrificing the.NET characteristics of the code Default property resolution Enhanced support for the migration of common controls Improved support for API Calls Type inference (avoiding “generic” data types such as “object”) VB6 constants and numeric literals to.NET Enumerations Code refactoring Enhanced performance Over 150 code change improvements

16 Questions and Answers

17 Resources Contact us:  Christian Massey, Partner Development Director, ArtinSoft Office phone: 1-800-480-2435, ext. 1084 Assessment tool:  assessment-tool.aspx assessment-tool.aspx Additional resources:  webinar.aspx webinar.aspx

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