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Presented by Mike Morse Technical Marketing

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1 Presented by Mike Morse Technical Marketing
I-deas Workflows in NX Presented by Mike Morse Technical Marketing

2 I-deas Workflows in NX 6 Question:
How many of my familiar I-deas modeling, assembly, and PMI functions and workflows are available in NX? Answer: Do I have to abandon my I-deas “Best Practices” and learn a complete new set for NX?

3 I-deas Workflows in NX 6 I-deas ≠ NX NX ≠ I-deas Major Differences:
Interface Fixed vs. Flexible Units SI Units vs. Metric / English History Representation “Bushy” vs. “Timestamp” “Multiple Parts on Workbench” Yes or No? Parasolid Kernel Partition/Boolean yielding multiple solids Drafting External vs. Integrated Data Management TDM vs. Teamcenter vs. “Native”

4 I-deas Workflows in NX 6 I-deas = NX
Most I-deas Workflows have Logical Equivalents in NX Major Similarities: “Sketch – Constrain – Extrude” Hybrid Open & Closed Part Modeling Freeform Surfacing Drafting / Blending / Shelling Copy / Paste / Replace / Reuse Features Cross-over Modeling Features: Sketcher; V-Sweep; Emboss Cross-over Assembly Features Assy. Constraints; Arrangements; Sequences Interpart and Assembly Modeling ACF vs. WAVE

5 I-deas Workflows in NX 6: Topics
Interface (GUI) New Parts (Units) Part Navigator Datums 2D Sketch* Selection Intent 3D Curves 3D Shapes Primitive / Solid / Sheet Boolean Operations Copy / Paste / Replace Features (Reuse)* Detail Features Draft / Blend* / Shell Modify Feature Parameters Measurements & Expressions Assemblies* PMI* 2D Drafting * *Demo

6 Interface Menus and Toolbars Based on Task
Modeling, Drafting, Assembly, PMI, Sheet Metal, etc. “Resource Tabs” Access Part, Assembly, History, Web, Materials, Wizards, etc… “Roles” Capture and Restore Interface Content “I-deas” Role Exists for Transitioning Users New Dialogs Pinned to “Rail” Consistent location Consistent interaction UNDO / REDO(!) RMB “Gesture” Options for Common Functions Extensive Customization Available Menu / Toolbar Add or Delete Functions User Created Toolbars Keyboard “Hot Keys” “TAPS” Toolbar Locations Docked or Free Optional New “Full Screen” Mode

7 New Part I-deas New Part includes Absolute CSys Units are not an issue
(SI units used internally) NX New Part based on Template “Seed Part” Metric vs. English must be specified Different Seed Parts for Different Applications Model vs. Assembly vs. Drawing vs. NASTRAN… Modeling may be done in ANY units Analysis -> Units I-deas may have multiple “Parts” on “Workbench” NX may have multiple “Solids/Sheets” in one part; Use File -> Import -> Part to add parts together Use Assembly to display multiple parts at once Use Window to switch between loaded parts

8 Part Navigator “One Stop” Feature Information / Editing Panel
Columns show Feature Name, Type, Modified Date, Alerts, Reference Sets, etc. Use to Rename / Group / Suppress / Show – Hide / Reorder / Delete Features Includes More than Feature Information: Model Views, Cameras, Expressions, PMI, Drafting Sheets “Details” Panel for Dimension Values “Dependencies” Panel for Parent / Child Relations Two Basic Display Modes: “Timestamp” Like I-deas “Linear” History Tree Most Commonly Used “Design View” Similar to I-deas “Bushy” History Tree Useful for Isolating Tool Features Do you really need a “bushy” history? “Rollback” and Insert Features anywhere. “Drag and Drop” to reorder features. Filter to Quickly Find Features

9 Typical Modeling Workflow
Design Target Body Sketch Section Design Tool Body Relative Datum or Datum CSYS Boolean Operation

10 Datums “WCS” – Unique, Dynamic “Work Coordinate System”
Optional Method for Positioning Datum Axes / Planes / Coordinate Systems Very Similar to I-deas Many options for Datum Planes Similar options for Datum Coordinate System Representation equal to I-deas (planes, vectors, point) Offset CSYS may be translated/rotated or vice versa Use Datum CSYS as first feature for modeling No Need for Reference Curves Sketches persist as required Optional Sketch Reference Curves do not participate in feature creation (Extrude, Revolve) Sketch on Path orientation options similar to I-deas

11 2D Sketch Unique Sketcher Task Enhanced with I-deas input
Sketch on Plane or Path Path must be used for V-Sweep Horizontal / Vertical Reference Curves change color when partly/fully/over constrained May snap to grid May create Reference sketch curves “Construction” curves, not for feature creation Degree of Freedom arrows vs. Show Free Drag curves or Animate Dimensions to show free motion Can’t Drag Dimensions Automatic and Inferred Constraints

12 2D Sketch cont. Curve creation very like I-deas:
Profiles, lines, arcs, circles, conic, splines, rectangles… Intersect, mirror, offset, trim, extend, make corner, fillet… No Need to “Focus” Select edges directly Projection to sketch plane is possible Dimension values from Global Expressions Curves may be grouped for easy reuse “Fixed” text height; automatic orientation to view Automatic reorientation of sketch plane to view Local or Absolute origin Sketches may or may not be absorbed – your choice Sketch Plane / Path may be respecified

13 Selection Intent Concept Adopted from I-deas
Selection Intent “Toolbar” “Snap Points” during sketching / positioning Selection “Filter” (Solid; Face; Edge; Curve; etc.) Selection Continuity (Single; Connected; Tangent; All) Stop at Intersection; Follow Fillet Select All / Deselect All Selection by Group Name “Quick Pick…” vs. “Reconsider” Prioritizes selection options Bodies vs. Features e.g.

14 3D Curves Many options similar to I-deas:
Lines, Arcs, Splines, Conics, Polygons, Text Optional Associativity Intersect, Draw on Surface, Offset On Surface, Bridge, Circular Blend, Project, Cross- Section, Wrap, Unwrap, Helix, Law Curve, etc. Extract, Mirror, Project, Combine Projection Dynamic Spline Editing Thru Points / Control Points / Degree Enhanced spline curvature continuity (G0, G1, G2)

15 3D Shapes – Solids & Primitives
Solid = Closed Part Based on Parasolids Kernel Created from Closed Section(s) Extrude / Revolve / Sweep / V-Sweep / Tube Offset during creation of Extrude/Revolve simplifies sketch requirements Created from “Primitives” (Design Features) Block, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Quick Parametric Creation of Common Shapes Hole, Boss, Pocket, Pad, Slot, Groove Some Features Recognized by CAM Created by “Sewing” Sheets Together “Unsew” to Convert Solid to Sheets

16 3D Shapes – Sheets & Surfaces
“Sheet” = Open Part Created from Open or Closed Section Extrude / Revolve / Sweep / V-Sweep / Tube Toggles allow sheets to be created from closed sections Created from Multiple Open Sections Mesh Surface Many Options: Ruled, Through Curves, Studio Surface, N-Sided.. Curvature Continuity Control Available Created from Other Input “Swoop”, Four Points, From/Through Poles, From Point Cloud, Bounded Plane, Law Extension, Silhouette Flange…

17 Boolean Operations Solids: Sheets:
Unite / Subtract / Intersect / Split / Assembly Cut Sheets: Sew / Emboss Sheet / Trim Sheet or Body / Trim-Extend / Patch Boolean may be specified during Feature Creation If so, Boolean type may be changed later Solids – Same as I-deas; except: Original “Target” and/or “Tool(s)” may be Retained Not Automatically Absorbed like I-deas Sheets May be Cut or Intersected by solids May be “Embossed” by Solids (like Join w/Material Side) Solids may be Trimmed or “Patched” by Sheets Direction Toggles - Results like Material Side Sheets may be Trimmed by Other Sheets “Make Corner” Option Available w/Direction Toggles May be “Sewn” Together into Larger Sheet or Solid May be “Unsewn” to Give Sheets From a Solid

18 Typical Copy/Paste Workflow
Set Feature Timestamp Paste Body Copy Body Select Body Edit Datum CSYS

19 Copy / Paste Features Use “Instance Geometry” or WAVE to get Topology Only Single Feature Associative back to Original Geometry Use “Copy/Paste” to Duplicate History Steps Body’s Features may be Selected from Design View Allows Pasted History Features to be modified Independent of Original May be Used Between Different Parts! During “Paste” All Parent Dependencies Should be Indicated “Copied” Features should be based on an Offset CSYS ONLY Only one dependency needs to be satisfied During “Paste” Expressions may be New, Linked, or Instance “New” allows complete modification control “Linked” is associative to original, but may be unlinked / changed “Instance” is identical to original and may not be unlinked

20 Instance Features & Geometry
Instance Features (Pattern) Like I-deas Pattern Feature Based (Hole, Slot, Boss, etc.) Rectangular, Circular, Mirror Individual Patterned Instances may be Suppressed Instance Geometry Like I-deas Feature Copy Geometry Based (Sheet, Solid, Sketch, etc.) Translate, Rotate, Along Path, From – To, Mirror Use Within a Single Part

21 Replace Features Copy/Paste Adds New Features
Parent Dependencies need to be Indicated Csys to Csys Positioning Like I-deas “With Relations” Replace Substitutes One Set for Another “Group” Features Together for easy Selection Child Dependencies need to be Indicated “Replacement” (New) Feature must exist before any Children of “Replaced” (Old) Feature in Timestamp Mode Old Feature may be Retained or Deleted All Child Dependencies Transferred to New Replacement Feature Automatic, Tolerance Based Dependency Mapping. Workflow Option: Copy Feature(s) from Source Part Paste into Target Part just before Features to be Replaced Control Position with Csys to Csys Replace Old Features with Newly Pasted Features

22 Detail Features - Blends
Edge Blend Variable Values (Sets); Variable Radii; Variable Convexity; Handles Rollover and Self- Intersection; Corner Controls: Set Back; Arbitrary End Cap Surface Face Blend Conic Shape Control; Tangent Contact Curve Option; Handles Non-Tangent Input; Variable Radii Soft Blend Face Blend w/Tangent Contact Curves on Both Sets Tangent and Curvature Continuity Styled Blend / Styled Corner Face Blend w/Tangent, Curvature, Radius Function, Interactive Controls Class “A” Results (No Three-Surface Fillet Option)

23 Detail Features - continued
“Bridge” Surface Tangent / Curvature Continuous Connection Surface Spherical Corner Three Surface Corner Chamfer Symmetric, Asymmetric, Offset & Angle Draft / Draft Body Draft based on Draw Direction, Surfaces, Edges Match Draft to Parting Surfaces Offset Face / Surface Offset Faces or Create New Offset Surfaces Thicken Sheet To Create a Solid Shell Solid Remove Selected Faces, or Shell Entire Solid body Emboss Apply to Sheet or Solid based on Curve(s)

24 Modify (Edit) Features
Double Click Feature to “Rollback” and Edit To See Feature at Creation Time To Reselect Geometry To Change Values To Toggle Results “Handles” for Dynamic Editing On Screen Value Dialogs Minimize Mouse Travel Select Feature and RMB “Edit Parameters” To Edit Feature in “Final” Part Context Select Feature from Part Navigator Use “Details” Panel to Change Values Works with Sketches, too “Drag and Drop” to New History Location Cannot Place “Child” before “Parent” Highlighting Shows Parent/Child Dependencies “Dependencies” Tab Gives Expanded Information Toggle Suppress/Unsuppress RMB Toggle Show/Hide

25 Measurements & Expressions
All Logical Measurements are Available: Distance; Projected Distance; Radius; Angle; Tangency… Geometric and Mass Properties Measurements may be: Associative; Recorded as Expressions; Checked against Requirements; Reused Minimum Radius; Curvature and Draft Analysis; Wall Thickness; Dynamic Reflection Patterns “Examine Geometry” like I-deas Part Diagnostics Expressions Dialog Manages All Expressions: Automatically Created by Features and Measurements Manually Created by Users Look up Values from Spreadsheet Calculate with Common or Defined Functions Link to Other Parts Handles All Types of Units and Conversions

26 Assemblies Every “Part” can be an “Assembly” (.prt)
Add Components / Create New Parent / Create New Component … Hierarchy Structure Like I-deas Managed in Assembly Navigator Suppress / Unsuppress Component Display Managed by “Component Groups” “Proximity” Component Groups Component Positioning Adopted from I-deas Assembly Constraints Replaces Older NX “Mating Conditions” Exploded Views Available Assembly Arrangements Adopted from I-deas Configurations Constraints may be Arrangement Specific Assembly Sequence Adopted from I-deas Create Motion Envelope Calculate Extraction Path Comprehensive Interference Checking Wrap Assembly gives Exterior Bounding Volume Interpart Linked Geometry via WAVE (like I-deas ACF) Position Dependent or Independent Inter/Intra-Part Linked Expressions (like I-deas Part/Assembly Equations) Partial Loading makes handling Large Assemblies Possible Loading Controlled by “Reference Sets” (Solid, JT, Entire Part, etc.)

27 3D PMI & Model Views 3D Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI)
Functionality Borrowed from I-deas Datums, Dimensions, Notes and Symbols, GD&T, URL Model View Based Documentation Use Existing, Create, Modify, or Delete Model Views PMI Orientation Based on Model View Plane or WCS Section Cuts Through Solids Crosshatching in Wireframe / Unique Color in Shade Search & Report Options Inherit PMI Types into Drawing PMI & Model Views Managed in Part Navigator Associated Objects Mode

28 2D Drafting Integrated with 3D Design Environment Common UI
Fully Associative Template Based Layouts Speed Drawing Creation Drag and Drop Sheet Size; Views; Border; etc. Dimensions; Datums; GD&T; Sections; Annotations; Balloons; Automatic Parts List; Shaded Views on Drawing Assembly / Component Display Control Hole Tables Inherit PMI from 3D Model

29 NX 6: Unique Workflows WCS Similar to I-deas “Workplane”
Persistent, Dynamic, Optional Layers (Do you think I-deas has layers?) Helps Control Display and Manage Complex Models Expressions Similar to Part/Assembly Equations May be used Within and/or Between Parts Sketch and Boolean “Tool” Reuse More Design Intent w/fewer Sketches in fewer Planes Direct Modeling (Synchronous Modeling) Parametrically Modify B-Rep Solids No I-deas Equivalent Assembly Reference Sets Quick loading of Large Assemblies Visualization “Environments” Enhanced Rendering w/Shadows, Textures, Reflections Image Based Lighting “Full Screen” and “True Shade” Mode

30 I-deas Workflows in NX 6 Question:
How many of my familiar I-deas modeling, assembly, and PMI functions and workflows are available in NX? Answer: Lots. (More than you might think.) Do I have to abandon my I-deas “Best Practices” and learn a complete new set for NX? NO! Best Practices can migrate as well as geometry.

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