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CMS Pixel Issues ACES 07 Common ATLAS – CMS Electronics Workshop CERN 20. March 2007 R. Horisberger Paul Scherrer Institut.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS Pixel Issues ACES 07 Common ATLAS – CMS Electronics Workshop CERN 20. March 2007 R. Horisberger Paul Scherrer Institut."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS Pixel Issues ACES 07 Common ATLAS – CMS Electronics Workshop CERN 20. March 2007 R. Horisberger Paul Scherrer Institut

2 SLHC Tracker / Detector upgrade in 2014/16 requires action already now ! 7-9 years not terribly much for : - Conception of SLHC tracker -Basic R&D - Prototyping -Demonstators -Production -Installation & Commissioning Should learn from current experience of LHC trackers !  Cabling/Cost/Cooling Present tracker is probably quite good, but too much material budget !  Next tracker should do a factor 2 better ! SLHC creates extra problems with: - data rates 10x - event complexity 20x - event selection  triggering with tracks - radiation damage

3 Present pixel detector conceived in 1996 / 97 with: focus on easy insertion/removal of pixel system keep material budget low  achieved 1.93% X 0 /Layer (  =0) use analog optolinks of strip APV readout  adaptation in geometry keep optolinks at maximum radius  limit rad. damage Operate at L =10 34 at radii 7cm & 11cm  data rates, buffer size rad. hard DMILL technology 0.8  m  2 ½ metal layers 5.5V supply BiCMOS (was useful)  present pixel ROC architecture with : 1) Zero channel suppression (pixel hit discrimination) 2) Analog pulse height readout (~ 7-8 bit) Readout : pixel address (5 clocks) + analog pulse height (1 clock)

4 Pixel readout analog coded pixel address Overlap of 4160 pixel readouts 5 clock cycles: encode 13 bits of pixel address information. 1 pixel hit 1 clock cycle: analog pulse height col# pix# chip header Present system: had to use analog optical link available ! Future SLHC system: digital bit stream through high speed link ! (add 1 ADC/ROC)

5 Time-stamp buffer Depth: 12 data buffer Depth: 32 marker bits indicate start of new event set fast double column OR hit data column drain mechanism pixel unit cells: 2x80 sketch of a double column double column double pixels 32 data buffers 12 time stamp buffers double column interface 7.8mm 9.8mm Column Drain Architecture Transfer data rapidly to periphery and store for L1 latency ( ~3.4usec)

6 DMILL pixel ROC worked ! Yield: 0 pixel defect <1% 1-5 pixel defect 22% Translation DMILL ROC to 0.25um ROC with big financial & electrical benefits DMILL 0.25  IBMRatio Wafer size 6” 8”~2x (area) Wafer cost [CHF] 12K 2.5K~4x Yield 22 % (<5px def.) 70% (0 def.) ~3x Total : ~ 24 x Cost benefits Engineering run ~200K ~160k Will the change from 0.25  m to 0.13  m give a similar benefit?  No ! 0.13um production wafers of same size (8”) are 60% more expensive Engineering run ~ 3 times more expensive.

7 0.25  Pixel ROC 9800  m 7900  m Chip modified to DMILL version - should have uniform address levels - external Operation is same Chip Internal Power Regulators Column Drain Architecture more timestamp & data buffers 8  1224  32 now fit for r=4cm at L=10 34 less power  28  W/pixel smaller pixel area: 100  x 150  Total # transistors : 1280 K (DMILL 430K ) IBM_PSI46

8 Data losses of pixel ROC Data losses @ r=4cm & L=10 34 DMILL ROC DM_PSI43 150  x 150  pixel 0.25  m ROC IBM_PSI46 100  x 150  pixel Timestamp ( # buffers) 3.1% (8) 0.17% (12) Data Buffers (# buffers) 0.1% (24) 0.15% (32) Column Drain load cycle 3%0% Column Drain 3 rd hit capability 1.4%0.25% Pixel overwrite0.3%0.21% Original ROC design (TDR) was done for high lumi operation of 7cm layer! Use 0.25  ROC translation to optimize for new pixel size and 4cm radius !! SLHC Luminosity Data loss due to limited timestamp buffers & data buffers increase very quickly e.g. 10 x LHC would need 60 timestamp buffers Periphery size would increase factor 5x 650   ~ 3250 

9 SLHC situation Track rates at L = 10 35 cm -2 sec -1 Technology already exists for SLHC tracking at radii > 20cm : Silicon Pixels Detector Performance of present pixels at SLHC? LHC Rates @10 34 r = 4cm r = 7cm r = 11cm SLHC Rates @10 34 r = 18cm r = 30cm r = 50cm

10 Data Buffer full: 0.07% / 0.08% / 0.17% Timestamp Buffer full: 0 / 0.001% / 0.17% Readout and double column reset: 0.7% / 1% / 3.0% for 100kHz L1 trigger rate Pixel busy: 0.04% / 0.08% / 0.21% pixel insensitive until hit transferred to data buffer (column drain mechanism) Double column busy: 0.004% / 0.02% / 0.25% Column drain transfers hits from pixel to data buffer. Maximum 3 pending column drains requests accepted Double column readout Pixel-column interface 1xLHC: 10 34 cm -2 s -1 11 cm / 7 cm / 4 cm layer total data loss @ 100kHz L1A: 0.8% 1.2% 3.8% Data loss mechanisms 0.25  ROC PSI46 SLHC rate data losses dominated by finite buffer sizes !  chip size ! periphery bigger

11 Present system: 12 time stamp buffers, 32 data buffers. Average pixel multiplicity:2.2 Possible extension: doubling the buffer size (24/64). Enough for < 2.5x10 34 cm -2 s -1 For 10x10 34 need 60 timestamp buffers and 190 data buffers (average pixel multiplicity: 2.6). Influence of buffer size at r= 4cm layer # timestamps / doublecolumn

12 Timestamp- & Data- buffer limitations removed Inefficiency < 7% up to 2.5x10 34 cm -2 s -1 (as before) In 130nm technology column drain per column possible (instead of double columns)  dashed lines 7% inefficiency at 4.5x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Inefficiency for r= 4cm layer [10 34 ]

13 Cannot operate < 7cm For higher radii data loss dominated by readout losses Worse for higher L1 trigger rates Worse for higher trigger latencies  new parallel module readout scheme Inefficiency for 10x10 34 cm -2 sec -1 Radius [cm]

14 LHC (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ): 11cm 7cm 4cm SLHC rate tests of CMS Pixel Modules High rate tests in X-ray box allows hit rates up to 300 MHz/cm 2 Simulation of pixel read out chip (ROC) compares quite well with observed data loss We can identify the data loss mechanisms  finite data buffers  readout times For SEU studies and timewalk need to go to pion beam line at PSI  150 MHz/cm 2  20nsec bunch structure

15 High rate data losses in x-ray test LHC (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ): 11cm 7cm 4cm X-ray box (pix.mult.= 1)  timestamp buffer overflows dominant Pion beam (pix.mult.> 1)  data buffer overflow Loss due to pixel overwrite (~ pixel size) is not relevant Small pixels create large data traffic ! pixel overwrite

16 0.4mm mounting screw whole new ROC size Doubling the buffer size in current ROC  periphery increase of 800  m  just possible No R&D needed. Design time ~ 1 month Doubing the buffer size in 0.25  m Cold upgrade of replacement pixel modules produced in >2010

17 CMS pixel modules need to be replaced. ( r=4cm every 2 years @ 10 34 ) LHC  SLHC has probably no sharp step in luminosity Can improve rate capability of present pixel modules by: - increase buffer size in ROC periphery (2x in 0.25  m CMOS, 5x in 0.13  m ) - extra data buffer in redesigned TBM with parallel ROC read out scheme Replaced modules would be fully compatible with present system.  allows operation of present pixel system at L ~ 4x10 34 cm -2 sec -1 Evolutionary upgrade of CMS pixel modules Present TBM Read Out Scheme Future TBM Read Out Scheme

18 What are our priorities: - tracker for 10 35 but same X/X 0 and resolution ? - reduce material budget (X/X 0 ) ? - improve resolution (  p/p, impact parameter) ? - triggering ( jet, track selection, impact parameter) ? Financial envelope for new Super LHC tracker ~ 115 – 120 MCHF How many technologies are radially needed to deal with - rates ( wide range) - cost per unit area - minimal power per layer  minimal material budget (X/X 0 ) Present Pixel System has radii : r = 4cm 7cm 11cm 15cm was to costly Layer cost go by area ~ r 2 = 16 49 121 225 Present pixel works well under high rates but cannot be financed for r >18cm ! Increasing layer radius r  cost per surface must scale ~ 1/ r 2 !  use cheaper technology, just adequate for rate at this layer radius ! SLHC Pixel Tracking (zero suppressed readout)

19 Costs of a CMS Pixel Barrel Module Cables (40cm) & TBM etc.100 SFr HDI (High Density Interconnect) 300 SFr Sensor (DS, n + in n-Si) 800 SFr Bump bonding 3200 SFr 16 Readout chips 0.25  250 SFr ( DMILL: 7200 SFr ) Baseplate (SiN) 50 SFr Module of Area = 10cm2 Costs ~ 4700 SFr Optical links, FED, FEC, Power supplies add +15%  ~550 SFr/cm2

20 Costing Speculations [CHF/cm 2 ] Pixel (now) Large pixels Macropixels MAPS CMOS+Sensor Pixel Area 0.015 mm 2 0.15 mm 2 1.5 mm 2 - - - - - - Sensor/ROC 1 / 1 1 / 1 10 / 1 0 / 1 1 / 1 Tiling unit 10 cm 2 40 cm 2 100 cm 2 4 cm 2 4 cm 2 Bumping 32020 * 2 * 0 0 Sensors 8010 10 0 10+10? (4) ROC 2550 2 50 200? (3) HDI 30 30 3 30 30 Cables 8 8 0.8 8 8 Baseplate 5 5 0.5 5 5 Pitchadjust 0 0 15 (2) 0 0 Optical Link (1) 32 6 0.6 6 32 pxFED 25 4 0.4 4 25 Total 525 ~130 ~35 ~105 ~320? * = C4NP (IBM) (1)~ 320 CHF/channel (2)~ 0.02 CHF/cm fine pitch trace (3)Yield speculations based on experience with DMILL SOI-wafers (4)Extra cost for anodic wafer bonding or SOI wafer growth

21 C4NP Low Cost Bumping Injection Molded Solder (IBM & Süss) Mold IMS Principle IMS allows bump 75  size and pitch of 150  200  thick wafers processed so far Wafer costs (300mm) ~ 150 $

22 Material budget & Supplies Material budget for 3 Layers at  = 0 Current Pixel Barrel System: Bring power in = 4% (On-Chip regulators,Al-wire) Take power out = 29% Cooling is material budget driver ! Low mass cooling and/or Reduce power consumption ! X/X 0 = 5.79% for 3 barrel pixel layers  1.93% / layer

23 Current consumption : Analog: Strips  reduce noise Pixels  speed (timewalk) ! ! Digital: Information processing (data flow) CMS ROC: I D = 32mA no tracks I D = 40mA at 40MHz/cm 2 track rate Reduce power by : - Technology CMOS 0.25   0.13   Digital: local: YES global: NO  Analog: NO W.I.  on chip regulators - Architecture choice Pixel ROC Power : ALICE 466 mW/cm 2 no ATLAS 335 mW/cm 2 no CMS* 194 mW/cm 2 yes CMS 142 mW/cm 2 no - Custom protocols TBM05 ~ 1/6 power of TBM03 abandon LVDS for 5cm distance  custom protocol LCDS (Low Current Differential Swing) The next SLHC tracker must be very cautious and careful with power consumption !

24 Sensor capacitance & front end analog power dissipation Spice simulation of present CMSPIX front end with fixed timewalk (<25nsec) Current for 65 Mega Pixel measured pixel capacitance (n-pixel 100  m x 150  m, p-spray) Time walk is power driver not noise !

25 Estimate power consequences of sensor element size Assume: (for toy-tracker) 13 layer tracker with radii = 10 – 130 cm simple barrel – forward geometry, break at  =1.65  layer area = const x r 2 Sensor capacity with fixed pitch variable length C sens = 0.1 pF  3pF C sens = const x length pixel  strixel  strips Density of channels  N (r) ~ r 2 /C sens Analog power depends on sensor capacitance  I ana = I o + slope x C sens (prev. page) Digital power dependence on data traffic & particle fluence: CMSPIX measured  Idig = 32mA + 0.2 mA x fluence-rate [MHz/cm 2 ]

26 C sensor [0.1pF] Layer radius [x10cm] C sens  I layers [pF][Ampere] 0.1 77.1 K 0.1 -2.2 9.4 K (*) 3.0 5.4 K Current per layer for 13 layer SLHC Pixel tracker r = 10cm – 130cm Linear power increase with radius. Constant cabling density

27 Proposal for low power ohmic link together with Optical Information Hubs Optical links can have very large bandwidth  data hubs Excellent for long distant (20-100m) information transfer. e.g. 3.3Gbit/sec link with 1200mW/channel  360 pJ/bit Optical cabling inside tracker region very painfull, due to variable length. (slack management) Data transfer inside sensitive tracker region has problem with: 1)Variable cable length typ. 10cm – 90cm 2)Individual tracking modules have modest information transfer (~0.3Gbits/sec) Need for 2 wire ohmic bidirectional link with very low power I diff = 0.2mA Z 0 = 100  e.g.  80 MHz  12 pJ/bit Low Current Differential Signal LCDS voltage swing  20mV

28 Conclusions Present CMS pixel system can be modifed with 0.13  technology to work < 4-5 x 10 34 Please think about cabling from the beginning  especially in view of triggering  in view of assembly & cost  in view of accessibility Trigger layers will be power hungry ! ( CMS muon-p t should go to outer radius) Costing and affordability of SLHC tracker is crucial !  low cost design by us ! Cooling is the dominant material budget driver !  reduce power ! !  low mass cooling possible ? Propose development of LCDS – bidirectional ohmic link with very little power !

29 Power Dissipation of Pixel ROC’s ROC architecture and designs have considerable influence on power dissipation 3 chips in same 0.25  technology for same LHC environment # Pixels / chip Pixel area [ m  2 ] Idig [mA] Iana [mA] Power/ chip [mW] Power/ pixel  W] Power density [ mW/cm 2 ] ALICE819221’25015030081099466 ATLAS288020’000357519067335 CMS416015’000322412129194 CMS no on-chip regulators 87 21 142

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