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Metal Oxide Combinatorial Synthesis and Characterization Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Bar Ilan Universtiy, Ramat Gan 52900

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Presentation on theme: "Metal Oxide Combinatorial Synthesis and Characterization Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Bar Ilan Universtiy, Ramat Gan 52900"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metal Oxide Combinatorial Synthesis and Characterization Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Bar Ilan Universtiy, Ramat Gan 52900 Yaniv Bouhadana Assaf Anderson Eli Rosh-Hodesh Hannah-Noa Barad Simcha Meir Sven Rühle Arie Zaban

2 What is Our Main Goal? Cheng, F., & Chen, J. (2012).. Chemical Society reviews, 41(6), 2172–92. We want to find an efficient, durable, low cost electro-catalyst for metal air batteries

3 Methodology

4 Outlines  Based on our parallel research in All-Oxide PV.

5 Why Oxides?  long term stability  Low Cost synthesis/fabrication  Non-hazardous materials  Abandon materials  long term stability  Low Cost synthesis/fabrication  Non-hazardous materials  Abandon materials

6 Combinatorial Material Science - Concept Abundance of Elements

7 Combinatorial Material Science

8  60 “useful” elements which are the constituents of  ~30.000 inorganic compounds  60 x 60 = 3600 binary compounds (A-B, still not includes A x B, AB x etc..)  most known  60 x 60 x 60 = 216,000 ternary compounds (A-B-C…)  ~3% known

9 Proof of Concept: High T C Superconductors

10 New Composite Oxides low impurity concentration ( doping ) new crystalline phase new amorphous phase polycrystalline composite material – bi- functional catalysts.

11 Combinatorial Material Science The Ultimate Oxide Electro Catalist Materials

12 Combinatorial Synthesis Methods Spray Pyrolysis Pulse Laser Deposition (+Multi-Source Sputtering)

13 Combinatorial Synthesis Methods Pulsed Laser Deposition Continuous Compositional Spread (CCS)

14 Composite Oxide SrTiO 3 + Co 3 O 4 Co 3 O 4 SrTiO 3 J sc

15 Large Throughput Analysis  Scanning Electrochemical Characterization  Scanning Optical Characterization  Scanning Profilometer  Scanning Electric Conductivity  Scanning X-Ray Diffraction (soon)  Scanning Seebeck Effect (planned)

16 Electronics:  BioLogic Potentiostat (includes FRA Module)  Tango XYZ table.  Perestaltic Punp (RS485/232 controled).  Silent vacume pump + solution trup. Mechanics:  Special smaple holder (secured).  Spacial surface Portable electrocemical cell.  Tubing. Softwere:  Operating softwere.  Analisys softwere. Scanning Electrochemical Meas.

17 Electrochemical Scan Procedure At the initial stage the measurement that is preformed in the electrochemical scanner is cyclic voltammetry and the percentage of oxygen is constant.

18 Portable electrochemical cell 3 Electrodes Cell: –Counter : any metallic foil : preferred – platina foil, current – stainless steel. –Working : the combinatorial samples bases on FTO. –Reference : Ag/AgCl (Kalomel), PdS Electrolyte : Polysulfide, K 3 Fe(CN) 6 /K 4 Fe(CN) 6 /KCl Ref Counter Solution In Solution Out Scanning Electrochemical Meas.

19 Scanning Optical Characterization designed by Dr. Assaf Anderson What do we measure?  Total Transmission  Total Reflection  Specular Reflection  350 – 1100 nm What can we extract?  absorption coefficient  thickness  band gap

20 Scanning Profilometer d(x,y) = d 0 · cos nx (x-x 0 ) · cos ny (y-y 0 )

21 Scanning Conductivity What do we measure?  I-V curve (2 point or 4 point contact)  temperature dependent (planned) What can we extract?  conductivity σ / resistivity ρ  thickness  activation energies (planned) Example: Resistance of ZnO with linear thickness gradient

22 Scanning Seebeck Effect Meas. (planned) S A, S B = Thermopower or Seebeck Coefficient What do we measure?  Voltage What can we extract?  Seebeck coefficient  type of doping (n or p) Heater

23 Scanning X-Ray Diffraction What can we extract?  phase analysis, structural data

24 Presentation of Results SnO 2

25 Database and Data Mining

26 The Ultimate Oxide Electro Catalist Materials

27 Summary  Combinatorial Material Science – Concept  Let’s look into the unknown  Combinatorial Synthesis Methods  Spray Pyrolysis/ PLD  High Throughput Analysis  optical, conductivity, profilometer, electrochemical, etc.  Data Mining and Theoretical Chemistry  Proof of Concept, lookout for trendlines and predict our next research items.

28 Thank you for your attention!

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