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Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain “The Implementation of Cross- compliance in Spain” Condizionalità.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain “The Implementation of Cross- compliance in Spain” Condizionalità."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain “The Implementation of Cross- compliance in Spain” Condizionalità degli aiuti in agricoltura… Videoconferencia for Carrefour Sicilia, 20 th of February 2008 Ignacio Atance ( Unidad de Análisis y Prospectiva (UAP) Ministry of Agriculture, Spain

2 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain Contents 1.- The Context of Cross-Compliance 2.- The GAEC in Spain 3.- Initial results from CC inspections 4.- Conclusions

3 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 1.- The context of cross-compliance CAP context –Introduced by the 2003 CAP Reform –Legitimating SFPs: social contract between society & SFP receptors –Re-adjusting in 2007 and 2008 (Health Check) Spanish Agri-Environmental context –Extreme climatic conditions Water management –High risk of erosion. –Natural Protected Area: 23 % UAA under Natura 2000 –Environmental risks associated with land abandon of less productive areas Political-administrative context –17 Regional Governments with transferred responsibilities

4 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 1.- The contents of cross-compliance Statutory management requirements (Annex III) –Environmental Directives –Zoo-sanitary, animal welfare and animal identification requirements –Public health requirements Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (Annex IV) The Farm Advisory System

5 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.- The aims of GAEC in SPAIN 2.- Minimum level of maintenance for agricultural lands. 1.- Soil protection 3.- Avoiding damage to habitats

6 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.1.- Soil protection Fight against Erosion –Slope: 10% for herbaceous and 15 % for woody crops. –Minimum soil cover. Between harvest date and sowing time Olive trees: vegetable cover (avoiding the stripped soil) Specific requirements. –for set-aside, fallow land and uncultivated lands –for areas with high risk of erosion, –Retain terraces Organic matter –Burning of stubble forbidden. –Requirements for eliminating the remain of harvest and pruning Soil structure –Waterlogged soils –Indicator: machinery's track depth

7 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.1.- Soil protection: stonewalls and plots

8 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.2.- Minimun level of maintenance of agricultural lands. Permanent pastures –Prohibition of burning and plugging –Minimum stocking density of 0,1 LU/Ha Prevention of spread of spontaneous unwanted vegetation in the croplands/farm lands –Each agronomic region has to have a closed list with plants which have to be uprooted.

9 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.2.- Olive tres Olive trees –Banning of uprooting (except for agronomic reasons). –Maintenance of the olive trees in good conditions (pruning).

10 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 2.3.- Avoid damage to habitats Irrigation system –Aquifers overexploited –Maintenance of water measuring equipment. Manure management on animal farms Waterproof pools with suitable storage capacity Application of fertilizers, manure, swage sludge in waterlogged and snowed lands

11 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 3.- Initial Results from CC inspections Data from the first year of application (2005): –Number of controls: 8831 (1.69% SFP applic.) –Number of infractions: 949 (10.75% controls) –74% implied no sanction or <1% payment –11% implied sanction > 5% payment

12 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España The Cross-Compliance in Spain 4.- Some conclusions A un-renounceable principle of the CAP (legitimation) A transitory period of time is necessary Assessment of the cost of cross-compliance and generating clear and easy indicators at European level. European marketing plan to deliver to society the effort of the farmer to fulfill the requirements of the European society. The LEADER approach can be useful also for CC: –Analyzing links between LEADER approach and Farm Advisory System. –Exchange of best practices (CC and Farm Advisory System)

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