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CMS week mar 051 Results of the Analysis of 2004 DT Test Beam C. Battilana and S. Marcellini – INFN Bologna Trigger Performance: -Single Muons -Di-Muons.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS week mar 051 Results of the Analysis of 2004 DT Test Beam C. Battilana and S. Marcellini – INFN Bologna Trigger Performance: -Single Muons -Di-Muons."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS week mar 051 Results of the Analysis of 2004 DT Test Beam C. Battilana and S. Marcellini – INFN Bologna Trigger Performance: -Single Muons -Di-Muons -Absorber and Energy Dependance

2 CMS week mar 052 µ beam MB1 MB3 configured as MB2 ~ 1 m Iron slabs 5 cm thick 10 x 10 cm² Trigger scintillator A Sketch of the Experimental Set-Up

3 CMS week mar 053 Single Muon Analysis Event selection similar to TB2003 analysis. Muon candidates are selected in MB1 and the output of the local trigger is studied in MB3 (or the other way around) Some problems to deal with: - Few Front-End problems - Bad TDCs configuration in MB3 relevant in some cases - Some Theta BTIs were masked by mistake, which turned into a wrong treatment of the uncorrelated Low quality triggers (as Theta Triggers validate uncorr. Low quality Triggers in the Phi view)

4 CMS week mar 054 Trigger Efficiency at Correct BX vs Angle Higher efficiency for the emulation due to the uncorrelated Low trigger problem mentioned before. F.E. problems Wrong TDC config.

5 CMS week mar 055 Ghost Rate at Correct BX vs angle Higher noise rate in the emulation, still due to the Low trigger problem mentioned before (most of the ghosts are uncorrelated Low triggers)

6 CMS week mar 056 Effect of the Iron Absorber vs Beam Energy ~ 1-2 %

7 CMS week mar 057 Actually when the Track Finder tries to match trigger segments from different stations, it opens a time window of ± 1 BX around the centered BX. This means that also triggers at BX=±1 with respect to the correct BX can in principle contribute to make a muon Trigger track, if they can be matched with other segments in the rest of the muon detector. This happens if they have the correct position and bending angle, even if they occur at the wrong BX. Therefore a fraction of the triggers at wrong BX can be recovered to enhance the effective trigger efficiency.

8 CMS week mar 058 Trigger position (trig. Units) No iron With iron Among the triggers at BX=Correct±1 let’s assume as good (i.e which contribute to the efficiency) only the triggers which occur in the range indidated by the arrows,

9 CMS week mar 059 Trigger position (trig. Units) The same also for the bending angle of the trigger segment No iron With iron

10 CMS week mar 0510 The effective efficiency can be increased only by about 0.5 % if also triggers at BX=±1 with respect to the correct BX (and with correct position and bending) are also included

11 CMS week mar 0511 Efficiency gain as a function of beam energy, with and without iron, when triggers occurring at BX next to the correct one are also included. ~ 0.5 % with iron ~ 0.3 % without iron

12 CMS week mar 0512 Di-Muon Analysis As the two stations were often shifted and rotated during the data taking,it is not trivial to select di-muons in one station and check the trigger performace in the other one Therefore for the moment the muon pair selection was performed as for 2003 test beam, i.e. each station was treated independently. We are developing a more accurate di-muon selection MB3 MB1

13 CMS week mar 0513 Di-Muon Selection Di-muons N hits in a station (Phi) All events After di-muon selection Two fitted tracks (TDC hits) in the Phi view with at least 4 hits and average Mean Timer in the espected time range (to reject off time di-muons) AND Two fitted tracks (TDC hits) n the Theta view

14 CMS week mar 0514 Di-Muon Efficiency ∆x between tracks (cm) Efficiency 2 Trig at BX=OK 2 Trig at BX=OK±1 1 Trig at BX=OK Data Emulation Most of the data usable for di-muon analysis are at 0 deg. for which effic. is lower than for other track incident angle. Good agreeement with 2003 test beam results. Good matching with emulation, also in view of the wrong uncorr. Low trigger treatment, which occurs only on Data and not in the Emulation No cases with no triggers at all (at least 1 track is always triggered)

15 CMS week mar 0515 ∆x between tracks (cm) ∆x between triggers (trig. units) Di-Muons: are the two triggers the correct ones ? Very few ghosts Correlation between track distance and trigger distance: Ghost triggers lay out of the diagonal band

16 CMS week mar 0516 Quality of the Trigger Segments Li Lo Hi Ho LL HL HH Data Emulator 1st Trigger Server Track at correct BX 2nd Trigger Server Track at correct BX Discrepancy with emulator due to wrong uncorr. Low Trigger treatment and bad TDC configuration in MB3

17 CMS week mar 0517 ∆x between tracks (cm) Efficiency No absorber – 0 deg With absorber – 0 deg Data Emulation Data Emulation Small drop of efficiency when the iron absorber is placed in front of MB3, expecially when tracks are very close in space

18 CMS week mar 0518 Incident angles different from zero ∆x between tracks (cm) Efficiency Data Emulation Data Emulation 0 deg no 0 deg 1 Trig at BX=OK 2 Trig at BX=OK 2 Trig at BX=OK±1

19 CMS week mar 0519 Conclusions Trigger performances in good agreement with 2003 results. New results from energy dependence and the effect of the iron absorber. Some refinements of the analysis is the two-muon selection will come soon. A written note is in preparation. Updated results from Track Finder performaces are expected also expected (Jorge)

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