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 Contraception  Emergency contraception  Dysmenorrhea  Menorrhagia  ?endometrial CA/ cervical CA For all ages, regardless of obstetrical history or.

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Presentation on theme: " Contraception  Emergency contraception  Dysmenorrhea  Menorrhagia  ?endometrial CA/ cervical CA For all ages, regardless of obstetrical history or."— Presentation transcript:

1  Contraception  Emergency contraception  Dysmenorrhea  Menorrhagia  ?endometrial CA/ cervical CA For all ages, regardless of obstetrical history or risk of STI

2  Uterine bleeding of unknown cause*  Active PID, septic abortion  Pregnancy  Copper allergy (for copper IUDs only)  Some uterine abnormalities * may combine endometrial bx and IUD

3  Risk of pregnancy: do preg test  Risk of STD: test, ?prophylaxis  Bacterial vaginosis (treat if positive)  Periods (cramping/pain/clotting)  Prior vaginal births  Prior experience with IUDs  Copper or LNG?

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