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Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/25/10 Social Media and Marketing Presented By: Veronica Noone

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/25/10 Social Media and Marketing Presented By: Veronica Noone"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/25/10 Social Media and Marketing Presented By: Veronica Noone @RonisWeigh

2 5/25/10 Agenda Define Social Media? Popular Social Media Channels 6 Questions to ask when building a Social Media Marketing Strategy. More on the popular channels Companies using Social Media Things to ponder

3 5/25/10 Question.... How would YOU define Social Media?

4 5/25/10 What does Social Media and Ice Cream have in common?....

5 5/25/10 Social Media Key Points Social enjoying life in communities or organized groups Media an instrument of communication traditionally one-way. Social Media gives you (or your users) the ability to communicate too.

6 5/25/10 Question.... Who are the big players? The popular social media channels available today.

7 5/25/10

8 6 Questions when building a Social Media Marketing Strategy Why? Who? What? How? With What? Is it Working?

9 5/25/10 Why? The biggest MOST important question ever.

10 5/25/10 Who? You Audience! Listen and Observe potential customers. how does YOUR audience communicate/interact online? Which social networks do they engage? What are their goals? Be a Lurker!

11 5/25/10 What? What are your objectives? Do you want to sell more widgets? Build your brand? Get feedback from customers? Consider both the goals of the company as well as your audience.

12 5/25/10 How? You know the who and the what now we to map it to the how and with what? You need a Strategic plan What approaches will you take to meet the needs/desires/interests of your audience while meeting your own

13 5/25/10 How? Cont'd Connecting social media marketing tactics and technologies should be based on your who and what. Blogging Microblogging Social Networks Video Forums Blogger sponsorships There are many to consider.

14 5/25/10 With What? What specific tools will you use? Again, based on the who and the what. Wordpress Blogger Twitter Facebook linkedIn YouTube Again, there are many to consider.

15 5/25/10 Is it Working? How will you measure success according to your goals? ◦ When will you take benchmark measurements? ◦ How frequently will you evaluate efforts? ◦ Will there be success metric? ◦ Will you share your success with you online users? ◦ Sometimes results are intangible.

16 5/25/10 Currently Popular Twitter Facebook Blogs (Wordpress vs. Blogger vs. MoveableType vs Whatever) Tumblr YouTube Flickr

17 5/25/10 Let's Take a look... at some companies rocking the social media.

18 5/25/10 POM Online community Engage bloggers who meet their demographic Active in on twitter  @pomonline Facebook Fan Page  Even linkedIn 

19 5/25/10 Absolut Vodka Strong Presence on YouTube  Not on twitter that I can find Inactive/user created Facebook Fan Page 

20 5/25/10 Best Buy Strong Twitter presence @twelpforce @BestBuy crazy-with-twelpforce/

21 5/25/10 Things to ponder Marketing on the social web is about giving to get Listen as much as you talk Respond quickly... users like real time There is no “right” way. Transparency, Transparency, Transparency,

22 5/25/10 References/Resources For a list of references and resources visit my blog...

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