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Israel-Palestine Israel-Palestine Hot Potatoes Emmanuel Baptist Church Falmouth.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel-Palestine Israel-Palestine Hot Potatoes Emmanuel Baptist Church Falmouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel-Palestine Israel-Palestine Hot Potatoes Emmanuel Baptist Church Falmouth

2 The Current state of the conflict

3 Diverse Christian Views David Pawson ‘Defending Christian Zionism’ 1.God is sovereign over history (Acts 17:26) 2. Unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible (Isaiah 11:11-12) 3. The miracle of the survival of the Jews (Jeremiah 31:36-37)

4 Diverse Christian Views John Stott ‘The Place of Israel’ 1.Israel past-our spiritual debt (Romans.9:4-5) 2. Israel present-all who believe in Jesus (Galatians 3:29) 3. Israel future-God has not rejected (Romans 11 )

5 Hot potato questions to ponder 1.How does the return to the land fit with the political reality of injustice for the Palestinians? 2. What about the real boundaries of the land? (Genesis 15:18) 3. Are there other ways of interpreting the Bible passages on the land? (Genesis 17:4-many nations promised not just one)

6 The Way Ahead 1. Study the Bible more carefully 2. Listen to local voices 3. Visit the Holy Land 4. Pray for signs of hope

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