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Welcome to Sig Day 2010 Jennifer Coffey SPDG Program Lead Audrey Desjarlais SIGnetwork Coordinator The SPDG Program Area Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sig Day 2010 Jennifer Coffey SPDG Program Lead Audrey Desjarlais SIGnetwork Coordinator The SPDG Program Area Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sig Day 2010 Jennifer Coffey SPDG Program Lead Audrey Desjarlais SIGnetwork Coordinator The SPDG Program Area Meeting

2 Thank you! 2010 SIG Day Planning Committee Denise Andreski (FL, MD, PA) Susan Bailey-Anderson (MT) Michele Bloodworth (NM) Anne Davin (CA) Hollie Filce (MS) Jonathan Dyson (RI) Susan Davis (NC) Jeanna Mullins, MSRRC

3 Agenda  SIGnetwork  Regional Meetings  FY 2010 SPDG Program  Performance Measures  ARRA funding and the SPDGs  3-2-1 Discussions

4 SPDG Program SIGnetwork   SIGnetwork Coordinator  Monthly Directors’ Webinars  Bi-Monthly Evaluators’ Webinars  Annual Face-to-Face Regional Meetings  Nine Topical Professional Learning Communities –Groups meet on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis  SPDG Technology Initiative & the Tech Focus Work Group

5 SIGnetwork  Listserv  If not currently on a Listserv, send your information to Audrey  Types of information provided through the listserv  New SPDG competition announcement  Continuation reporting reminders and tips  Budget information  Research and other resources  Contact Directory List

6 SIGnetwork Website  Register to  Your account information will assist us in creating an on-line directory  To subscribe to the PLC wiki pages

7 February 3-4: Washington, DC February 8-9: New Orleans, LA February 15-16: Portland, OR, Vintage Plaza Hotel Can ’ t Travel? Not to worry. You can attend virtually! Segments of the Portland Regional Meeting will be offered via webcast to all interested SPDG Project Directors, Evaluators and Staff. Please contact Audrey at by January 15 if you and/or members of your staff plan to attend as online participants. 2010 SPDG Regional Meetings


9 FY 2010 SPDG Program About $10 million for new grants Applications were due by July 9 th and will be

10 Performance Measures  Reference card  OSEP Program Measures are combined with GPRA Measures  Should be aligned with your objectives throughout your report  More methodology guidance is coming

11 SPDG Performance Reporting Tips Data provided for the PROGRAM Measures are used to determine the success of the SPDG Program. Although information about processes is important, data regarding outcomes are critical for your quantitative data tables. The desired outcomes you described in your application are the outcomes you should report in your APR.

12 Setting Targets  You are required to report on the targets (e.g., benchmarks or goals) that you established in your grant application, as well as your actual performance data.  If you did not establish targets in your approved grant application, please provide a detailed plan of how you will provide this information in future grant performance reports.

13 Final Reports  Final reports are due 90 days after the final day of your project.  The final reports are not built into the online report system. To complete the final report, download the continuation report and check the final report box.  Focus on the performance measures and outcomes/accomplishments and include the budgetary information for the entire grant cycle.  If there is money remaining at the end of the grant cycle and the project still has objectives to fulfill, there is an option to request a no-cost extension. Do not submit a final report if funds are still being spent.

14 No Cost Extensions  Filing for No-Cost Extension: There is no electronic form. You must notify your project officer in writing with the supporting reasons and revised expiration date at least 10 days before the project period end date.  You must submit a continuation report for that year. 14

15 Changes that Require Prior Approval Changing activities or objectives New personnel or changes in FTE beyond.25 –Must request approval for changes in key personnel or significant changes in FTE Send resume of proposed personnel The absence of the project director or principal investigator for more than three months (EDGAR § 74.25). Significant budget changes The transfer of substantive work to a third party

16 OVERVIEW OF 3-2-1 DISCUSSIONS Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork Coordinator 16

17 Overview of “3-2-1 Reflection” Group Process  Brief discussions with a “next step” and succinct summary of the conversation.  Purposes  Structuring Learning.  Furthering the work of the PLCs.  Helping the group determine the right next step(s). 17

18 Outcomes of the 3-2-1 Process  3 big ideas that you and the rest of your group take away from the discussion  2 questions that you and the rest of your group will continue to ponder after today  1 action that you and the group will take 18

19 Directions  Find the table number for your discussion topics for Round 1 and Round 2  The facilitator will choose one person to do the group 3-2-1 recording and report out after the discussions  Be prepared to record your individual 3-2-1 19

20 Tables Round 1 #1: Coaching #2: Collab with IHEs #3: Leadership Dvlpmnt #4: Capacity Building #5: Multi-Tiered Models #6: Scaling Up #7: Scaling Up #8: Collab with Partners #9: Technology – BEGINNER #10: Participatory Evaluation #11: Eval – Measuring Collab #12: Eval – Measuring Collab Round 2 #1: Coaching #2: Collab with IHEs #3: Leadership Dvlpmnt #4: Capacity Building #5: Multi-Tiered Models #6: Scaling Up #7: Scaling Up #8: Collab with Partners #9: Technology - ADVANCED #10: Secondary Literacy #11: Family Engagement #12: RTI

21 LARGE GROUP REPORT-OUT Jennifer Coffey 21

22 Outcomes of the 3-2-1 Process  3 big ideas that you and the rest of your group take away from the discussion  2 questions that you and the rest of your group will continue to ponder after today  1 action that you and the group will take 22

23 Thank you to our 3-2-1 Facilitators Beth Steenwyk, MI Brent Garrett, KY, MS, NH, TN Carlos Romero, NM David Merves, NH, VT, MS Denise Andreski, MD, PA, FL Dianna Carrizales, OR Hollie Filce, MS Janet Sloand, PA Jeanna Mullins, MSRRC Jon Dyson, RI Kathy Cox, IL Kerry Haag, KS Leslie Pyper, WA Lori Romano, FL Lynn Bailey, NC Marty Smith, MN Matt Giugno, NY Nikki Sandve, MT Pam Williams, MO Pattie Noonan, MO Susan Bailey-Anderson, MT Susan Davis, NC Wilma Jozwiak, NY

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