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Starring: Mrs. Prest, Mrs. Ibsen, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Spink, Mrs. Hassell, Mrs. Festa, and Mrs. Phillips.

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2 Starring: Mrs. Prest, Mrs. Ibsen, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Spink, Mrs. Hassell, Mrs. Festa, and Mrs. Phillips

3 Extracurricular Activities


5 Field Trips The Christmas Carol (Trinity Theatre) State House Tour and Mock Legislation Session South County Museum Newport

6 Talent Show Yearbook Orientation at the Pier School Remembrance Day

7 Digital Literacy in Action

8 Digital Literacy Partnership with URI Teaching Digital Literacy Teaching Good Digital Citizenship (Home and School) Helpful Website: media-education


10 ELA Time In The Classroom Reading and writing workshop daily Mini-lesson followed by teacher-guided small groups and independent practice Book Discussions amongst peers and as a class

11 ELA and The Common Core 1. There will be a balance between fiction and nonfiction reading. 2. We will encourage students to provide evidence to support their answers to questions. In addition to responding correctly to a question, we are also going to ask our students : "How do you know?" Students are encouraged to look back into a story to provide specific support for an answer. 3. In Grades 2-4, students will be challenged with text that is slightly above their reading level. We will further develop their vocabulary through discussion and wide reading.

12 Pause and Ponder (Stop and Think, Question) Synthesize (Author’s Purpose, Text Structure) Communication (Discussing texts using text evidence) Common Core Reading Focus

13 Common Core Writing Focus Three Types of Writing 1.Informational/ Explanatory (Science Writing) 2. Opinion 3. Narrative Writing Frames to Scaffold Learning (Used as needed) Use of thinking maps to organize thinking and details prior to writing Revision with support

14 Thinking Maps Sequence Map Box and T Cause and Effect Tree Map


16 Motion & Design


18 Magnetism & Electricity

19 Mrs. Spink Math

20 Common Core 4 th Grade Math Focus: Fluently add and subtract within a million Using place value strategies to multiply and divide Fraction and decimal equivalence Add, subtract, and multiply fractions Measurement and Data Basic fact fluency (Instant recall by the end of fourth grade) Multi-step problem solving

21 Resources Dreambox Parent Newsletter X-tra Math Learnzillion

22 Questions?

23 Thank You For Coming ! We Appreciate Your Support!

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