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Educating For Careers Conference Sacramento, CA March, 2015 Erik Mickelson Advanced Learner Specialist/ Linked Learning District Pathway Coach

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Presentation on theme: "Educating For Careers Conference Sacramento, CA March, 2015 Erik Mickelson Advanced Learner Specialist/ Linked Learning District Pathway Coach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educating For Careers Conference Sacramento, CA March, 2015 Erik Mickelson Advanced Learner Specialist/ Linked Learning District Pathway Coach (760) 221-1942

2 CURRENTUPCOMING…  Healthcare  Public Safety  Alternative Energy  Culinary  Arts  Digital Media  Business  Cosmetology  Transportation  Education Designed to provide wide-ranging choices for students as well match up with local industry.

3  Thinking Skills  Content (D/C)  Research/Resources  Product T/S + C (D/C) + R + P

4  Act as a liaison between teachers and District.  Common Core Implementation  Offer training and support to CTE teachers with District adopted educational strategies and academic expectations  Assist Academic Teachers with making CTE connections to their academic content  Facilitate team collaborations  Work with teams to develop engaging, relevant, and rigorous Integrated Projects

5 DIFFERENTIATINGSPECIFIC TO RIGOR  Content  Process  Product  Learning Environment  Acceleration/Pacing  Depth  Complexity  Novelty

6  The pace at which instruction is done  Pre-Testing and Moving On  Slowing down and Providing Intervention  Curriculum Compacting  Wait Time  How a student demonstrates knowledge  Application, Synthesis, Evaluation  Variety and student choice

7  Studying many aspects of a single topic  Going deeper into a subject  Becoming an “expert” in a subject  Making connections across several topics or academic subjects  Seeing relationships between seemingly unconnected ideas or concepts

8  Purpose: To provide Students with Opportunities for Higher Level Thinking and Learning  Kaplan and Gould  Dual-Coding  State Standard Review: Mediocrity  Ancient Philosophers  From Golden State and High School Advanced Placement Tests  Infused into the Standards Based Curriculum  Has Become the California Model for Teaching Gifted and Talented Students  But this strategy has great Connections to CTE!

9 Rules  The guide or procedures one must obey in a particular discipline  structure, order, or hierarchy  Rules of Nature, Law, and Culture Language of the Discipline  Specific Academic Language of a particular field of study  Vocabulary  Terms

10 Culinary: What guidelines are used in creating a menu? Cosmetology: Describe the implicit and explicit rules of skin care. Public Safety: Explain the overt and covert rules affecting border patrol. Culinary: What words would a chef use to tell about a dish he created? Cosmetology: What specialized language is needed to define and describe a beauty treatment? Public Safety: Describe a neighborhood patrol using the words a police officer might use.

11 Patterns  Occurrences or concepts that repeat.  Historical Patterns  Mathematical Patterns  Linguistic Patterns Trends  Situations or ideas particular to a specific period, culture, set of circumstances  Trends in Science and Technology

12 Arts: What elements, events, or ideas are repeated in this artist’s work? Business: Identify the political, social, and economic patterns that have affected local business. Healthcare: How do patterns of behavior help us predict a person’s overall health? Arts: Relate current societal trends to contemporary art. Business: Research current trends in marketing and compare them to an earlier decade. Healthcare: Define and support with evidence the effects of scientific and social trends on childhood obesity.

13 Ethics  Right, Wrong, and everything in between…  The “Should” Questions Unanswered Questions  What has not or cannot be answered  Things to Ponder

14 Education: Research and reflect on the extent to which the public schools should be involved with private corporate sponsors. Alternative Energy: Discuss the merits of using solar energy. Should there be additional incentives for making the switch? Transportation: What controversies exist regarding expanding public transportation in Southern California? Education: How will the shift to the Common Core State standards affect college and career readiness? Alternative Energy: What is still not understood about alternative forms of energy? Transportation: What discrepancies in information did you note about what constitutes fuel efficiency?

15 Big Idea  Large Universal concepts  Ultimate Meanings  One Word Summaries Details  Information that supports or proves the Big Idea  Relevant pieces but not the whole picture

16 Digital Media: Describe the design principles at work in this presentation. English: What theme best describes the central idea in the novel? Math: Describe the theorem used in solving quadratic equations. Digital Media: Describe how the content is affected by the design elements that were chosen. English: What are the most relevant characteristics/ attributes of the character? Math: How could you change the variables to increase or decrease the value?

17 Change over Time How time affects ideas and situations Across Disciplines Relationships between Subject Areas or Career Fields Multiple Perspectives Different Viewpoints

18 General: How has time affected _____________ ? Specific (Culinary): Food safety and sanitation General: How do different people see ___________ ? Specific (Public Safety): The prison system General: How do math, English, science, and history relate to __________ ? Specific: (Healthcare): Sports Medicine

19  Post Cards  Define The Terms  Curricular Connections  Post-Its in Teacher’s Edition  Lesson Plan Books  Close Read Articles or Texts  Group Discussion/Socratic Seminars  Writing Reflections/Analysis  Collaborate with Colleagues  Just try it…

20  Big Ideas about Healthcare and Details to support those ideas?  Language of the Discipline and Rules in the Healthcare Industry?  Patterns and or Trends in Healthcare?  Ethical Issues related to the Industry?  Unanswered Questions about Healthcare?  Changes Over Time ? Multiple Perspectives ?  Relating Healthcare Across the Disciplines ?

21  J Taylor Education  Byrdseed  California Association for the Gifted  Linked Learning

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