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By Germaine Pointer, South District 4-H RSA RECRUITING MINORITY VOLUNTEERS.

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Presentation on theme: "By Germaine Pointer, South District 4-H RSA RECRUITING MINORITY VOLUNTEERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Germaine Pointer, South District 4-H RSA RECRUITING MINORITY VOLUNTEERS

2 W HERE TO BEGIN Demographers predict that by 2030 most of America’s school-age children will be from a minority group and by 2050, so will most Americans (Hodgkinson 1996). Changes the nature of population Changes how audiences are served - List

3 C ULTURAL LITERACY Q UIZ  When is Black History Month celebrated?  Who was Fredrick Douglas?  When is Asian Pacific Month celebrated?  Name three ethnic groups that make up the Asian population in the United States  When is Native American Heritage Month ?  Name three Native American Tribes?  When is Hispanic American Month celebrated?  Name three places of origin or decent that would categorize people as Hispanic

4 B ACKGROUND ON MINORITY VOLUNTEERING  Definition: A volunteer is someone who serves in a community because she chooses to do so and serves without compensation.  Volunteering already exists in minority communities, informal, helping out

5 W HY MINORITIES DO NOT VOLUNTEER  United Way research poll found that minorities don’t volunteer for the following reasons:  Minorities were not asked  Fear of being used as a token  Do not feel connected to the mainstream community  Lack of personal time

6 W HY MINORITIES DO NOT VOLUNTEER  Lack of identification with agencies that are serving minority clients  Lack of knowledge about volunteer opportunities  Belief that minority input is not taken seriously  Uncertainty about benefits of involvement  Economic hardship

7 E FFECTIVE S TRATEGIES  Emphasize altruistic rather than personal reasons for volunteering  Helping others  Thinking about others rather than self  Making a difference in the environment/world

8 E FFECTIVE S TRATEGIES  A personal appeal is the most effective approach  Develop the image that 4-H is as organization in which people can feel strong personal attachment  Take advantage of the “era of volunteerism”, In vogue rather than materialism  Some 60.8 million between 09/06 and 09/07 or 26.2% of our population – 2006 estimate 299,398,484 73.8% to work with Population, 221,554,878

9 S TRATEGIES FOR A TTRACTING M INORITY V OLUNTEERS  Participate in community events to increase awareness of 4-H, distribute materials, solicit volunteers  Cultural events, fraternal, church related events, street fairs, music festivals, block parties, historical celebrations  Use minority media extensively  Distribute PSAs to minority radio stations, camera ready ads to newspapers, local magazines that market to minorities…Run PSAs on local cable television...  Ask minority retailers to put up ads, calendars etc.  Display posters at barber shops, doctors office...

10 S TRATEGIES FOR A TTRACTING M INORITY V OLUNTEERS  Enlist the support of minority role models within the community  Local minority sports stars, business leaders, veterans, politicians  Invite local minority leaders to serve on advisory committee, Expansion and Review committee, to judge events, to be guest speakers at events  Make use of existing community resources  Utilize volunteer centers, Volunteer Broward…  Collaborate with other organizations to do outreach  Solicit other minority volunteers to assist

11 B E S ENSITIVE TO C ULTURAL D IFFERENCES  Ensure that brochures and all marketing materials represent the clientele you are trying to reach  Beware of when events or meetings are scheduled, be aware of how cultures view time  Don’t try to use language to fit in, be natural but be honest – If foreign language is used, have a volunteer or staff that can help to clarify policies, benefits, screenings etc.  Examine your own attitudes toward diversity, if you feel uncomfortable so will your potential volunteers  Be yourself, be honest…..

12 R ESOURCES   ml ml  The Volunteer Recruitment Book by Susan J. Ellis  Strengthening Programs to Reach Diverse Audiences  Handouts, evaluation and follow-up

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