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Tom Goodman The Difficult Road to Player Development Presented by Tom Goodman, M.Ed. National Director of Coaching Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Goodman The Difficult Road to Player Development Presented by Tom Goodman, M.Ed. National Director of Coaching Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Goodman The Difficult Road to Player Development Presented by Tom Goodman, M.Ed. National Director of Coaching Education United States Youth Soccer Association

2 Tom Goodman Tom Goodman, M.Ed. US Youth Soccer National Director of Coaching Education USSF ‘A’ License USSF National Staff Instructor Former US Soccer Region 1 Staff Coach Former PA West State Director of Coaching Former CT Director of ODP Former President Windsor Soccer Club Former World Class Soccer Director of Coaching Club, High School, College, W-League Coach

3 Tom Goodman Player Development “The process by which a player grows and matures psychologically, technically, tactically and physically within their soccer environment.” Player Psychological Tactical Physical Technical

4 Tom Goodman Player Psychological Emotions Stress Intellect Commitment Desire Enjoyment Effort Persistence Self Esteem Relationships Outside Influences Player Technical Skills Functional Fundamental Match-Related Match-Condition Mechanics Speed Purity Performance Player Tactical Decisions Implication of Technique Communication Individual Group Team Speed Possession Transition Defending Principles Functional Vision Player Physical Nutrition Recovery Balance Strength Power Endurance Speed Flexibility Agility

5 Tom Goodman Player Psychomotor Development Psychosocial Development Cognitive Development StateRegionNation Club Town School Family

6 Tom Goodman Club/State/Region/Nation Mission Statement Why do we exist? What is our purpose? How do we justify our existence? Philosophy A frame of reference by which all employees measure their efforts. How do we achieve our mission? How do we do justice to our mission? Structure/Organization Board of Directors (Employers) Management of the property and affairs of the organization Conscience and “Common Sense” of the organization

7 Tom Goodman Club/State/Region/Nation (continued) Staffing (Employees) Director of Coaching and Player Development Selection and evaluation of coaching staff Continuing education for staff Selection and evaluation of players Curriculum development Coaching Staff Team management (players, parents, managers) Selection and evaluation of players Conduct training sessions Schedule competition Communication Head Administrator Overall administrative responsibility Selection and evaluation of team managers Team Manager Overall team administrative responsibility

8 Tom Goodman Club/State/Region/Nation (continued) Programming Levels of Play Club pass Education/curriculum Players, coaches, parents Age/playing level appropriate Physical/Psychological (mind and body) Competition Intra club Inter club Social Players, coaches, parents Facilities Outdoor fields Indoor fields Health/Fitness

9 Tom Goodman CLUB Responsibilities in Player Development Appoint a Director of Coaching and Player Development Staff & Player Development Staff & Player Evaluation (IDP) Staff & Player Education Programming Age appropriate play (small sided) Multiple levels of play Tournaments (Quality vs. Quantity) Provide appropriate age level coaching Age appropriate training Effective player/parent education Player evaluation (IDP)

10 Tom Goodman CLUB Responsibilities in Player Development (continued) Political Participation Attend State Meetings Support State Programs Facilities

11 Tom Goodman STATE Responsibilities in Player Development Recognition of the Club’s value in Player Development The Club is a customer Education (to foster Club growth) Coaches Parents Club Presidents Officials Appoint Director of Coaching and Player Development Player Development Select/State Teams ODP Centers of Excellence

12 Tom Goodman STATE Responsibilities in Player Development (continued) Political Participation Solicit feedback and ideas from Club personnel Promote State personnel to the Region Facilities Programming Age appropriate play (small sided) Multiple levels of play (Leagues, ODP) Special Programming (ie. TOP Soccer) Tournaments (Quality vs. Quantity)

13 Tom Goodman REGIONAL Responsibilities in Player Development Recognition of the State’s value in Education Administration Player Development (ODP) The States are the clients Education DOC’s and Coaches State Presidents Officials Appoint Director of Coaching and Player Development Player Development Advanced/Regional Teams ODP

14 Tom Goodman REGIONAL Responsibilities in Player Development (continued) Facilities Programming Multiple levels of play (Leagues, ODP) Special Programming (ie. TOP Soccer) Tournaments (Quality vs. Quantity) Political Participation Solicit feedback and ideas from State personnel Promote Regional personnel to the National Program

15 Tom Goodman NATIONAL Responsibilities in Player Development Recognition of the Region’s value in Education Administration Player Development (ODP) The Regions are the clients Education DOC’s and Coaches Regional Directors Officials Appoint Director of Coaching and Player Development Player Development Elite/National Teams

16 Tom Goodman NATIONAL Responsibilities in Player Development (continued) Facilities Programming Multiple levels of play (Leagues, ODP) Special Programming (ie. TOP Soccer) Tournaments (Quality vs. Quantity) Political Participation Solicit feedback and ideas from Regional personnel Promote Regional personnel to the National Program

17 Tom Goodman Conclusions The player must be the focus of all decisions. “Ego’s are out … Development is in!!” The different organizational levels must develop quality, open relationships with mutual respect for the benefit of the player. The closer the organizational level is to the player the more important that level is to player development.

18 Tom Goodman Player Psychomotor Development Psychosocial Development Cognitive Development StateRegionNation Club Town School Family

19 Tom Goodman The Successful Road to Player Development It’s all about the kids!

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