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The Gift Society TM July2010. Introduction System of renewable fund creation You can receive thousands of dollars One-time (reimbursed) $40.00 fee begins.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gift Society TM July2010. Introduction System of renewable fund creation You can receive thousands of dollars One-time (reimbursed) $40.00 fee begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gift Society TM July2010

2 Introduction System of renewable fund creation You can receive thousands of dollars One-time (reimbursed) $40.00 fee begins process We require that you ask 3 people and/or entities to do the same and enter into our system The fund creation system has 2 Phases. You receive money after you complete each Phase The Gift Society TM April2010

3 Phase 1 You will be credited a total of $3,240 to enter into PHASE 2 $1,000 to The Community Junior Golf Program (or subsequent Charitable Missions) $1,000 to Gift Society member/person designated by The Gift Society Administration, for your position in PHASE 2 $200 for five (5) other Charitable Missions (at $40.00 each) $500 to The Gift Corporation (for administrative fee). JUMPSTART ! You will be reimbursed each $40.00 expenditure quickly ! You get your money back ! Finally, you will receive $500.00 for your personal expenses and income taxes. In order to move into Phase 2, it is imperative that you recruit three (3) people/entities, to become a GS Funding Partner. In the alternative you may choose to bring yourself in three (3) or more times. The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

4 NEWS FLASH UNLIMITED INCOME Starting August 1 st 2010 a fee of $25.00 will be paid to any person or entity who recruits a person, an entity or themselves into Phase I. You must be a member of the GS Funding Program to get paid. The world is our market. !!! Membership is unlimited to any person, entity, organization etc. Please refer everyone to fill out the application on line, and print a copy for their record. (Money Order or Bank Draft is accepted) Address : The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY. 11550 The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

5 Compensation Chart The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY Person1 Day6 Days1 Month1 Year 1 Person$ 25.00$ 150.00$ 600.00$ 7.200.00 2 Person$ 50.00$ 300.00$ 1.200.00$ 14.400.00 3 Person$ 75.00$ 450.00$ 1.800.00$ 21.600.00 4 Person$ 100.00$ 600.00$ 2.400.00$ 28.800.00 5 Person$ 125.00$ 750.00$ 3.000.00$ 36.000.00 10 Person$ 250.00$ 1.500.00$ 6.000.00$ 72.000.00

6 Phase 2 You will be credited $81,000. The Gift Corporation will distribute these funds in the following manner: $20,000 loan to fund five (5) Charitable Trusts (at $4,000.00 each) $2,000.00 to re-enter yourself into Community Junior Golf Program (Charitable Mission #1) $3,240.00 to enter yourself into the Penny-A-Day Charitable Trust (Charitable Mission #2) $8,100.00 to The Gift Corporation (administrative fee) $25,000.00 repayment on the $20,000.00 loan plus $5,000.00 profit You will receive $72,660.00 for yourself for personal expenses and taxes After completing Phase 2, you are considered a distinguished lending partner in The Gift Society! The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

7 Phase 2 Direct To Earn UNLIMITED INCOME starting TODAY and EVERY DAY for future years Requirements: Contacts with Churches, local and regional Non-Profits, Businesses, Professional’s, Hospitals, Educational Institutions, Service Clubs, PTA’s, Libraries, Museums, Volunteer Fire Departments and Youth Organizations, etc. You may solicit any and all the above to spend $3,240 to enter themselves into the fast track of “PHASE 2 DIRECT”. When cycling occurs they will be credited with $81,000 less necessary deductions and adjustments. Each person/entity will receive $72,660 net! This process will repeat itself 89 additional times. The entity that spends the $3,240 will ultimately receive $7,290,000 at minimum. The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

8 Phase 2 Direct – Now the Good News As a solicitor, you will earn $45,000 for each entity that you invite into “PHASE 2 DIRECT” You will earn $500 from each entity for the first 90 Charitable Missions. There is no limit to the number of entities you solicit Please review the 90 Charitable Missions on our website The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

9 Phase 2 Direct When cycling occurs they will be credited with $81,000 less necessary deductions and adjustments. Each person/entity will receive $72,660 net! This process repeats itself 89 additional times. Do the math! The entity that spends the $3,240 will ultimately receive $7,290,000 at minimum. Unlimited Maximum Now the Good News! As a solicitor, you will earn $45,000 for each entity that you invite into “PHASE 2 DIRECT”. You will earn $500 from each entity for the first 90 Charitable Missions. There is no limit to the number of entities you solicit. Good Luck! LET’S EARN SOME SERIOUS MONEY!!! The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

10 Conclusion “PHASE 2 DIRECT” “PHASE 2 DIRECT” is designed to help individuals, small and large businesses, unions, non profit organizations, school districts, to create a new source of funding that will maintain their operations. Benefits will not occur instantly or over night, however, stay on your job and continue whatever enterprise you are engaged in Your financial future as planned is on track! The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

11 Conclusion “PHASE 2 DIRECT” Whatever you spend with us, you will be reimbursed You get your money back! You can become debt-free! You can fulfill your retirement financial needs. You will aid and assist our 90 charitable Missions as well as fund all of our charitable trusts. Your financial future? Starting from where you are today, you will become Rich, then Wealthy. Guaranteed! You will become a Multimillionaire. The Gift Society 100 Main Street Suite D Hempstead, NY

12 Community Junior Golf Program

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