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A Shared Vision for Youth Arizona State Team September 20-21, 2006 Atlanta, GA.

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1 A Shared Vision for Youth Arizona State Team September 20-21, 2006 Atlanta, GA

2 Effective Practice: Building statewide capacity and infrastructure

3 History Arizona team has met consistently since December 2004 Arizona team has met five times in past eight months Team information-sharing through in- person meetings, email and website July 2006 strategic planning session

4 Strength of Partnership Governor’s Office, Division for Children Governor’s Office, Division for Community and Youth Development Department of Economic Security, WIA Department of Economic Security, CYF Department of Education Department of Juvenile Corrections Administrative Office of the Courts Job Corps

5 Expanded Partners Department of Health Services – Behavioral Health Tribal Member Department of Housing Department of Commerce Arizona Builders Alliance Others TBD

6 Issue Area: Collaboration Goal 1: Increase knowledge of each other’s agency and improve working relationships in the areas of both policy and practice

7 Continue to engage additional partners Plan and conduct regular task force meetings Develop a standard meeting agenda Clarify partner roles and responsibilities; develop a partner job description Facilitate “natural partnerships” so agencies begin working together on issues and projects of mutual interest

8 Goal 1: Increase knowledge of each other’s agency and improve working relationships in the areas of both policy and practice Create and distribute a Task Force Partner directory. Solicit information on needs of the business community, requirements of various entry- level positions and information on common challenges of young employees Compile employer information for use by partners agencies serving populations of neediest youth to improve

9 Issue Area: Model System Goal 2: Develop and promote implementation of recommendations for workforce readiness for youth, particularly those at risk due to inclusion in one of the following categories: youth who are in foster care, have dropped out of school, have incarcerated parents, are juvenile offenders, are migrants, have disabilities, or who are without a home.

10 Goal 2: Develop and promote implementation of recommendations for workforce readiness, particularly for youth at risk Develop a mission and vision statement for the Task Force Continue to solicit input from the service community and from youth participants about the elements of a model system Review information on model systems Agree on elements of a model system Adopt performance measures for the system in alignment with WIA measures

11 Goal 2: Develop and promote implementation of recommendations for workforce readiness, particularly for youth at risk Complete an analysis of needs and resources in the current system Identify strengths and gaps, effective programs for preservation and/or expansion Develop recommendations Develop memorandum of understanding among key agencies regarding partnerships and sharing of resources

12 Goal 2: Develop and promote implementation of recommendations for workforce readiness, particularly for youth at risk Develop a plan for translating the Task Force recommendations into action, including strategies for integrating the recommendations into the plans and actions of partner agencies, other Councils and other bodies with a shared interest such as P-20 Council, Youth Development Task Force, Council on Workforce Policy and Children’s Cabinet

13 Shared Interests and Integration Efforts P-20 Council Governor’s Council on Workforce Policy Children’s Cabinet Youth Dev’t Task Force Vision for Youth Task Force

14 Example: Partner Best Practice Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections: Safer Communities Through Successful Youth

15 Student Population Special Education English Language Learners (ELL) High Risk

16 Secure Care: Vocational/Workforce Training Goal: To provide rehabilitative and job readiness skills to meet the needs of the job market. NCA Accredited (High School/GED) Academics Vocational Education Portfolio Vocational Classes Aligned Exposure Job Skills Employability

17 Insert 4-5 photo slides here

18 Questions?

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