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Camden Coalition for Healthcare Providers Presentation on Member Feedback, High-Impact Nonprofits and Board Development John E. Brothers.

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1 Camden Coalition for Healthcare Providers Presentation on Member Feedback, High-Impact Nonprofits and Board Development John E. Brothers

2 All rights reserved by [Facilitator’s Name – Organization]. Do not use without permission. In May 2011, the Support Center for Nonprofit Management was contracted to provide services to the Camden Coalition for Health Providers. Starting with a document review and meeting with Coalition management, the SCNM will be performing the following services: 1.Speak with a representative sample of board members to: 1.Learn their perspectives on the organization 2.Obtain their ideas of how best to transition the Coalition into a more institutionalized organization 3.Solicit input on proposed board structure 4.Synthesize information gathered and make recommendations on the by-laws with an eye to creating a governance structure that accommodates for future organizational growth while also serving immediate needs 2.Develop a list of needed board and management policies and procedures for the Coalition’s review and approval 3.Assist the Coalition to prepare a board operations manual and management policies and procedures 4.Provide ongoing training, consulting and coaching to the board so all individuals understand their roles and responsibilities in accordance with best governance practices

3 Following a document review and meetings with management/consultants in May, Dr. Brothers attended a meeting of the Coalition and was introduced over e-mail regarding the interview process in early July. Since that time, Dr. Brothers spoke with 10 Coalition members to the following: 1.Learn their perspectives on the Coalition 2.Obtain member’s ideas of how best to transition the Coalition into a more institutionalized organization 3.Solicit input on proposed board structure 4.Synthesize information gathered and make recommendations on the by- laws with an eye to creating a governance structure that accommodates for future organizational growth while also serving immediate needs The following slide outlines the thematic areas that the Coalition should focus on as it moves forward, from the perspective of Coalition members.

4 The following were the four themes that emerged from the conversations with Coalition members, in no specific order and paraphrased:  Succession planning for Dr. Brenner “So much rests in Jeffrey’s hands” “The Coalition would be in trouble without Dr. Brenner” “Board meetings have become a chance for us to hear about the work Jeff is doing”  Need for strategic plan “While we are doing exciting things, we seem to be in a number of areas and strategy might serve us well” “As we obtain more and more grants, I worry somewhat about mission creep”  Strong financial and grants management “Because of our increase in funding, we need to make sure we have a strong eye on our finances” With more and more grants being won, it becomes more important for us to stay on top of all the grant requirements”.  Managing growth and maintaining mission integrity “As the Coalition grows, make sure that we keep focus on what got us here” “I am somewhat worried about getting too big, too fast”

5 Additionally, Coalition members were asked about how they viewed their current board role and what the role of a board member should be moving forward. In parenthesis are the traditional board structures that are representative of these themes. These themes, in nor particular order and paraphrased, are as follows:  “Coalition meetings are informational” (Membership Model)  “Members provide feedback and periodic vote on behalf of organizations” (Association Model)  “Will work where Dr. Brenner asks” (Strong CEO Model)  “As Coalition grows, a stronger board is needed.” (Institutional Board)

6 Components of a Healthy Non-Profit Organization

7 Non-Profit Stability “Building Capacity to Support Mission and Programs”

8 Where is CCHP? Using the Lifecycle You can use the lifecycle to assess overall lifecycle stage of your nonprofit or to assess the lifecycle stage of a specific capacity area.

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