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Parent Work (6.05) Social Welfare Department Clinical Psychological Service Branch Central Psychological Support Service Staff Training for ICCC Topic:

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Work (6.05) Social Welfare Department Clinical Psychological Service Branch Central Psychological Support Service Staff Training for ICCC Topic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Work (6.05) Social Welfare Department Clinical Psychological Service Branch Central Psychological Support Service Staff Training for ICCC Topic: Parent Work (1)

2 Parent Work (6.05) Presentation Outline Introduction Disability & Family Counseling Process Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) Conclusion

3 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family Reaction to diagnosis Shopping for services Challenges on family functioning Marital Conflict Emotional reaction

4 Parent Work (6.05) Counseling Process Educative counseling Parent training Facilitative counseling Personal advocacy counseling

5 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family (1) Reaction to Diagnosis Type of disability Condition of disability -- insidious vs obvious How information is provided

6 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family (2) Shopping for Services Overstated problem Reasons for shopping seek opinion, feel disrespectful, misunderstand their role, disagree with professional judgement Determine reasons & sort out information

7 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family (3) Challenges on family functioning language difficulties problem in child management lack of emotional attachment poor self-care skills

8 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family (4) Marital conflict trigger latent conflicts help parents to aware of causes of frustration help parents to meet personal needs

9 Parent Work (6.05) Disability & Family (5) Emotional reaction Mother: guilt, anger, embarrassment, jealousy, depression, helplessness, hopelessness Father: depression, low self-esteem Sibling: jealousy, “ Cinderella Syndrome ”, embarrassment, guilt, anxiety

10 Parent Work (6.05) Counseling Process (1) Educative Counseling provide and explain information on disability refer parents to written materials, professionals and parents organization provide information on training

11 Parent Work (6.05) Counseling Process (2) Parent training child development, parent-child interactions behavioral management interpret available information and technique

12 Parent Work (6.05) Counseling Process (3) Facilitative counseling information is realistic but not overwhelming help to understand not parents ’ fault help to avoid over-protection help to aware of communication pattern help to instill realistic hope help to meet family needs

13 Parent Work (6.05) Counseling Process (4) Personal advocacy counseling process of helping parents to actively and purposively work for their own welfare “ hard ” and “ soft ” services coping with pressure from professionals search for appropriate welfare experience a sense of control over their life

14 Individual Family Service Plan Systematic way of providing service Family-centered services Coordinated service from different professional Team work approach Parent-professional collaboration

15 IFSP Forms Background Information Concerns & Priorities Child & Family strengths Present Levels of Development Goals and Outcomes Services Transition Plan

16 Principles of IFSP Family centered services Family-professional relationships Effective team functioning Services coordination

17 Developing IFSP Reviewing family concerns & priorities Describing child ’ s present abilities Developing functional prioritized outcomes Building on strengths & resources Determining team services for each outcome Planning for transitions

18 Developing IFSP (1) Reviewing family concerns & priorities collect information by meeting parents at home and school review and discuss concerns & priorities sample questions for discussion sample concerns & priorities

19 Developing IFSP (2) Describing child ’ s present abilities assess by Multi-Disciplinary Team(MDT) and results disclose by professional solicit a summary of eligibility for special services solicit a description of abilities and strengths

20 Developing IFSP (3) Developing functional, priortized outcomes family share and elaborate concerns & wishes professionals discuss about important family needs family and professionals rank orders together outcomes worded as behavioral objectives

21 Developing IFSP (4) Building on strengths and resources review information to identify existing strengths and resources include all family members and support network include different type of resources

22 Developing IFSP (5) Determining team services for each outcome discuss how family & professional sources used used simple sentences that address who, what, where, how often state the outcome as functional/ practical measure

23 Developing IFSP (6) Planning for Transition Type of transition Transition Problems Consideration of planning transition Time Frames

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