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BELMONT FORUM E-INFRASTRUCTURES AND DATA MANAGEMENT PROJECT Updates and Next Steps to Deliver the final Community Strategy and Implementation Plan Maria.

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Presentation on theme: "BELMONT FORUM E-INFRASTRUCTURES AND DATA MANAGEMENT PROJECT Updates and Next Steps to Deliver the final Community Strategy and Implementation Plan Maria."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELMONT FORUM E-INFRASTRUCTURES AND DATA MANAGEMENT PROJECT Updates and Next Steps to Deliver the final Community Strategy and Implementation Plan Maria Uhle

2 Promoting International Collaboration through New Funding Opportunities World’s leading funders of global environmental change research and international science councils

3 Established to foster global environmental change research; Initiated June 2009 by NSF and NERC, building on IGFA

4 The Belmont Challenge To deliver knowledge needed for action to avoid and adapt to detrimental environmental change, including extreme hazardous events. This requires:  Assessments of risks, impacts and vulnerabilities, through regional and decadal-scale analysis and prediction  Information on the state of the environment, through advanced observing systems  Interaction of natural and social sciences  Enhanced environmental information service providers to users  Effective international coordination mechanisms

5 Collaborative Research Actions  Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs) are implemented to make progress against the Belmont Challenge and promote international collaboration  Address Belmont Challenge priorities  Leverage’ existing investments through international added value  Bring together new partnerships of natural scientists, social scientists, and users  Improve how funding agencies collaborate with each other and develop new opportunities for research

6 E-infrastructures and Data Management CRA “….the need to address global environmental challenges requires a more coordinated approach to the planning, implementation, and management of data, analytics and E-Infrastructures” through international collaboration. - Belmont Forum, New Delhi, February 2013

7 Who’s involved?  International Steering Committee (14 people)  1 member per country or international organization  Members lead six Work Packages (WPs) / working groups  6 Work Packages (120 people)  ~ 20 people per WP  WP members composed of national delegations ( ~10 members per country)

8 ASSEMBLY 120 + experts  ~10 per country  Divided into 6 Work Packages (WPs)  end-user domain scientists  computer and information scientists  legal experts  social scientists

9 Interim Report September 2014  Progress Report  Preview of emerging findings, conclusions, recommendations  Short-term recommendations that the Belmont Forum should consider implementing in 2015  Assessment of what needs to be done to deliver the final Community Strategy and Implementation Plan

10 Interim Report  Actions that produce quick wins leading to recognizable results  Strategic leverage points that make a large impact with little funding or policy changes  Analysis of funding mechanisms that best sustain e- infrastructures  Strategic community-building initiatives around data infrastructures  Process to engage the Belmont Forum in the co-design of future CRAs to keep pace with changing global e-infrastructure landscape

11 Findings and Emerging Conclusions  There is a role for the Belmont Forum to:  Foster good practice on sharing data in the scientific community  Solicit, prioritize and develop use cases that employ user-driven approaches that bring together environmental scientists, computer scientists, and data centers  Design and implement short courses to start to bridge skills gaps and promote best practices  Support and fund activities that increase awareness of data security and legal issues

12 Emerging Recommendations 1.Establish e-Infrastructure Community Social Elements and Coordination 2.Foster Active Data Management and Stewardship Principles 3.Provide Support for the Development of Case Studies and Exemplars Other recommendations and consequent actions to be determined

13 Community Strategy and Implementation Plan Final Report Due June 30, 2015  Vision that clearly expresses global e-infrastructure needs, barriers and gaps  Identify strategic science policies, outlining what can be done better, in a multilateral way, to support global change research  Informs stakeholders  Prioritizes action to address the interoperability challenges  Integrates existing national and international research in order to promote more holistic environmental support system

14 Project Updates  Steering Committee will consider how each of the recommendations and actions in the final report contribute to improve reproducibility of science  Steering Committee will develop data principles, building on and leveraging what has already been done, to put the actions and recommendations in the final report into a strategic framework

15 Timeline  December 13-14, 2014: Steering Committee Meeting at AGU Fall Meeting  January – March 2015: Work continues  April 9-11, 2015: Steering Committee Meeting at Japan Science & Technology Agency, Tokyo  May 25 – June 15, 2015: Review of draft Final Report  June 30, 2015: Final report submission to the Belmont Forum Public consultation to follow final report delivery

16 New Knowledge Hub Interim Report is available online

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