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Allendale District SEPAC Executive Committee. Who we are  Suzanne Bussetti  Jessica Downes  Michael Flom  Aileen Gramsch  Eileen Guffin  Christina.

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Presentation on theme: "Allendale District SEPAC Executive Committee. Who we are  Suzanne Bussetti  Jessica Downes  Michael Flom  Aileen Gramsch  Eileen Guffin  Christina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allendale District SEPAC Executive Committee

2 Who we are  Suzanne Bussetti  Jessica Downes  Michael Flom  Aileen Gramsch  Eileen Guffin  Christina Montanye  Janice Murad  Joanna O’Toole  Lynn-Marie Peare

3 Contact us  Individually (PTO Book) Individually (PTO Book)   

4 Mission  The Allendale Special Education Parents Advisory Committee (Allendale SEPAC) provides advice and input to the District on Special Services.  The SEPAC works towards gaining the respect, support, and appropriate education for all children with special needs in our District and to ensure that students' needs under N.J.A.C. 6A:14, Section 504, I.D.E.A and other applicable laws are being met.

5 Goals  Our Goal is to establish a productive partnership between Allendale District and the SEPAC so that:  Parent Feedback and input on Special Services, including I&RS, Remedial programs, 504 and IEP services and parent education is constructively received and acted upon.  The SEPAC serves as a resource to the the District for planning, development and evaluation of Special Services.

6 SEPAC vs. APCS  SEPAC  Special Education Parent Advisory Council  Solicits input  Advises district  APCS  Allendale Parents of Parents of Special Needs  Parent  Education  Support  Advocacy  ups/AllendalePCS/ ups/AllendalePCS/

7 2014-15 Priorities

8 What would make it more likely for you provide input?  Evening meetings  Online videoconference  Online Discussion Group  Online audio conference  Daytime meetings  Refreshments/snacks  Choice of multiple sessions for the same meeting  Sitter at a school location (e.g. a high school student)  Parent only meetings  Web survey  Meetings on a particular day or time (please specify  Input to District only  Input to Exec Committee (parents)  Other (please specify)

9 General Meetings Frequency ?  1 time/year  2 times/year  3 times/year  4 times/year  more than 4 times/yea  Other (please specify)

10 Top priorities?  Solicit input (e.g. issues, topics, speakers, formats) for parent group provided education  Solicit input (e.g. issues, topics, speakers, formats) for District provided education  Solicit input (e.g. issues) for District Special Services (remedial, intervention, referral, 504, IEP) practices  Provide recommendations to the District for remedial, intervention, referral, 504, IEP practices  Ensure top recommendations are implemented  Parent-only time where parents can discuss issues freely  Have private one-on-one time with key district personnel before/after general meetings  Other

11 Areas of concern/Suggestions?  Processes  Child Find (Ages 3-14)  Intervention and referral (I&RS)  Identification  Evaluation  Eligibility  Parents  Education - process  Education - interventions and programs  Child Study Team (CST)  Treatment of Parents

12 Areas of concern/Suggestions? Services  Basic Skills Instruction  Speech and Language Therapy  Occupational Therapy  Physical Therapy  Counseling  Multi-sensory Reading  Special Ed (e.g. SI, resource)  Aides  Communications  Social Skills  High School Transition  Extended School Year (ESY)  Summer Transition  After school homework help  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)  Out of District Placement (OODP)  School Nurse  Other

13 Thank you! SEPAC Executive Committee

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