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Developing a Major Gift Culture “Looks like St. Mary’s is in a bad way…” August 2014.

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1 Developing a Major Gift Culture “Looks like St. Mary’s is in a bad way…” August 2014

2 What is Bogardus’ Vision? What is Sister Benedict’s Vision?

3 Strategy What is the Sisters’ plan to secure new facilities? Where are their energies focused? NOT What are the nuns NOT doing? What key tactics do they employ?

4 From the Bingo Director: “Every time a hearse goes by, there goes another loyal customer.” - Catholic school development director and director of bingo operations…as stated to Bill Acton in 2009

5 A Primer for Advancement 2014! “I see a school!” Establish a Vision – “I see a school!” “Let’s get Bing on board!” Share ownership – “Let’s get Bing on board!” Focus Focus “You can transform!” Transfer ownership – “You can transform!” Establish a cultivation plan. Engage…listen…adapt…overcome. Solicit Close Close.Pray.

6 What Works Patience… Dual-team approach… Clear and concise request… Listening… Responding… Leading…challenging

7 Which describe your work reality?  Under-staffed  WAAAY under-staffed  Tactical rather than strategic  Focused on activity (getting out the mailing, organizing reunions) rather than results (meeting funding goals)  Overwhelmed


9 Apply!  What is it you are charged with doing?ADVANCEMENT results What behaviors and activity will bring the results you need (i.e. $$!)? focus? What activities are interfering with your focus?

10 So… What Should Your Advancement Office and Advancement Office and Behaviors Look Like?

11 100% Full-Time Focus on Revenue Major Gifts! Relationship-building activities (for short, mid or long- term revenue). Strong annual fund – secure immediate, needed revenue and identify current and future major gift prospects. Office focus = Maximizes Charitable Giving and Fundraising Revenues…period!

12 Resource Appropriately “Every organization is perfectly designed to get the results it is getting”... Part-Time Staffing = Part-Time Results. Strong Relationships = Large, Transformational Gifts. Data “drives” the giving “engine.” Yes, you need donor research. Yes, you need a travel budget.

13 What Advancement is NOT An office for part-timers. A party planning office. A cultivation department. A newsletter department.

14 The IDO: Core Functions and Positions Relationship Management Constituency Management Annual Giving Management Operations and Events Administrative Support » Strive for a $.25 cost to raise $1.00

15 Goes “fishing in the right pond” The right profile: Goal focused Activity oriented Motivated to achieve big goals Strong rapport building and interpersonal skills Delivers all “products” at the right time…no silos Major Gift (RM) Role 6 – 8 calls per week. Year 1-Budget neutral Year 2-Revenues = 2x cost Year 3-Revuenues = 3x to 4x cost

16 Major Gifts Program Implemented in non-capital campaign years! Major gift work should never stop A non-public approach to fund special capital projects or needs. Quietly working the list of prospects who are ready to be asked for a major investment.

17 The Five “I’s” of Major Gifts  Identify  Inform  Involve  Inspire  Ask for the Investment

18 Key Components: Major Gift Success  Case for Investment From the vision…and the plan Compelling, urgent, relevant  Identified Prospects Research Tracking system  Sales Materials  Leadership and Support Board Committee(s)

19 Stop me if you’ve heard (or said!) this before… “We need more alumni activities in order to get more giving participation.” “That person isn’t ready to be solicited. She needs more cultivation.” “Reunions are critical to advancement!” “Our board should be out asking for money.” “Prospect research is too expensive – it’s not in the budget.” “We have to hire an events person before we hire a major gifts person.”

20 Wrong!

21 Best Practices Stay Focused – major gifts, revenue, building the “right” relationships and connections. Stewardship! Stewardship! Do only what you can – and execute flawlessly. Don’t worry about everything you are NOT doing. Think:will this activity truly advance my school? Think: will this activity truly advance my school?

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