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Published byIsabel Adams Modified over 10 years ago
6 AMCDRR Technical session and Asia Pacific HFA2 input
Background studies process, roles and output For 6 AMC Technical Session Leads meeting 18 September 2013, Bangkok
HFA2 and AMC process relations
1. Building community resilience – turning vulnerability into resilience 2. Sustainable development , climate change and disaster risk reduction integration 3. Local level action 4. Women as a force in resilience building, gender equity in DRR 5. Reducing exposure/ underlyin g risk factors 6. Strengthen ing risk governanc e and accountabi lity 7. Incentivizin g DRR in the private sector KEY AREAS Asia Pacific HFA2 Input (Annex to the AMCDRR declaration) IFRC ADPC ADRRN Duryog Nivaran World Bank, Kyoto Uni (TBC) ESCAP & ADPC Key Area Coordinator Technical Session Leads TS 1 Enhancing Resilience at Local Levels TS 2 Increase public investments for disaster and climate risk management to sustain and protect development gains TS3 Private Sector role – public and private partnership for DRR IFRC / ADRRN UNDP / World Bank ESCAP/ ADPC 6 AMC Sub-themes Linkages between areas Expected output Asia Pacific HFA 2 Input (~ pg) Seven Key area study document ( ~20-30 pg each) Number of country / partners consultation documents for each area ( ~5-7 pg each) Compendium of country inputs and case studies ( collection of all country and partners input that will be referenced in both the HFA 2 input doc and the TS bkg document – as CD-ROM or PDF) HFA2 Input Expected output Background document (informing discussion in Technical sessions) - 3 TS background document consolidated as one with a 3-5 page Executive Summary (The ‘Compendium’ from above as an accompany media) Conference Outcome documents: (to be officially endorsed by countries in 6 AMC) Declaration (drawing on TS, plenaries and TS background doc) Asia Pacific HFA2 Input (30-40 page as Annex) Stakeholder commitment statements (as Annexes) 6 AMCDRR
5. World Bank, Kyoto Uni (TBC)
Who, what, how and when? 1. IFRC 2. ADPC 3. ADRRN 4. Duryog Nivaran 5. World Bank, Kyoto Uni (TBC) 6. ADRRN 7. ESCAP & ADPC TS 1. IFRC / ADRRN TS 2. UNDP / World Bank TS 3. ESCAP/ ADPC All TS Background document consolidated in to one ‘Technical Session Background’ document with an ‘Executive Summary’ and published for the conference by: By 30 April UNISDR consolidates the 7 HFA2 Key Area Reports and writes up the consolidated ‘Asia Pacific inputs to HFA2’ [this document goes as part of the AMC declaration for endorsement by: Draft by 31 Jan, final by 28 Feb TS leads gets all inputs form the HFA2 process and may conduct some additional research and literature review. All inputs are analysed and synthesized to develop ‘Individual Technical Session Background’ document (30-40 pages) by: 28 Feb Key Area Coordinators consolidates the country/ stakeholder/ partners input and write up a page report ‘HFA2 Key Area # Report ‘ by 15 Dec HFA2 Key Area Coordinators 6 AMCDRR 5-7 page consultation reports ( Sep- 30 Nov) Literature review Additional studies (if required ) (from now- until November) Country / Stakeholder/ partner consultations HFA1 reflections/ examples/ good practices HFA2 Recommendations (through consultations) …. ….. …. ….. …. …..
Who does what? Roles and responsibilities of HFA2 Area coordinators
Roles and responsibilities of TS leads Roles and responsibilities of UNISDR
Roles and responsibilities of HFA2 Area coordinators
The Coordinators and Co-coordinators are regional agencies with the following roles and responsibilities: Develop a research plan/work plan for exploring the Key areas Using contributions from countries (coordinated by UNISDR), partner organizations and stakeholder groups as a key element to gather the information as per the methodology Fill in information gaps identified during the process with focus to capture: what has been the progress in this key area in Asia Pacific, what are the gaps to be addressed, taking into account the risk trends and the available documented examples of what has worked to address the gaps Synthesize contributions and prepare the report for the Key area Collaborate with UNISDR for peer review of the report. Incorporating the comments and suggestions from the Peer review process to finalize the report. Review the other Key area reports as part of the Peer review process and provide inputs for synergies across the Key areas Present the findings at the 6AMCDRR and in other forums as appropriate. Coordinate with the relevant focal points from UNISDR including participation in the meetings and phone discussions on the HFA2 key areas exploration, provide updates on the progress and discuss to ensure synergies across the Key areas.
Roles and responsibilities of TS leads (as endorsed in ExCom meeting)
Fully engage in substantive preparation of the conference Coordinate and prepare the background studies and research prior to the conference Develop the background study plan/ work plan Gets all inputs form the HFA2 process (Country/ stakeholder and partners consultation reports coordinated by UNISDR) Conduct any additional research and literature reviews required to produce the TS background document Analyze and synthesize all inputs to develop ‘Individual Technical Session Background’ document Provides both technical and financial (if necessary) support to background studies and substantive technical preparation [UNISDR will solicit funds from the DSG members but TS Leads are encouraged to contribute part of the resource required] Coordinate and prepare for the technical sessions during the conference [which includes providing the summary of the session to the plenary] Work closely with national committee/ working group and ensure technical support to the host Follow up on the conference outcomes related to the technical areas [through the IAP]
Roles and responsibilities of UNISDR
Provide overall stewardship of the process [including organization of meetings and phone discussions with the Coordinator and co-coordinators of the Key areas, Technical Session Leads and facilitate synergies and coherence] Assist the Coordinators and TS leads in developing the research plan/work plan Encourage contributions from countries, partner organizations and stakeholder groups [Ten groups]. Coordinate the contributions by countries. [ This requires resources to support countries and organization those will carry out HFA2 consultations to generate the input] Prepare a synthesis report “Asia Pacific Inputs to HFA2”, drawing on the individual Key area reports [editorial consulting] Provide overall substantive guidance to the 6AMC processes Coordinate closely with the Host Country on all substantive preparation Channel country, stakeholders and partners inputs (good practices, examples, case studies and so on) to TS leads Coordinate with Development Support Group to solicit resources for the conference [including background studies and travel of participants (availability of funds will depend on DSG members contribution)] Convene IAP, ExCOM, DSG, TS leads, area coordinators and other meetings to facilitate the over all coordination mechanism for the conference
Broad outline of the documents (suggestive)
TS background document (generic) AP inputs to HFA2 Key area report outline (generic) Compendium of good practices and country inputs (a PDF or CD-ROM as reference to both the above documents)
Individual Technical Session background document outline (Generic)
Introduction/ Summary ( To contextualize the issues related to the sub-theme) Approach/ methodology Reflection on key achievements from HFA1 and remaining challenges (This part could look at examples of good practices; successes ‘How it was done?’; what were the enabling factors and what were the barriers to success and so on. This part can be further divided in to key elements of the concerned sub-theme and should focus on ‘Regional’ evidence) Analysis of key gaps and challenges with a futuristic perspective Conclusions and recommendations [ Focused on implementation of DRR in the specific areas of the conference in next 2 years] References/ table/ figures/ abbreviations …. As standard practice [The TS Background document is expected to be more dominant in the reflections of DRR implementation; good practice example, challenges and gaps in implementation; recommendations with actionable items for the next 2 years; and some elements of HFA2 supporting the main HFA2 input document]
Suggested outline for HFA2 Key Area Report
Executive Summary Introduction Analysis of country/stakeholder inputs (Identification of main issues and themes with justification) Conclusion Main conclusions from the analysis Recommendations for the HFA2 Good practice examples in support of the recommendations List of Tables, Figure, Acronyms References (A more detailed outline has been already circulated)
Workspace for Technical Session Leads and Key Area Coordinators
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