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Joe Olson SW Region Director December 8, 2014.  History/Background  Next Steps (Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL)  PEL Process  Schedule  Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Olson SW Region Director December 8, 2014.  History/Background  Next Steps (Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL)  PEL Process  Schedule  Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Olson SW Region Director December 8, 2014

2  History/Background  Next Steps (Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL)  PEL Process  Schedule  Questions 2

3  North-South Corridor Study (1998)  Coulee Connections (2007)  Local Community Resolutions (2014) 3

4  Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study  1-year study to develop a range of solutions that are supported by a local consensus and meet WisDOT purpose and need for the La Crosse area 4

5  What is a PEL?  FHWA's “Every Day Counts” initiative  Study focused on time efficiency that allows planning- level analysis and results to be used directly or by reference in a NEPA study.  A NEPA study could begin immediately upon successful completion of the PEL study. 5

6  What are the advantages of a PEL?  Extensive Outreach  Enhances Cooperation  Speeds Project Delivery  Reduces Cost 6

7  Comprehensive study of the entire area  Extensive outreach and coordination  Opportunity to modify the original purpose and need  Opportunity to propose new alternatives  Opportunity to eliminate outdated and unworkable alternatives  Aids in the selection of the appropriate type of environmental document  Builds trust through a transparent process 7

8  Develop a work plan  Solicit local input  Identify goals and objectives  Develop criteria for strategy evaluation  Develop a range of strategies  Eliminate strategies not meeting criteria  Solidify remaining strategies and seek additional input  Complete Final Report to document recommendations  Apply PEL results to environmental document 8

9 9 Improve multimodal travel and safety in the La Crosse Area, in a way that supports economic development, acknowledges community plans, contributes positively to the area’s quality of life, and limits adverse environmental and social effects to the extent practicable.

10 10 Improve safety for all travel modes. Address infrastructure condition and deficiencies. Address system mobility (congestion) for all travel modes. 1.Pedestrian 2.Bicycle 3.Transit 4.Local and regional passenger vehicles 5.Freight Limit adverse social, cultural, and environmental effects to the extent practicable. Increase system travel time reliability for regional and local trips.

11 Improve connections across and adjacent to roadways in the La Crosse Area for all travel modes. Enhance efficient regional multimodal access to La Crosse metropolitan area economic centers. Decrease traffic diversion impacts to neighborhood streets. Enhance transit ridership and routing opportunities. Improve pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. Complement other major transportation initiatives and studies in the La Crosse area. Support infrastructure and other measures that encourage alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel. 11

12  Study Kick-off (January 2015)  Develop work plan, goals and criteria (January / February 2015)  Public Outreach (January/February – October 2015)  Final Report (Late Fall 2015) 12

13 Joe Olson SW Region Director 13

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