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Published byDorcas Ross Modified over 10 years ago
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization 1 Resource Development within the Scope of SILC Duties March 27, 2014 Presenter: Ann McDaniel
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Learning Objectives Describe the regulatory requirements regarding SILC resource development Describe opportunities for SILCs to obtain allowable public and private sources of funding Identify Examples of creative approaches to SILC resource development 2
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Clarifications Resource development is not within the scope of SILC Duties Cost principles published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) preclude the use of federal funds to raise money* There are ways for SILCs to obtain other funding, depending on how the SILC is organized Restrictions are placed on the SILC Resource Plan Activities of SILC members and staff are less restricted when funds from the SILC Resource Plan are NOT used Activities using other funds may not impede accomplishment of SILC Duties *This is not true of centers for independent living who are actually required by Title VII to do resource development. 3
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Duties Jointly develop and sign the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) Monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of the SPIL Coordinate activities with the SRC and other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations Ensure meetings are open to the public & provide notice Submit reports to RSA as requested & maintain records 4
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Additional Duties Prepare, in conjunction with the DSU, a resource plan for the provision of resources, including staff and personnel. Ensure the proper expenditure of funds and use of resources that it receives under the resource plan. Supervise and evaluate SILC staff and other personnel as may be necessary to carry out SILC functions and duties. 5
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Other Activities within the Scope of SILC Duties The SILC may also conduct activities to maximize the cooperation, coordination & working relationships among: –SILS program –CILs –DSU –Other State agencies represented on the SILC –Other Councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues –Other public and private entities determined to be appropriate by the SILC SILC Duties do not allow for the SILC to conduct resource development activities 6
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization How is Your SILC Organized?* Is your SILC a 501 (c)(3) non-profit? Is your SILC staffed by your DSU? Is your SILC organized some other way? *All SILCs are subject to the same federal requirements regardless of their organizational status. 7
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit SILCs Fulfill SILC duties as the designated SILC for the State utilizing the SILC Resource Plan Conduct other activities allowable for a non-profit, providing funding is available 8
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Staffed by DSU Fulfill SILC duties as the designated SILC for the State utilizing the SILC Resource Plan 9
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Organized Some Other Way Fulfill SILC duties as the designated SILC for the State utilizing the SILC Resource Plan Conduct other activities allowable within the structure, providing funding is available 10
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Who Processes SILC funding? Federal funding is received and administered by the DSU Non-profit SILC receives funding from the DSU and administers it according to the contract/grant/agreement for the SILC Resource Plan DSU processes funding for SILC staffed by the DSU When a SILC is organized some other way, that may impact how funding is processed How is your SILC funding processed? 11
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Resource Plan vs. Operating Budget Every SILC has a SILC Resource Plan, as required by Section 5.1 of the SPIL SILC Resource Plan may only be used for SILC Duties/responsibilities If your SILC is a non-profit, you may have an operating budget beyond the SILC Resource Plan If your SILC is organized some other way, you may have an operating budget beyond the SILC Resource Plan 12
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Resource Plan Detailed in your State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) May only be used to perform SILC duties/responsibilities Funding may include: –Title VII, Part B funds –Title I, I&E funds –Funding from other public & private sources 13
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC Operating Budget* Includes but is not limited to the SILC Resource Plan Includes all funding the Non-Profit (or otherwise organized) SILC has Is not detailed in the SPIL May include funding from any public or private source May be used for:* –Any purpose approved by the funding source; and –Allowable under IRS regulations for non-profits *SILC operating funds beyond the resource plan can only be used in a way that does not impair or conflict with the SILC statutory duties and must be accounted for separately from resource plan funds. 14
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Questions & Answers 15
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization What do you need new money for? What you need the funding for determines where you may be able to find it Only seek funding that supports what you want to do – activities/projects consistent with your SILC mission and/or consistent with SILC Duties –West Virginia SILC Mission Statement: “To ensure persons who have disabilities have access to community-based resources that promote personal choice and facilitate the achievement of their independent living goals.” Do not tailor activities/proposed activities around what funding you think you may be able to get 16
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Additional Funding to Perform SILC Duties If your SILC needs additional funding in the SILC Resource Plan in order to fulfill your SILC Duties – ALWAYS start by negotiating with your DSU for more funding 17
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Additional Funding to Perform SILC Duties Section 705(e)(1) of the Rehab Act requires: –The Council shall prepare, in conjunction with the designated State unit, a plan for the provision of such resources, including such staff and personnel, as may be necessary and sufficient to carry out the functions of the Council under this section, with funds made available under this chapter, and under section 110 (consistent with section 101(a)(18)), and from other public and private sources. The resource plan shall, to the maximum extent possible, rely on the use of resources in existence during the period of implementation of the plan. 18
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Additional Funding to Perform SILC Duties Section 101(a)(18) requires The State plan shall (A) include an assurance that the State will reserve and use a portion of the funds allotted to the State under section 110 –for the development and implementation of innovative approaches to expand and improve the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities under this title, particularly individuals with the most significant disabilities, consistent with the findings of the statewide assessment and goals and priorities of the State as described in paragraph (15); and –to support the funding of (I) the State Rehabilitation Council, if the State has such a Council, consistent with the plan prepared under section 105(d)(1); and (II) the Statewide Independent Living Council, consistent with the plan prepared under section 705(e)(1); 19
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Where else can you get new funding? As a non-profit SILC: –From any public or private source that funds what you want to do –From donations For Example: –Foundations –Corporations –Banks – Community Reinvestment Funds –Federal & State Grants –Local Service Organizations –Fundraising Activities 20
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Where else can you get new funding? As a DSU staffed SILC: –From the DSU (when you negotiate the SILC Resource Plan during SPIL development) –From the State/Legislature – but the DSU would have to request –From funders that will fund the DSU/a state agency –From donations, if your state allows As a SILC organized within a non-profit: –From sources for which the non-profit is eligible 21
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Questions & Answers 22
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization How else can you get new funding? As a Non-Profit SILC: –Apply for grants that fund what you want to do –Seek donations and grants from Corporations –Seek donations from individuals –Apply for bank Community Reinvestment Funds –Partner with other organizations Caution: –You may not use federal funding to seek other funding including: Paid staff time SILC computers, equipment, & supplies Other resources including office space & utilities BUT: –SILC members may conduct all these activities on their own time without SILC resources or reimbursement 23
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization How can you get new funding? As a SILC staffed by the DSU: –Include additional funding when negotiating SILC Resource Plan with the DSU –Ask the DSU to seek State funding for the SILC –Ask the DSU to accept donations to the SILC –Write proposals to funders that will fund through DSU Caution: –The SILC cannot solicit funds using federal funding to do so. 24
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization How can you get new funding? As a SILC organized some other way: –Depends upon how you are organized –If within another non-profit, you may collaborate with them to seek grants, donations, and other funding Caution: –The SILC cannot solicit funds using federal funding to do so. 25
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Partnerships with Other Entities Activities to maximize the cooperation, coordination & working relationships with others may present opportunities to secure new funding to support the SPIL objectives through: –Grant applications –By serving as a fiscal agent –By providing a service (i.e. bookkeeping or accounting) Caution: –Be sure funding is included for the SILC in any of the above –Be sure to track funding to be able to demonstrate SILC Resource Plan is only used for SILC Duties and other activities/costs are covered by other funding 26
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization What West Virginia Has Done Partnerships: –SRC –Fair Shake Network –CED Grants: –Disability History Essay Contest –Disability Caucus –Advocacy Activities –NOTE: Grant applications prepared outside SILC duties and without using SILC Resource Plan Serve as fiscal agent for grants to the WV Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Serve as bookkeeper for the Fair Shake Network All of the above include administrative costs for the SILC 27
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Ideas from Other States Created a Development Committee/Subcommittee of the SILC to define and discuss development issues for the Council SILC members are volunteers and write proposals and do solicitation on their own time Raised “seed money” to support further development activities Document these activities verifying they occur at times and with resources not included in the SILC Resource Plan 28
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization A Barrier States indicate grant writing has been hampered by lack of unrestricted funds to use as non-federal match and SILCs are continuing to look for creative solutions to the problem. 29
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization How to Manage All SILC Resources SILC Operating Budget and Financial Reports Must: –Show all sources of funding –Budget all sources of funding separately –Track all expenditures by source of funding SILC must be able to demonstrate: –Use of SILC Resource Plan is restricted to SILC Duties –Other funding is available and is used for all other SILC activities In some cases, proposal costs are recoverable as indirect costs. The SILC would need to have a pre-approved indirect cost rate or cost allocation plan. Use of Funds beyond the SILC resource plans must not impair or conflict with the SILC statutory duties and must be accounted for separately from SILC resource plan funds. 30
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Questions & Answers 31
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Contact Information –Ann McDaniel - 32
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Wrap Up and Evaluation Please click the link below to complete your evaluation of this program: 33
SILC-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization SILC-NET Attribution Support for development of this training was provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration under grant number H132B070001. No official endorsement of the Department of Education should be inferred. Permission is granted for duplication of any portion of this PowerPoint presentation, providing that the following credit is given to the project: Developed as part of the SILC-NET, a project of the IL-NET, an ILRU/NCIL/APRIL National Training and Technical Assistance Program. 34
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