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Sisters Network 20 th Anniversary Break-out Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Sisters Network 20 th Anniversary Break-out Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sisters Network 20 th Anniversary Break-out Session

2  What's the objective?  What do we need?  How much to raise?  What is our timeframe?  Who will lead?  Who will help?  …The Plan?

3  Special Events  Sponsorships  Annual Appeals  Direct Mail  Capital Campaigns  Foundation/Corporate Giving  Planned Giving/Legacy Giving

4  Think twice before undertaking events  Have enough time and volunteers  Logistics and Finance Team  Seek sponsors  Consider events others have done well  Recreate components of successful events  Great for publicity and community engagement  Annualize the Special Event if possible

5  In-kind sponsorships  Develop sponsorship list  Develop sponsorship opportunities list  Develop prospect list  Identify the right person to make the ask  ASK. Keep Asking!  Ask for referrals of who else should be asked  Ask them again next year.

6  Be consistent  Be considerate  Cultivate with small random gestures  Plan, plan, plan  Newsletters and Emails  Long and Fun Campaigns

7  Thoughtful Direct Mail  Maximize online donor engagement  Schedule emails and donation request  Cultivate donors by keeping them informed  Give donors an opportunity to help  Create opportunities to lift stories  Offer opportunities to bring the family together (family fundraising)

8  People give to people  Fundraising is relationship building  Fundraising is peers asking peers  Solicit those you know before others  Compile list of prospects and match a solicitor to each  People will only give if they are asked!



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