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1 ATS Evaluation Programs The Federal Aviation Administration Presented By: Rick Baker.

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1 1 ATS Evaluation Programs The Federal Aviation Administration Presented By: Rick Baker

2 2 ATS Evaluation Programs n What is the purpose of an evaluation? n How is an evaluation conducted? n Evaluation Findings? n What does an ATS Unit do with an evaluation?

3 3 What is the purpose of an evaluation? n Maintain the highest level of service n Standardization

4 4 How is an evaluation conducted? n Before the evaluation… n During the evaluation… n After the evaluation…

5 5 How is an evaluation conducted? n Before the evaluation… –Notification –Evaluation Packages

6 6 How is an evaluation conducted? n During the evaluation… –Inbriefing –Evaluating »Checklist »Ratings »Is it a problem? –Daily Briefing –Draft Report –Outbriefing

7 7 How is an evaluation conducted? n Evaluating –Operational monitoring »Evaluators plug-in with controllers »Typical monitor times range from 30-150 hours, depending on facility size »Adherence to procedures »Safe and efficient operating practices »Observe operational oversight »Discuss observations at evaluation team meeting to determine trends

8 8 How is an evaluation conducted? n Evaluating –Procedures Review »Are procedures in compliance with regulations? »Do procedures promote safe and efficient movement of aircraft? »Are procedures current? »Are the procedures being used? »Do controllers understand procedures?

9 9 How is an evaluation conducted? n Evaluating –Personnel Interviews »Can highlight problem areas in a facility »Can be validated through research »Can be an indicator of employees’ commitment to the ATS mission –Customer Feedback »Contact air carrier, military and general aviation users »Contact nearby ATS facilities »Solicit feedback on quality of service

10 10 How is an evaluation conducted? n After the evaluation… –Outbriefing »Brief on evaluation findings »Discuss recommendations for correction »Discuss target dates for corrective action »Present ATS Unit Manager with critiquecritique –Final Report »Formal presentation of evaluation findings »Report Format n Sample Report Sample Report »Due 30 days after outbriefing

11 11 Evaluation Findings n Satisfactory n Unsatisfactory n Not Applicable n Not Observed n Not Rated n Tracking Control Numbers

12 12 Evaluation Findings n Tracking Control Numbers 00-A-XXXX-01U-FE “00” last two digits of year of evaluation “A” type of ATS unit A = En-route (ACC) T = Approach (APP) and Aerodrome Control Tower F = FIC, AFIS, etc. “XXXX” ATS unit identification “01U” item tracking control number and rating U = Unsatisfactory “FE” type of evaluation conducted FE = Full unit ATS evaluation DA = Desk audit FU = Follow-up evaluation SP = Special evaluation

13 13 What does an ATS Unit do with an evaluation? n Listen n Respond –Required for all unsatisfactory ratings »Action Plan »First Response »Second Response –Problem correction mandated within a predefined time limit

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