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N AVAJO L ONG W ALK By Adara Tran, Erin McCone, Emily DiMarcantonio.

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Presentation on theme: "N AVAJO L ONG W ALK By Adara Tran, Erin McCone, Emily DiMarcantonio."— Presentation transcript:

1 N AVAJO L ONG W ALK By Adara Tran, Erin McCone, Emily DiMarcantonio

2 W HO W ERE THE N AVAJO I NDIANS ? Indians that lived in places like New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado Largest tribe of Indians in North America Lived in homes called Hogans Were forced out of there homes and moved onto reservations

3 W HO W ERE THE N AVAJO I NDIANS ? (2) They raised corn, bean and squash Men hunted deer and other small game Women collected nuts, fruits, and herbs Used sheep for wool and horses for transportation Called them selves the “Dine” tribe Mainly Nomadic

4 W HO WAS INVOLVED ? The Navajo Indians Kit Carson destroyed their farms, homes, and killed their animals He forced about 8,000 Indians to walk to Ft. Sumner He forced into Reservations to “tame” them Reservations were ill planned

5 W HAT C AUSED THE N AVAJO L ONG W ALK ? Indian Removal act Americans wanted the Indians off “their” land, which the Indians had owned all their life Kit Carson wanted them off the land so that he would be able to open the land for mining

6 A DDITION F ACTS OF THE LONG WALK Gold was supposedly found under the Indian’s land, making it valuable Indians had to walk hours a day, the reservation was 300 miles away Indian’s had to carry their dead for 3 days at a time, because the soldiers only allowed them to bury the dead every 3 days. There is a movie about this called “Tears of the Navajo”

7 B IBLIOGRAPHY us:IE- SearchBox&biw=1280&bih=603&tbm=isch&tbnid=YINxxtnSr3Vm4M:&imgrefurl= ailBlog.mod%3FPID%3D321951&docid=RppAFdTYw0cQEM&imgurl= Merike_photos/Intiaanit/PaintingW- IndianHorse.jpg&w=506&h=454&ei=cOOzTvy8C8bh0QHLzb3ABA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=774&vpy=269&dur=156& hovh=213&hovw=237&tx=131&ty=110&sig=114087065436756203547&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=138&start=0&ndsp =21&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0 :&imgrefurl= 25841/&docid=Lz5Os_KfP_Kt4M&imgurl= SearchBox&biw=1280&bih=603&tbm=isch&tbnid=LFbyh62oGc9rtM432&ei=DeWzTuHiA8nn0QGy77zJBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=219&sig=114087 065436756203547&page=2&tbnh=114&tbnw=71&start=26&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:26&tx=29&ty=23

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