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POPULATION SURVEY AND GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF MUTURU CATTLE IN NIGERIA A Research Proposal Submitted to the Livestock Production Research Committee,

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Presentation on theme: "POPULATION SURVEY AND GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF MUTURU CATTLE IN NIGERIA A Research Proposal Submitted to the Livestock Production Research Committee,"— Presentation transcript:

1 POPULATION SURVEY AND GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF MUTURU CATTLE IN NIGERIA A Research Proposal Submitted to the Livestock Production Research Committee, Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research

2 INTRODUCTION Muturu: Bos taurus brachyceros Trypanotolerant Endangered: Dwindling population – decreased from 57,000 in 1977 to 38,000 in 1984 Adapted to sedentary farming Biodiversity enhancement through conservation Best bet for cattle production in Mandate States Study aimed at understanding population dynamics (Number, Herd Structure, etc.)

3 Objectives of study To undertake a detailed population survey of Muturu cattle breed in South and North Central regions of Nigeria. To obtain information on some reproductive traits of economic importance. To determine the incidence of trypanosome infection in the breed. To undertake genetic characterization of the breed using blood protein variants.

4 METHODOLOGY Muturu population survey Haematological Analysis Prevalence of trypanosome infection Genomics studies Statistical analysis

5 Table 1: Time-line Chart

6 Budget ItemCost (N) 1. Transportation/accommodation/feeding for 4 persons during field survey 200,000.00 2. 200 EDTA tubes/syringes and needles for collection of blood samples20,000.00 3. Kits for analysis of haematological indices and biochemical parameters84,000.00 4. 1 large/2 small coolers for field storage of samples8,000.00 5. Ice block for storage of samples in the field5,000.00 6. 3 litres of methylated spirit2,000.00 7. 1 roll of cotton wool500.00 8. 2 packs of hand gloves2,000.00 9. Remunerations to farmers/Extension agents from ADPs as need may arise 20,000.00 10. GIS set40,000.00 11. *DNA analysis- Total381,500.00

7 Project team S/NNameDisciplinePhone NoE-mail address 1Prof. O.A. Osinowo Animal physiology 2 Prof. O.M. Onagbesan Reproductive physiology 3Dr. I.J. James Lactation Physiology 4Dr. M.N. Bemji Animal genetics & Breeding 5Dr. M.I. TakeetParasitology08037872682 6Mr. J. OyedepoGIS08032485583 7Mr. O. Omire Postgraduate student 08076434738 8Dr. O. NgoziPostgraduate student 07059211643

8 References Jabbar, M.A. and Diedhiou, M.L. 2001. Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers? Evidence from West Africa. FEEM Working Paper No. 110.2001. =297082. Raymond, M. and Rousset, F. 2001. Population genetics software and ecumenicism. J. Heredity 86, 248-249, http:/ Rege, J.E.O., Aboagye, G.S. and Tawah, C.L. 1994a. Shorthorn cattle of West and Central Africa. I. Origin, distribution, classification and population statistics. FAO Corporate Document Repository – Identification and characterization of West African Shorthorn Cattle. World Animal Review, 78. Rege, J.E.O., Aboagye, G.S. and Tawah, C.L. 1994b. Shorthorn cattle of West and Central Africa. IV. Production characteristics. FAO Corporate Document Repository – Identification and characterization of West African Shorthorn Cattle. World Animal Review, 78.

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