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Making Carbon Black Presented by Sid Richardson Carbon Co.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Carbon Black Presented by Sid Richardson Carbon Co."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Carbon Black Presented by Sid Richardson Carbon Co.
Graphics by Fred Hendrickson

2 Carbon Black Process Utilities & Energy Conservation
Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Reactor Section/Carbon Black Formation Collection & Conveying Pelletizing & Drying Storage & Handling

3 Carbon Black Process Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Reactor Section/Carbon Black Formation – Where the Carbon Black is Formed

4 Raw Materials Making carbon black requires six (6) materials:
Fuel (natural gas or oil) Oxidizer (air) Feedstock Oil (No. 6 type oil) Water Structure control additive (potassium salt) Pellet binder

5 Reactor Preheated Air Feedstock Oil Natural Gas Refractory Alkali
Reaction Time = 0.3 to 1.0 sec 1650 °C (3000 °F) 915 m/sec (3000 ft/sec) Quench Water Alkali Metal Additive

6 Typical Tread Reactor Air Line Oil Sprays Combustion Section
Quench Water Natural Gas

7 Typical Tread Reactor

8 -To Preheat the Incoming Air
Process Air Preheater -To Preheat the Incoming Air To Oil Preheater & Smoke Header Preheated Air 650 °C (1200 °F)- 800 °C (1500 °F) Carbon Black Stream Process Air Blower

9 Process Oil Preheater Carbon Black Stream Hot Carbon Black Feedstock
To Reactor Oil Lances To Bag Filter

10 Carbon Black Process Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Collection & Conveying – Separate Carbon Black from Process Gas Stream & Transport to Pelletizing Area

11 Bag Filter Carbon Black Stream

12 To Surge Bin / Pelletizers
Bag Filter Tailgas To Dryers & Incinerator Carbon Black Stream To Surge Bin / Pelletizers

13 Reverse Flow Bag Filter

14 Bag Filter Hopper

15 Surge Bin & Powder Pumps
To Pelletizer Powder Pump

16 Surge Bin & Powder Pumps
Clean Air Carbon Black & Air To Pelletizer Powder Pump

17 Carbon Black Process Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Pelletizing & Drying – Densify the Carbon Black to Meet Transportation & Customer Requirements

18 Pelletizer Loose Black from Powder Pump Water & Pellet Binder Pellets
to Dryer

19 Two Helix Shaft

20 Pelletizer

21 Pelletizer

22 Pelletizer – Pin Shaft The pins are clean at the ends indicating the black is along the shell Pins with gussets to withstand the load

23 Dryer From Pelletizer Bucket Elevator to Storage Tanks Tailgas

24 Dryer

25 Carbon Black Process Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Storage & Handling – Convey Carbon Black Pellets to Storage Area for Transportation to Customer

26 Sid Richardson Carbon Co.
Storage & Loading Magnetic Separator Hummer Screener Reject Loading Spout and Screen Sid Richardson Carbon Co.

27 Storage & Loading Magnetic Separator Hummer Screener Reject
Loading Spout and Screen

28 Storage Tanks

29 Storage & Loading Super Sacks N299 50 # Bags

30 Carbon Black Process Boiler incinerator bag filter vent (intermittent) secondary filter reactor vent (intermittent) surge tank grinder primary bag filter pelletizer air dryer gas off-spec tank dryer exhaust bag filter tail gas combustor feedstock secondary quench water quench water inline waste heat boiler Utilities/Energy Conservation – Utilize the Waste Gases from the Process for Energy Conservation and to Produce Steam and/or Electricity

31 Tail Gas Boiler

32 Waste Heat Boiler

33 Process Control & Economics
Particle size (Nitrogen Surface Area) 15 to 450 m2/g Measure of the total surface area Surface Area (Iodine Adsorption) 15 to 450 mg/g Quick measure of surface area but affected by surface chemistry Structure (OAN) 40 to 200 ml/100 g Carbon black particles fuse together to form aggregates and agglomerates

34 Particle Surface Area Measured by nitrogen surface area Tread
Small particles  high nitrogen surface area Large particles  low nitrogen surface area Tread Carcass Measured by nitrogen surface area

35 Particle Size A function of reaction temperature, reaction time and reaction velocity Higher reaction temperature = higher nitrogen surface area = higher fuel usage = higher production costs Shorter reaction time = higher nitrogen surface area = lower fuel yield = higher production cost Greater reaction velocity = shorter reaction time

36 Structure Higher additive rate  lower OAN Low structure 
OAN = Oil Adsorption Number Low structure  Low OAN  higher production rates High structure  High OAN  lower production rates Higher additive rate  lower OAN

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