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CDAWG November 13, 2013 Ivanpah Solar Project: Helping to meet California’s Climate Change Goals by Shankara Babu, ESH Manager, NRG O&M Doug Davis, Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "CDAWG November 13, 2013 Ivanpah Solar Project: Helping to meet California’s Climate Change Goals by Shankara Babu, ESH Manager, NRG O&M Doug Davis, Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDAWG November 13, Ivanpah Solar Project: Helping to meet California’s Climate Change Goals by Shankara Babu, ESH Manager, NRG O&M Doug Davis, Senior Compliance Manager, BSE

2 Corporate Organization
Solar Partners Holdco, LLC - Equity Investors NRG Google BrightSource Three Individual Projects Solar Partners II – Ivanpah #1. Selling power to PG&E. Solar Partners I – Ivanpah #2. Selling power to SCE. Solar Partners VIII – Ivanpah #3. Selling power to PG&E. Southern California Edison Transmission Upgrade Implementing their El Dorado to Ivanpah Transmission Project (EITP)

3 CSP - Technologies Linear Fresnel Reflectors Parabolic troughs
Parabolic dishes Central Receiver / Heliostats

4 Energy from Sun Insolation is a measure of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area and recorded during a given time. Direct insolation is the solar irradiance measured at a given location on Earth, excluding atmospheric diffused insolation. Absorbed solar radiation is converted to thermal energy, causing an increase in the object's temperature.

5 Overview

6 Power Block Configuration
SOLAR RECEIVER STEAM GENERATOR (RILEY POWER) Concentrated sunlight converts water in a boiler to high-temperature steam. OPTIMIZATION / CONTROL SOFTWARE (BRIGHTSOURCE) Solar Field Integrated Control System is the proprietary optimization software to manage heliostat positioning and optimize concentrated sunlight on the boiler. AIR-COOLED CONDENSER (SPX) Environmentally friendly in design, using 95% less water than competitive technologies. TURBINE (SIEMENS) Steam powers turbine to produce electricity – then is converted back to water through an air-cooled condenser. HELIOSTATS (BRIGHTSOURCE) Software-controlled field of mirrors concentrate sunlight on a boiler mounted on a central tower.

7 Overview

8 Site Geography and Footprint Tower Project, about 3600 acres
Edge of U1 SF to edge of U3 SF = 5 miles Unit 1 to Unit 3 Tower = 3.2 miles Tower Height 459” steel structure with the boiler on top Tuned Mass Damper

9 Solar Steam Generator Boiler Controls 2646 psig / 1054 F Evaporator
Super Heater Reheat Controls IR Cameras – 2/wall, total 8 Heat Flux Sensors – 24 pairs of TCs embedded in SH, RH, and EVA tubes. About 1180 loops, 120 MOVs (networked), 17 CVs 100% steam bypass, no sky valves

10 Solar Steam Generator Layout
Superheat Protection Panels Evaporator Reheat

11 Steam Turbine Generator
Siemens SST-900 HP and IP Turbine HP – 7200 RPM IP – 3600 RPM Generator 135 MVA 3600 RPM Design Fast Startup Daily Cycling

12 Air Cooled Condenser ACC
Water Consumption limited to 100 acre-ft / year 3 Streets of 5 fans / Unit 2 Speed

13 Solar Field 18

14 System Components Overview: Focal Length
Focus length too long Heliostat focused on SRSG Focus length too short

15 System Components: Heliostat
 LH-2.2 Heliostat  Mirrors  Metal support structure  Dual-axis drives  Heliostat controller  Focuses sun on SRSG  Under SFINCS control

16 Solar Field Control System (SFINCS)
Heliostat desired aiming points calculating to: Flux vs Load balancing Implement quick flux reduction / defocusing Measuring SRSG skin temperature Alert on crossing temperature limits

17 Solar Field Control System (SFINCS)
Inputs: Heliostat calibration data, heliostat reflectivity Weather data Skin temperature of panels SFINCS state, operation mode and sensor info DCS SP & control parameters Outputs: HAPA (Heliostat Aiming Point Array): a collection of aiming points (1/heliostat), sent to SF through SFC Is there potential flux for operation? Is tracking active (per SRSG section)? Process information, flux and temperature maps Alarms on flux / temperature deviation

18 Weather System Insolation Matr
East Weather Statio Tower Weather Statio Insolation Weather Statio West Weather Statio

19 General Description  Weather Station Measurements  Radiation  Wind
 Direct Normal Radiation (DNR) - Critical for optimizing performance  Global Horizontal (GH) radiation  Diffused Horizontal (DH) radiation  UV horizontal radiation  Wind  Wind speed in different locations - Critical for SF safety during high winds  Wind direction  Ambient weather  Ambient temperature  Relative humidity  Barometric pressure  Rainfall

20 Instrumentation

21 California Renewables Portfolio Standards [RPS]
Under California's Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) statutes, all sellers of electricity in California, including publicly owned utilities (POUs), investor-owned utilities (IOUs), electricity service providers (ESPs), and community choice aggregators (CCAs), are required to procure a portion of their electricity retail sales from eligible renewable resources to meet the following goals: 20 percent by the end of 2013 25 percent by the end of 2016 33 percent by the end of 2020

22 Environmental Considerations
Flora and fauna – Protected Species Desert Tortoises Succulent Desert Plants Weed Management Water acre-ft/year 2 – onsite wells provide all the water Air – Emissions Title V GHS/cap and trade Avian and Bat - nesting and migratory birds Surveys Monitoring Reports

23 Ivanpah Stats 7.8 Million man-hours worked without a lost time accident 2600 employees at the peak of construction 70 O&M employees post construction 2.3 Billion 3 units generating 373 MW Will power 140K homes

24 Questions?

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