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Long-acting opioids in obstetric analgesia and the newborn

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1 Long-acting opioids in obstetric analgesia and the newborn
Merja Kokki MD, PhD Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kuopio University Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Eastern Finland

2 Contents Placenta and placental drug permeability Tramadol
Hydromorphone Oxycodone Morphine/diamorphine Opioid dependent mother Pharmacogenetics Closure

3 Take home message Opioids are moderately efficacious in labour pain
Optimal doses and dosing time not known Pethidine use will/should decrease Oxycodone is a useful opioid in labour pain The drug effect on newborn must be followed

4 Placenta In humans: haemomonochorial placenta
single layer of trophoblast tissue separates the mother's blood from the blood capillaries of the foetus A haemomonochorial placenta is a type of haemochorial placenta (placenta where the chorion, or membrane enclosing the foetus, comes in direct contact with the mother's blood) where a single layer of trophoblast tissue separates the mother's blood from the blood capillaries of the foetus.

5 Placental drug permeability
Passive diffusion concentration gradient lipid solubility flow dependent transfer Diffusion of ions as non-ionized base most of the opioids

6 Physicochemical properties of opioids
Molecular weight pKa base group Protein binding (%) Principal binding protein Morphine 285 7.9 30 Albumin Pethidine 247 8.5 30-65 AAG Methadone 309 9.3 60-90 Oxycodone 315 16.2 45 Buprenorphine 467 8.4 96 -, -globulins

7 Drugs and the effects to the newborn
Direct effects Placental transfer Indirect effects Maternal physiology and biochemistry

8 Equilibrium distribution across placenta
pH gradient mother – fetus Fetal plasma pH lower than maternal Free base concentrates to the fetal side (ion trapping) Acidotic fetus is exposed to basic drugs local anaesthetics and opioids Because fetal pH is usually slightly more acidic than the maternal pH, weak bases are more likely to cross the placenta. However, once crossing the placenta and making contact with relatively acidic fetal blood, these molecules become more ionized; this phenomenon is known as “ion trapping” (Loebstein et al., 1997). Lipid soluble drugs will also pass more readily through cell membranes and, therefore, can pass easily to the placenta. For example, antibiotics and opiates are highly lipid soluble and pass readily to the placenta (Kraemer, 1997).

9 Equilibrium distribution across placenta
Protein binding Fetal plasma protein content increases at term Albumin Little transplacental gradient α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) Lower in fetus Binding higher in maternal than fetal side The molecular weight of a drug also has an impact on its ability to cross the placenta. As a general rule, the larger a drug molecule, the higher the molecular weight. As such, drugs with a lower molecular weight (500 g/mol) cross the placenta readily, while drugs with a molecular weight between 600 and 1000 cross at a slower rate. A few drugs with a high molecular weight (1,000 g/mol), such as heparin and insulin, fail to cross the placenta in significant amounts (Kraemer, 1997). Transplacental transfer of drugs increases in the third trimester due to increased maternal and placental blood flow, and decreased thickness and increased surface area of the placenta. Ion trapping may produce drug concentrations in the fetus that exceed that of the mother. However, for most drugs the fetal blood concentrations tend to be 50 to 100% of the maternal blood concentrations (Yankowitz & Niebyl, 2001).

10 Equilibrium distribution across placenta
Equilibration takes longer time in fetus than in maternal tissue Fetal exposure is dependent on Blood flow Equilibrium ratios Duration of exposure

11 Pethidine, meperidine Maternal T½ 2-3 h, neonatal T½ 16-22h
Active metabolites: norpethidine Crosses placenta slowly Fetal/matenal ratio does not correlate with dose-delivery interval Fetal effect at maximum 3 hours after maternal administration

12 Pethidine: adverse effects
Fetal effects Reduced Muscular activity Aortic blood flow Oxygen saturation Short term heart rate variation Neonatal effects Depressed Apgar scores Respiration Neurobehavioural scores Muscle tone and suckling A detrimental effect on breastfeeding

13 The relationship between dose-delivery interval and neonatal urinary excretion of pethidine and norpethidine Kuhnert et al. 1979

14 Obstetric analgesia: a comparison of patient-controlled meperidine, remi-fentanil, and fentanyl in labour PCA Pethidine 50 mg loading, 5 mg bolus, lock out 10 min (n= 53) Remifentanil 40 µg loading, 40 µg bolus, lock out 2 min, max 1200 µg/h (n= 52) Fentanyl 50 µg loading, 20 µg bolus, lock out 5 min, max 240 µg/h (n=54) Douma et al. BJA 2010

15 Obstetric analgesia: a comparison of patient-controlled meperidine, remifentanil, and fentanyl in labour * Satisfaction score was best with remifentanil, 8 and equally good with pethidine and fentanyl. More oxygen desaturation less than 95% with remifentanil 37/50 vs 16/48 pethdine and 30/54 with fentanyl. * p<0.05 when compared to the baseline

16 383 arterial blood cord samples Pethidine group
Effect of pethidine administered during the first stage of labor on the acid-base status at birth. Sosa et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006 383 arterial blood cord samples Pethidine group Lower pH and bicarbonate levels higher pCO2 levels were found in the. pH < 7.12, OR: 8.59, 95% C.I. 3.29, 22.46 The highest frequency of acidosis with pethidine-delivery interval 5 h.

17 Parenteral opioids for maternal pain relief in labour
54 studies, > 7000 women Poor quality of studies 2/3 women reported moderate/severe pain and poor/moderate pain relief after opioid treatment Ullman et al. 2010

18 Parenteral opioids for maternal pain relief in labour
Opioids provide some pain relief Adverse effects drowsiness, nausea and vomiting Insufficient evidence to assess safety of opioids in labour pain Ullman et al. 2010

19 Tramadol Prodrug, with active metabolite O-desmethyl tramadol=M1
Affects both opioid receptor and prevents serotonin uptake CYP 2D6 substrate Polymorphisms: poor metaboliser, no/poor drug effect; extensive metaboliser, marked drug effect, adverse effects Drug interactions (SSRI)

20 Different pharmacokinetics of tramadol in mothers treated for labour pain and in their neonates
Pharmacokinetic profile of tramadol (upper panels) and its non-stereoselective metabolite M1 (lower panels) in a population of mothers (n=22) treated with 100–250 mg tramadol (i.m.) for pain relief during labour and their neonates (n=22). The terminal elimination curves (fat lines) during the first 24 h post-partum and the apparent elimination kinetics of early distribution into a second compartment (dashed lines) were estimated on a population kinetic basis. Individual data (filled circles) and mean values (open squares) Claahsen-van der Grinten et al. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2005

21 A comparison of tramadol and pethidine analgesia on the duration of labour: A randomised clinical trial Khooshideh et al. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2009 Pethidine 50 mg vs tramadol 100mg N= 160 Shorter delivery time with tramadol 165 min vs. 223 min

22 The Risk of Cesarean Delivery with Neuraxial Analgesia Given Early versus Late in Labor
CSE (n=366) vs. hydromorphone mg (n=362) No differences in labour outcome * <0.001 CSE Opioid Pain (VRS) at 1st pain request 8 (7-9) Pain at 2nd request 5 (3-7) 8 * Duration of 1st analgesia 95 (73-119) 108 * (80-144) Vomiting 7/366 62/362 * Umbilical vein pH 7.30±0.06 Umbilical artery pH 7.24±0.08 7.23±0.07 Wong et al. N Engl J Med 2005

23 Oxycodone µ-opioid agonist T½ 3-4 h Metbolism: CYP 3A4 and CYP 2D6
Oxymorphone, noroxycodone, noroxymorphone Hodge 1965: No advantages when comparing to pethidine and morphine Data quality poor

24 Oxycodone in early labour pain
Oxycodone 1 mg i.v. ad. 5 mg Pharmacokinetic/dynamic study P-Oxycodone: Umbilical artery: 3,2 (0,1–14) mg/l Umbilical vein 2,7 (0,0–14) mg/l Mother 3,0 (0,1–15) mg/l Positive correlation (r = 0,98 ja 0,96, p = 0,001)

25 Morphine and diamorphine (heroin)
Diamorphine: prodrug 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine T½ <10 min Parenteral use Morphine T ½ 2-3 h Intrathecal use M6-glucuronide, and M3-glucuronide Renal excretion

26 Addition of low-dose morphine to intrathecal bupivacaine/ sufentanil labour analgesia: A randomised controlled study Morphine 50 or 100 µg or saline added to bupivacaine 1,25 mg + sufentanil 5 µg CSE analgesia, epidural not used during the study Hein et al 2010 IJOA

27 Addition of low-dose morphine to intrathecal bupivacaine/ sufentanil labour analgesia: A randomised controlled study

28 Diamorphine for pain relief in labour pain: a randomised controlled trial comparing intramuscular and patient controlled analgesia McInnes et al. BJOG 2004 PCA Diamorphine, loading 1.2 mg, lock out 5 min., max 1.8 mg/h vs mg i.m

29 Diamorphine for pain relief in labour pain: a randomised controlled trial comparing intramuscular and patient controlled analgesia McInnes et al. BJOG 2004

30 Opioid dependent mother on maintenance treatment and labour pain relief
Buprenorphine No difference in pain or analgesia during labour when compared to controls After labour/CS increased pain After CS increased need of analgesics Meyer et al. Eur J Pain 2010 Methadone Similar analgesic needs and response during labor than controls, but require 70% more opiate analgesic after CS Meyer et al. Obst Gyn 2007

31 Pharmacogenetics in labour analgesia
Single nucleotide polymorphism in μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1 gene) C.304A>G2 (118A>G) May affect individual response to opioid analgesia

32 Postoperative analgesia CS: i.t morphine 150 μg
Observational study of the effect of µ-opioid receptor genetic polymorphism on intrathecal opioid labor analgesia and post-cesarean delivery analgesia Wong et al. IJOA 2010 Postoperative analgesia CS: i.t morphine 150 μg Labour analgesia: bupivacaine + fentanyl PCEA

33 Duration of fentanyl labour analgesia
Wong et al. IJOA 2010

34 Need of po morphine after CS

35 Conclusion Optimal doses of longacting opioids and dosing times are not known Pethidine use will decrease Oxycodone is a feasible opioid in early labour pain The drug effect in newborn must be followed Pharmacogenetics may change future drug therapies

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