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Quiz 5 Review Chapter 9,2 and 10

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1 Quiz 5 Review Chapter 9,2 and 10
CCC Quiz 5 Review Chapter 9,2 and 10

2 Structure 14 Multiple Choice 34 True and False Chapter 9: 4

3 Chapter 10 Hierarchy of Data Access Privileges Character Field Record
File Access Privileges Read Only Full Update

4 Chapter 10 Job Titles Database Analyst: Database Administrator:
Focuses on the meaning and usage of data Database Administrator: Creates and maintains data dictionary Manages security Monitors performance Checks backup and recovery

5 Chapter 10 E-Commerce Business Models Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Employee (B2E) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

6 Chapter 2 Internet: World-wide collection of networks that link millions. Started with ARPANET Originally 4 main computers Before 1995 National Science Foundation (NSF) financed and controlled Basically it is owned by its users No ONE governing agent or individual World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) oversees research and sets standards and guidelines

7 Chapter 2 Access Options ISP: Internet Service Provider IP Address
Dialup DSL ISDN Cable Modem ISP: Internet Service Provider IP Address Four groups of numbers separated by a period Domain Name is text version DNS Server translates the domain name into its associated IP address

8 Chapter 2 Portal Web site that offers a variety of Internet Services
Often first page to display Yahoo, Netscape, MSN....

9 Chapter 2 Multimedia Graphics Animation
digital representation of nongraphic information thumbnail: small version of larger graphic Formats Jpeg: compresses to reduce size, goal is to reach a balance between image quality and file size Gif: compressed, few distinct colors Png: improvement over Gif, expected to replace Animation appearance of motion

10 Chapter 2 Email Audio Video
music, speech or sound MP3 – format that reduces file one-tenth of size Streaming – transferring data in a continuous even flow. Can listen while it is downloading Video full-motion images played back at various speeds MPEG: popular video compression standard Transmission of messages and files via computer network

11 Chapter 2 Netiquette Code of acceptable behavior users should follow.
In Keep messages brief Avoid Flames (abusive or insulting messages) Be polite Do not use all caps Avoid sending spam

12 Chapter 2 Five major steps to web publishing Plan a web site
Analyze and design a Web site Create a Web site Web Page Authoring Software will speed up setp Deploy a Web site Web hosting service can host your web site Maintain a Web site

13 Chapter 9 Communication Uses of Computer Communications
How two or more computers transfer data Sending device Receiving device Communication channel Uses of Computer Communications Internet, , FTP, newsgroups, chat Internet Telephony (Voice over IP) talk with others over Internet Need Internet Telephone Software

14 Chapter 9 Uses of Computer Communications Network Internet Printing
Print to Printer from IP address Must have necessary software Network Collection of computers and devices connected together Facilitate communication Share hardware, date, information and software Transfer funds

15 Chapter 9 Types of networks LAN: Local area network
MAN: Metropolitan area network usually managed by consortium of users WAN: Wide area network

16 Chapter 9 Network Architecture Design of computers, devices and media
Client/Server Server: controls access Client: rely on server for resources Peer to Peer Each peer has equal responsibility Ideal for small business Internet Peer to Peer Internet network that users connect directly to each other Sometimes called a file sharing network

17 Chapter 9 Network Topography Layout of the computers and devices
Bus Network Single central cable Inexpensive and easy to install Ring Network Cable forms a closed loop If device falls all devices following it are also affected Star Network All nodes connect to a central device If hub fails entire network is inoperable

18 Chapter 9 Network Communications Technologies Ethernet Token Ring
Allows nodes to contend for access Most popular because relatively inexpensive and easy to install and maintain Fast Ethernet Newer standard that transfers at 100 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Travels at 1 Gbps Token Ring Devices share or pass a special signal, token (or ticket)

19 Chapter 9 Network Communications Technologies TCP/IP IrDA
Manages transmission by dividing it into packets packet switching breaking message into packets, sending (along with sender info), reassembling data when it gets there IrDA Transfer wirelessly via infrared light waves Uses Line of sight transmission (can not obstruct path)

20 Chapter 9 Intranet Communications over Telephone Networks
Applying Internet and Web technologies to internal networks Communications over Telephone Networks Nearly entire telephone network uses digital technology, except the final link from local telephone company to your home. Dial-up Lines Uses one or more analog lines Dedicated Lines Can be either analog or digital and provide constant connection ISDN Lines Requires both ends to have ISDN modems DSL

21 Chapter 9 Communication Devices Dial-up Modem ISDN and DSL Modem
Cable Modem Network Cards Ethernet card is most common type Routers Have built-in firewalls for protection

22 Chapter 9 Communications Channel Bandwidth Latency Transmission media
amount that can travel over a communications line Higher the better Latency time it takes a signal to travel from one location to another Can be negatively affected by distance, type of transmission and number of nodes Transmission media materials capable of carrying one or more signals Broadband transmit multiple signals simultaneously

23 Chapter 9 Physical Transmission Media Twisted Pair Cable Coaxial Cable
Consists of one or more twisted pair wires bundled together Most commonly used Coaxial Cable Consists of a single copper wire surrounded by at least three layers. CATV wiring uses coaxial because it can be cabled over longer distances than twisted pair Fiber Optic Consists of dozens or hundreds of thin strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit signal Can carry significantly more signals than wire cables

24 Chapter 9 Wireless Transmission Media Infrared Broadcast Radio
Needs transmitter to send signal and a receiver to accept it Cellular Radio Microwaves Satellite Space station that receives microwave signals from an earthbased station, amplifies (strengthens) and broadcasts back over a wide area Transmission from satellite to earth based station is download

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