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UTAustin | Portugal Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems December 6-8, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal “ Coagulation and Inflammation Physiological.

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Presentation on theme: "UTAustin | Portugal Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems December 6-8, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal “ Coagulation and Inflammation Physiological."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTAustin | Portugal Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems December 6-8, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal “ Coagulation and Inflammation Physiological Process for Numerical Studies” Carlota Saldanha and Ana Silva - Herdade Instituto Superior Técnico

2 UTAustin | Portugal Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems December 6-8, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal “ Coagulation and Inflammation Physiological Process for Numerical Studies” Carlota Saldanha and Ana Silva - Herdade Instituto Superior Técnico Inflammation Hemostasis ( Platelets, Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, Anticoagulation) Interrelation between Hemostasis and Inflammation and Vice Versa

3 arteriole venule Vessels of Circulatory System

4 Blood Components

5 Rouleaux Pre Stasis Granular Blood Flow Cell free Plasma Rigid RBC Swelling of Endothelial Cell Obstruct RBC flow In: Exempla Haemorheologica Booklet 3. The Microcirculation in the terminal vascular bed WBC

6 RBC and WBC Flow Microcirculation Intravital microscopy image of blood flow in mice venule

7 Acute inflammation Resulting from Infection by leukocytes on C-type sensors nerves fibres

8 Inflammatory Response to a Tissue Injury

9 Neutrophil and Endothelium in Inflammation TISSUE INJURED

10 Type I Activation of Endothelial Cell Nature Reviews Immunology 7, 803-815 (October 2007) Stimulation- Rapid response independent of new genes expression Typically mediated by ligands P-Selectin PAF Resolves due receptor desensitization

11 Type II Activation of Endothelial Cell in Acute Inflammation Nature Reviews Immunology 7, 803-815 (October 2007) More sustained inflammatory response Slow response dependent of new genes expression TNFα; IL-1 are derived from activated leukocytes Open gaps Leakage of fibrinogen Hard swelling Leukocytes recruitment more effective E –Selectin IL-8 VENULES (-) AP1 shut of E-Selectin >>VCAM1; ICAM-1 (+ by Cytokines) Mononuclear –cell rich infiltrates CAPILLARIES TNFα; IL-1. IFNγ EC death Favours thrombosis; apoptotic cells lose their anticoagulant sheding hepa ran sulphate ; exocytosis microparti cles Shuting off NOS3 and Trombomodulin by TNFα; TNFα; IL-1 induce Tf microparticles shed from cell surface Thrombus: fibrin +plateles wall of infe cted tissue limit spread of microbes Resolves by removal stimulus; by terminus NFk-β juxtacrine

12 Creates a provisional matrix to support leukocytes entry to tissues Microcirculation Normal / Inflamed

13 Kidney International, Vol. 58, Suppl. 76 (2000), pp. S-96–S-103 Acute Phase Proteins


15 Plug Clot

16 * * * * Activation by Thrombin Extrinsic and Intrinsic Coagulation Cascade Interwined Pathways Fibrin Plolymer FXIIIa colagen * TFPI

17 Endothelial Cell in Resting Non inflamed state Nature Reviews Immunology 2007; 7, 803-815

18 Physiological Anticoagulants Biochemia Medica 2012;22(1):49-62.

19 Fibrinolysis Coagulation

20 Recovery of Vessel Wall

21 Inflammation / Hemostasis Hemostatic Clot Can trap invading microbe;> vascular permeability Antimicrobial lysis Gram+ Bleeding Restore the Integrity of damaged tissues

22 Proinflammatory Cytokines TNFα, IL-1, IL-6 Inflammation Affects Hemostasis Brist J Haemat 2005; 131:417- 431 Circulation 2004;109:2698-2704 J Leukoc Biol 2008; 83:536-545 Biochemia Medica 2012;22(1):49-62

23 Inflammation Affects Fibrinolytic System 1st >> tPA 2nd >>PAI-1(ECs TN-Fα, IL-1β) << fibrin removal 3rd endothelium dysfunction sustain <<tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) +Platelets release PAI-1

24 Inflammation Activates Coagulation Biochemia Medica 2012;22(1):49-62

25 Inflammation Affects Hemostasis Platelet acting as proinflammatory cell

26 Hematology 2011; 2011:51-61

27 Fibrina neutrophil TNFα CD40L IL-1β; PAF-4 GF Tf – FVIIa-FXa monocyte MHC; ROS Activated platelet Mac-1 (PARs) TNFα; IL-β IL-6;IL-8; MCP-1 Contribute of Coagulation in Inflammation IL-1β ICAM; VCAM P-Selectin PSGPL ECs IL-8; MCP-1

28 Monocytes IL-6 TNFα; IL-1β Blood 1996;87:5051-5060 Circ Res 2005;96:1217 Critical Concepts 2007 adhesion ROS leukocytes TNFα, IL-1β on monocytes IL-8; MCP-1 on ECs PAR-1, 3, 4 PAR-2 Contribute of Coagulation in Inflammation and Vice Versa ECs + Fibg/Fibrin activate leukocyte recruitment (TLR ) Thol like receptor ; and expression PAR-2 establish cross talk between inflammation-coagulation

29 UTAustin | Portugal Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems December 6-8, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal “ Coagulation and Inflammation Physiological Process for Numerical Studies” Instituto Superior Técnico Thank you

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