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Earth/Space Science. What is a Socratic Seminar? A Socratic discussion is a research-based discussion in which an individual sets their own interpretations.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth/Space Science. What is a Socratic Seminar? A Socratic discussion is a research-based discussion in which an individual sets their own interpretations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth/Space Science

2 What is a Socratic Seminar? A Socratic discussion is a research-based discussion in which an individual sets their own interpretations of the information alongside those of other participants. The aim is a mutual search for a clearer, wider and deeper (‘enlarged’) understanding of the ideas, issues, and values in the text at hand. It is shared inquiry, not debate; there is no opponent save the perplexity all persons face when they try to understand something that is both difficult and important.

3 1.All members of the inner circle are expected to participate in the discussion at least two times. 2.Try to direct your comments and questions to each other and not to the teacher. 3.Please maintain rules of “civil discourse” It’s OK to disagree with a person’s ideas, but never to criticize the person offering them. Use I agree with ___ because or I disagree with you because____. 4.Members of the outer circle must maintain silent until it is time to switch circles.



6 Is Pluto the biggest object in the Kuiper Belt? Does Pluto have a orbit that does not cross a planet? Is Pluto smaller than Luna (Earth’s moon)? What are the components of Pluto’s interior? Does Pluto orbit the Sun on the same plane as the other planets? If Pluto is not a planet, How can you classify it? Why? What is the differences between Dwarf planets and regular planets?


8 4 frequently contributes meaningfully to the discussion uses specific references to the text or film builds on another's point explains ideas thoroughly explains ideas clearly initiates new ideas pays attention when others speak makes direct references to points made by other students includes others through verbal exchange or invitation into conversation 3 occasionally contributes to the discussion refers to the text or film in general ways occasionally refers to another's point attempts to explain ideas may initiate a new idea pays attention when others speak 2 rarely contributes to the discussion shows little evidence of knowledge regarding the text or film presents unexplained ideas makes tangential remarks becomes involved sporadically rarely pays attention when others speak 1 makes little or no contribution to the discussion no evidence of knowledge regarding the text or film speaks off topic shows uninvolved attitude interrupts when others speak dominates makes personal criticisms of the ideas of others shows disrespect attempts to obstruct the discussion process does not pay attention to others

9 Rubric Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Gives evidence and makes inferences. Locates factual evidence with page number. Locates evidence in support of an idea under discussion. Uses evidence in the text to expand on, analyze or critique an idea. Uses evidence in the text to create a new idea or draw connections among ideas. Asks questions which lead to rich discussion and deeper group understanding. Asks a question related to the current discussion. Asks questions that evoke deeper responses from others. Asks questions that connect ideas in the current discussion to previous comments. Asks questions that relate the current discussion to bigger themes or ideas. Acts in ways which contribute to building a group that is collaboratively searching for meaning. Listens to others. Asks questions to clarify what someone has said. Builds on another person's idea. Connects the ideas of several students.

10 Science Articles Earth Science Book Other resources can be: internet, books, Science Magazines, etc.

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