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Crisis Management 1 Mr. Somwang Witayapanyanond 28-03-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Crisis Management 1 Mr. Somwang Witayapanyanond 28-03-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crisis Management 1 Mr. Somwang Witayapanyanond 28-03-2013

2 Crisis Key Words Community need to sell high price land, the mine not necessary to buy the land, then they enforce the mine by the reason cannot still live in polluted environment as Noise and Dust. (Assumption, change information to fact ???) Threaten (enforce to buy land), malign (polluted from noise and dust >2 KM distance), obstruct (Public and/or private road) are illegal in Thailand Constitution law (See,how to control people?). Fund strategic for Community Control in Economic (See,how to control people?) Strengthen company networking (Inside & Outside) Crisis situation Level : low, moderate, high (to design the protection process as sufficiency) 2

3 Crisis Synergy Team 3 Crisis Manager sponsor Mine Manager Supporter CEO & Central team Safety Mining Land CSR External Relation Environment Guarding Noise and dust improvement Prepare new road for back up plan Use : Police, Pralad Ampor, Nayok,Lawyer, Teacher,Monk,Dpim-p, persuade : newspaper,TV,NGO Technique : Intelligence Budget, Man power, Equipment Soft relation, Information from inside,mob motive, detective. informal Information, Evaluation the situation, correction, close the crisis Noise & dust measurement Who the best? Authority, speed, know Thai culture Land Purchase Policy & strategic

4 Plan of Low Crisis Level Activity BeforeDuringAfter -Where to listen the problem? -guess for the key message -spy / detective /intelligence for news and facts -community action plan.. 1 day or none stop, with which methods, soft or hard core. -Listen : some time > 3 times to release frustration -capture the key message -if mine mistake…apologize and inform the boss -if community mistake.. Reconfirm the message with paper or Clear the information with good communication to community -eliminate the excuse from community by technology (noise,dust ) -Inform the community continuously -find the ways to prevent the problems reoccurrences. 4 Low Crisis Level : Stop operation < 1 day or none, just Threaten, local, few concerns

5 Plan of High Crisis Level Activity BeforeDuringAfter -Envir. : Noise&dust measure -Mining : corrective & backup plan -Lawyer : setting plan -Photo : video and sound recorder for exhibits to law -CSR : inside mob moving -Pralad or Dpim-p : for witness -Crisis mgr. : Strategic plan, scenario for backup plan -Mob take care -Listen,who,what they speak -Exhibits : video clip,photo,document -news for intelligence -evaluation situation and interpreter -news man take care and how to control the context. -if clam down,stop the issue with thanks -Back up for spread or long time : no effects to operation,police,lawyer -PDCA the events for learning all good and failure -close the issue or just coffee break -what are the key of success control for this areas : Fund penalty, Third party influencer, law enforcement -if only temporary break,when next time & isssue -what is the effects in long term plan..move the road 5 High Crisis Level : Stop operation, several day, destroy, wide, many concerns

6 How to control people? Legal Control – Law evident, exhibits shown Economic Control – Labor in village stop, community fund penalty, you must pay a lot and spend long time, if fight together Social Control – Good relation with local influencer, expand the green light, reduce or limited the red light, and maintain the yellow light or change to green. Ethics Control – Local Monk dhramma said. – Good speech and advice the right ways from third party influencers. – Win the others with merit philosophy Self Control – Commitment and responsibility culture setting – Building the community in self-help development. 6

7 LASA : change Hard core attitude Listening All listen, no oppose,just ask for clear understanding Admire For good ideas in some topics. Sympathy Care you, suffering sharing, Advice Alternative, compromise, all party accept methods, problems can be solve from results to root clause. 7

8 HEAT : Complaint Handling H : Hear Them Out Listen for the main contents, release frustration E : Empathize Face and eyes express for understand A : Apologize As want to help T : Take Action For corrective and preventive action 8

9 Conflict Solving Technique Solve at root cause Win-Win solution Minimize gap Facing, don’t escape Adjust different target to common target Compromise Command from Big Influencer Change behavior or culture Change organization structure 9

10 Effects to Long term Short term, should be not to effect long term projects. List of long term project and evaluate effects and risk management. 10

11 Corporate Social Responsibility Management Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage CSR Management cycle : Planning>Organizing>Leading>Evaluating Need to more studying the concepts. 11

12 The key components of CSR Corporate Governance accountability, transparency and conduct in conformity with the laws Business Ethics integrates core values – such as honesty, trust, respect, and fairness – into its policies, practices, and decision making. with legal standards Workplace and labour relations improving the workplace as health and safety, employee relations, work-life balance,easier to recruit employees and make them stay longer Affirmative action/good practices some of the good practices which reflect CSR practices of the company Supply Chain to influence the entire supply chain to positively impact the stakeholders. Customers customer satisfaction and loyalty,produced the goods and services, considering the social, environmental, supply-chain and other such aspects Environment finding sustainable solutions for natural resources, reducing adverse impacts on environment, reducing environment-risky pollutants/emissions as well as producing environment-friendly goods. Community both direct & indirect – through funding and other support for community projects implemented by local agencies 12

13 Tongue and Tooth with influencer Problems between tongue and tooth are normally. Philosophy is living together. Dialogue is the key activity. Finding the informal conversation. Realize that you want to work, not to create the opposite. 13

14 Changing the information to fact Receive the information Setting the assumption Define the key message Design the process of checking – Scientific topics or – Social topics Checking in some evident Summary the facts instead of information Repeat the process until certainly 14

15 Facts Verification Process Listen the complain Ask for clear understanding Capture the main points Visiting Area of Scene Scientific approach Measuring Approval the results Discussion the complain VS the results Conclusion the information to facts statement Declare the facts to the people concerns 15

16 Community 2 roles Community always say good talk with the CSR people. – The community thinking, the CSR employee not the company, and always contact in good relation topics. – They want the CSR as the channel of communication to the company The Mine always confuse, when they talk opposite in the stage floor meeting with company. – They think, the company people are Mining Manager, GM,MD and CEO, not be the other employee and contractors. – Some hard core need to show their power among the community as leadership. – Someone find some community voices in Politic Competition, as the concept : If you want to BIG SOUND, you must hit to the BIG BELL. The company, must understand this psychology, to prevent misunderstanding. 16

17 Good speech and logic for answer the Attacking Word Attacking Word : He purchase and prepare for 2,000 rai, and want to sell the mine. He is angry the mine no buy. (assumption) Good speech : Any body can buy the land for agriculture and keep the money in term of land asset. Not necessary only sell to mine project. Good logic : selling & buying the land is satisfy each other. No reason to angry the other if don’t to buy or to sell. 17

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