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هو العلیم. Connective Tissue Constituencies of Connective Tissue Cell Fibers Ground Substance.

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Presentation on theme: "هو العلیم. Connective Tissue Constituencies of Connective Tissue Cell Fibers Ground Substance."— Presentation transcript:

1 هو العلیم

2 Connective Tissue

3 Constituencies of Connective Tissue Cell Fibers Ground Substance

4 Functions of Connective Tissue Support Repair Defense Storage Thermal Insulatio n Reservoir of Hormones Controlling Growth & Differentiation

5 Cells of Connective Tissue Mesenchymal Cell Mesenchymal Cell Fibroblast, Fibrocyte Fibroblast, Fibrocyte Mast cell Mast cell Plasma cell Plasma cell Macrophage Macrophage Adipose cell Adipose cell Leukocytes Leukocytes

6 Mesenchymal Cell Undifferentiated Cell that can differentiate to the other cell type in connective tissue

7 Fibroblast

8 Fibroblast

9 Fibrocyte

10 Difference Between the Fibrocyte and Fibroblast

11 Mast Cell

12 IGE Histamin, Heparin, Leukoterian Eosinophil Chemotactant Factor Anticoagolant Increase Vascular Permeability Slow reacting substance of Anaphylaxis Histaminase, Arylsulfatas e

13 Mast Cell


15 Plasma Cell

16 Macrophage & Plasma Cell

17 Macrophage Phagocytosis Phagocytosis Antigen Presenting Antigen Presenting Secretion of Cytokines Secretion of Cytokines Fe & Fat Metabolism Fe & Fat Metabolism Destruction of Aged Erythrocytes Destruction of Aged Erythrocytes Cell Mediated Resistance Cell Mediated Resistance

18 Chemical Mediators of inflammation Diapedesis Increase Blood flow (Histamine) Increase Blood flow (Histamine) Vascular Permeability Vascular Permeability  Local Swelling, Redness, Heat, Pain Chemotaxis Chemotaxis Phgocytosis Phgocytosis


20 Adipose Cell

21 Fibers Collagen Collagen Reticular Reticular Elastic Elastic

22 Collagen Fibers

23 Types of Collagen Fibers Collagen that form long fibers (I, II, III, V, XI) Collagen that form long fibers (I, II, III, V, XI) Fiber associated collagen (IX, XII, XIV) Fiber associated collagen (IX, XII, XIV) Collagens that form networks (IV) Collagens that form networks (IV) Collagens that form anchoring fibers (VII) Collagens that form anchoring fibers (VII) Epithelial Associated Collagen (VIII) Epithelial Associated Collagen (VIII)

24 Collagen Biosynthesis

25 Biosynthesis of collagen type I

26 Reticular Fiber

27 Elastic Fiber

28 Type of Elastic Fibers Fibrillin Fibrillin Oxytalan Oxytalan Elaunin Elaunin Elastic Elastic

29 Elastic Fiber

30 Elastin

31 Ground Substance Proteoglycan Proteoglycan Glycoprotein Glycoprotein

32 Glycosaminoglycans Hyalouronic Acid Aggrecan Ground substance component

33 Proteoglycan & Glycoprotein

34 The way of the attachment of the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix


36 Types of connective tissue Connective tissue proper Connective tissue proper  Loose connective tissue  Dense connective tissue  Regular  Irregular Connective tissue with special properties Connective tissue with special properties  Elastic connective tissue  Reticular connective tissue  Adipose tissue Supporting connective tissue Supporting connective tissue

37 Loose connective tissue

38 Dense connective tissue

39 Dense Regular Connective Tissue

40 Reticular Connective Tissue

41 Adipose connective tissue Function Function Type Type  Unilocular ( Yellow)  Multilocular (Brown)

42 Adipose Tissue

43 Unilocular Adipose Tissue


45 Adipose tissue Histogenesis

46 Brown Fat Distribution

47 Multilocular Adipose Tissue

48 Comparison of the Yellow and Brown Fat Tissue


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