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Getting the Most out of a Athletic QB in the YDW 2008 DWS Web Clinic Jack Gregory © 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Most out of a Athletic QB in the YDW 2008 DWS Web Clinic Jack Gregory © 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Most out of a Athletic QB in the YDW 2008 DWS Web Clinic Jack Gregory © 2008

2 The Double Wing is a Four Back Offense! The Double Wing is much more effective with a fourth running back in the back field. QB Priorities: Leader of the offense: Must keep the team focused on the objective. Ball Handler BlockerPasser Ball Carrier (what we are going to discuss)

3 Placing an Athlete At QB 1)He does not have to be your best athlete. 2)Strong leadership skills and unselfish attitude. NO ME PLAYERS! 3)Focus on team welfare and team accomplishment. 4)The objective is to score six points. Does not matter who does it because it take the entire team to do so. 5)Find a player that like to fake and is patient. 6)Talk to him and teach him the system. Why you do things so that he can be a coach on the field for you.

4 Wedge Series QB Plays Buck Series 17 Brown Wedge/ 18 Black Wedge – QB naked bootleg – must get depth until he passes the BSTE and then attack the LOS Rocket Series 13 Laser Wedge/14 Rocket Wedge – QB belly on the sweep side – must spin tight off the PST’s hip and get into the hole. Fenton Wedge 17/18 Fenton Wedge – QB naked boot with WB/BB flood route for RUN/PASS option These plays can really take advantage of an athletic QB.

5 Power Series QB Plays We don’t have any specific plays built into the Power Series for the Quarterback. Instead we use a TAG method to take advantage of what the QB does and fully exploit what the defense is giving us. Four tags that are used: KEEPFOLLOWBOOTFUMBLE

6 KEEP TAG Tells the QB to keep the ball in his possession and carry out a bootleg run with the motion back wheel blocking the EMLOS. Rip 26 Seal: QB Offtackle with WB going wide to further open C gap. Rip 28 Monster Sweep: naked bootleg on backside Rip 35 Kick: Dash to outside with WB leading (can be bootleg) Rip 37 Reverse: Dash to outside with WB leading (can be bootleg) Rip 40 Wedge: Dash to outside with WB leading (can be bootleg) Rip 43 Kick: Dash to outside with WB leading (can be bootleg) KEEP GETS THE QB OUTSIDE TO THE PERIMETER (D GAP)

7 FOLLOW TAG Tells the QB to keep the ball and follow the called runner. Adds a lead blocker to the play (original ball carrier). Rip 26 Seal: QB Offtackle AB leading into the hole. Rip 28 Monster Sweep: QB spin and follow AB to the D gap. Rip 35 Kick: QB spin and follow the CB into the C gap. Rip 37 Reverse: QB spin and follow the CB into the D gap; get depth. Rip 40 Wedge: QB spin and get into the wedge. Rip 43 Kick: QB spin and follow the BB into the C gap. ADDS A SPIN FLAVOR TO THE POWER SERIES W/ LEAD BLKR

8 BOOT TAG Tells the QB to bootleg on normal path and he will have a RUN/PASS OPTION with first receiver outside running a delayed bench route. Rip 26 Seal: QB boots play side and reads CB. Rip 28 Monster Sweep: QB boots back side and reads BSTE. Rip 35 Kick: QB dash/bootlegs and reads BSTE. Rip 37 Reverse: QB dash/bootlegs and reads BSTE. Rip 40 Wedge: QB dash/bootlegs and reads BSTE. Rip 43 Kick: QB dash/bootlegs and reads BSTE Very simple and fast run/pass bootleg off of run action that puts pressure on the perimeter defenders.

9 Rip 26 Seal

10 Rip 26 Seal Keep

11 Rip 26 Seal Follow

12 Rip 26 Seal Fumble

13 Rip 26 Seal Boot

14 Rip 28 Monster Sweep

15 Rip 28 Monster Sweep Keep

16 Rip 28 Monster Sweep Follow

17 Rip 28 Monster Sweep Fumble

18 Rip 28 Monster Sweep Boot

19 Rip 35 Kick

20 Rip 35 Kick Keep

21 Rip 35 Kick Follow

22 Rip 35 Kick Fumble

23 Rip 35 Kick Boot

24 Rip 37 Reverse

25 Rip 37 Reverse Keep

26 Rip 37 Reverse Follow

27 Rip 37 Reverse Fumble

28 Rip 37 Reverse Boot

29 Rip 40 Wedge

30 Rip 40 Wedge Keep

31 Rip 40 Wedge Follow

32 Rip 40 Wedge Fumble

33 Rip 40 Wedge Boot

34 Rip 43 Kick

35 Rip 43 Kick Keep

36 Rip 43 Kick Follow

37 Rip 43 Kick Fumble

38 Rip 43 Kick Boot

39 Questions? Contact Info: Visit: WWW.DOUBLEWINGSYMPOSIUM.COM WWW.DOUBLEWINGSYMPOSIUM.COM Home of the National Double Wing Symposium

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